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About Alexshreds
- Birthday 12/29/1995
Alexshreds's Achievements

Grey Tider (1/37)
This is meant to be much stronger and more useful (should the tiberium be processed at science) than space vines but weaker than a blob mainly by restricting all offensive capabilities of tiberium other than spreading.
I've had a bunch of code sitting here doing nothing for awhile for a tiberium crystal based major event where a meteor with a tiberium core hits the station and spreads baby shards of tiberium in a small blast zone. After that, it's up to the competency of the crew, mainly engineers, to destroy these shards before they mature and replicate somewhat similar to a blob but with some unique aspects to it, which I'm not going to go through here. If anyone's up to it, you can help finish this project by creating some juicy sprites while I lack the experience and time to really make some good ones. I'll be sure to add anyone's name, this topic, and the corresponding post(s) to the PR if this is ever accomplished. (The final sprites must be in grey) Main Goals: Wall Crystals w/ 4 directions* Floor Crystals* Shattered Crystals Secondary Goals: Shattering Animation Pulse Glow Effect Shard Projectile * means these require multiple states of growth, minimum of 3 and your choice of how many
Page in question (optional): Guide to Food and Drinks Role(s) involved (optional): Chef Brief description of unclear/missing info: Bacon cooked at the grill with 1 raw bacon strip and raw cutlets slice-able into raw bacon with a knife needs to be added.
I'd love to work on something like this, but the biggest problem with giving buffs is balance. Inserts for clothing and some upgrades are going to have a drawback to them. On the other hand, minor upgrades or materials that require super special materials from both mining and chemistry plus require time to make may see past some drawbacks. Also, blacksmithing for professional corporations is a thing of the past today. In 2560? They'd probably hire metallurgical engineers and machinists.
Sometimes I like to take pictures okay...
What's that? Another poll for new computers? I've had enough of this democracy! Make it stop! The time window is extended to a week now instead of one day. So more time = more votes = more feedback = more ??? = more profit. Colored computers are just frames styled to a department. So all R&D frames will be white and purple, sec frames will be red, etc. Here's an example for command computers. Current Frames: New Frames:
Huh so adding an option to the poll resets all the votes. Oh well, better now than later.
I made a git proposing new colored frames depending on the department (red for sec, white and purple for R&D, etc). Some would rather the frames stay the same, others like the new frames. Also, the pictures on git are older, I've made these in conjunction with what people have told me so far. I'm just going to work on which ever is voted for the most. Here's a little sample of the command frames: Current Frames: New Frames:
If it bugs you too much, I might just throw that out and remake a complete new one.
That was my first attempt, but I found that laying the horizontal sticks made me able to place them in greater numbers and with better symmetry with the whole vest itself. I could have enlarged the vest to fit it better for that, but ZomgPonies wanted it to be around the size of a security vest without being too large.
Personal bomb vest for Ponies new Taliban DS. Not much to say other than it's a black vest with old school dynamite strapped to it and a detonator cord leading from the left arm. I think being shot by a laser in the chest would make it automatically detonate anyway. http://speedy.sh/689wn/Bomb-Vest.dmi *Edit: Shaded the dynamite sticks darker and changed other pieces of the suit.
Hey everyone! I have been searching countless servers for well over a year to actually be part of their community and RP. I thought I had it plenty of times only to see the server eradicated shorty after things were good. I hope the same controversy does not happen on this server but who knows. From what I have seen anything can go down. I have been playing SS13 for almost 2 years now. Although, I have not played for a few months recently since some "accident" with a bunch of monkeys behind keyboards threw up all over their screens. :l I mean some of the crap that went down was just the biggest hypocritical facepalm. Anyways, I don't see why it would happen to this server yet. My real name is Alex and I retrieved the 'shreds' part from my friend a long long long long long time ago (in case you wanted to know). I used to play on Goonstation, LLA and the main TG servers for awhile until being fed up with the griff and went to slightly smaller servers focused around light RP. I grew into a habit of using as many colors as I could. (true beauty in forum posts) I searched though many server until coming across a server called Eden. When I joined the community for the first time the host decided to stop but gave his code to the public. This branched more server off like Adam Station, Rocket Station, Titan Station and then the new New Eden. So far Titan Station is the only one left standing but is dying out. Through the time New Eden's heart was beating, I applied for trial-mod and rose to the rank of SuperAdmin. The story behind to the whole force that brought the community down is quite long and I won't post it here, but shit hit the fan HARD. The community tore itself apart and the Host had a major problem with his VPN in which he stopped hosting plus a lot of other horrible things. I was so fed up of the bull that went on I stopped playing SS13 for a long period of time. Now my hopes are back up somewhat. However, if you dare try to do the same thing that happened in the community I will find out where you live and you won't be able to sleep for the rest of your life. That pretty much sums up most of my history with SS13. I used to be on quite a bit but now it's hard for me to tell when I will be on. I love light RP and hopefully this will make my dreams of actually being about to be part of a community and RP for once come true :3. I don't think I could survive another Eden nightmare.