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About JellyBeanerz

  • Birthday 02/27/2002

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JellyBeanerz's Achievements

Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. I think it would be pretty cool if the CE replaced their standard issued RCD with a Combat RCD, making their ability to construct greater, while also adding a new twist to antag CEs -It would be labeled as a high risk item since it can remove reinforced walls which would make a lot of antag jobs much easier. -the 500 matter cap. would be super nice. -they already star with an advanced belt why not make them super engineers all the way?
  2. thank you daut
  3. So I just hit 100 consecutive hours of playtime on the server So I was wondering, what's everyones playtime? I'd still consider myself a newbie so I'm hoping to see some crazy numbers
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