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Hello everyone who are interesting in this topic (hello engineers main) This suggestion touch topic about Early round SM explosions, as we know, there are many people who don't know how SM work or how to set it up, there is guide but its not clear enough for new people to comprehend, on top of that there was discussion on discord about SM early game exploding... and someone send very interesting picture... So.. i tough.. hey! why we don't make it like this? (with some adjustements) General: - SM would be contained inside structure and filled with gasses like its now (you will just don't see it) - You will have panel/console with will show how much gass (and with type), radiation and how much power it generate, with addional stuff like emergency N2 injections (needs pipes connected to it with all stuff like fuel and coolant) - If you want to power it up, you need link up special rod with you need shoot with laser, it will power generator igniter and start up generator. Critical overload: - When SM get to critical mass it will enable alarms and special animation of moving cells will play (like in this chernobyl trailers). SM Explosion: - When SM explode it will always create small radius of explosion but in exchange it will emit very strong radiation (range same like normal SM explosion, just only for radiation). - When SM explode and spread radiation it will also create "radioactive dust" around SM, with will be stuck if you try walk/lay or do anything in this dust, it can be picked up by beakers (making beaker radioactive), dust itself its gray and don't glow. Counter Measures: - When talking on discord, someone sugested to use "Diphenhydramine" for cleaning radiation from objects, water is okay, but it only removes "radioactive dust" not "irradiated" issue (like people, not objects). - Diphenhydramine will be used in something similar to janitor water tank sprayer, but renamed and changed color to look like its used for decontamination, you spray it on radiated tiles and on dust to decontaminate them, and you leave "foam" tile (i believe there is texture of like white foamed like tile) - New ERT called... "Decontamination ERT" (someone can make better name for this), this ERT specializes in decontaminating effects of SM explosion, they would be in "Anti-Hazard HardSuit" with equipped "Decontamination" gear to deal with radiation. If you ask me why all of this for, i will say: it make it kinda fool-proof, and calling ERT to repair it... it take too long to repair it, lets be honest, when is fucked up, better just make thermal engine as ERT than repair SM chamber, and bring some "fun" to play as new ERT, just decontaminate stuff. P.S. if someone want, they can change chemical for decontamination, if they think Diphenhydramine is bad option.
Hello There, i got interesting idea for new ghost role, with is connection of cargo and botany, let me explain: Whole idea is based around growing crops and using small cargo ship, to send and sell crops, then you use money/points you earned to order special items, it work similar to cargo, but it dont contribute to station goal, have custumized choices and its more for private use only. You wake up as Diona, tools/objects you have in surroundings are: shovel, lamp, chest with few seeds, small cargo pod with console what allow you to send and recall pod. (water tank and bucket too) Your main objective is to upgrade your equipement to get more and more tools / seeds / electronics etc. but you are not forced to, you can choose how you want to expand and buy from shippement. Its like playing golem, but instead of RnD "growth" you use Cargo custom shipements as your "growth".
I played few times as Sentient Sword, and its kinda sad how pointless it existence kinda is... yes its RP role only, but it can't even make choices or even "suicide", one time my owner died by terror outbreak and i was forced to ahelp because you can't suicide. So i tough of making Sentient Sword more interesting, and i will show few concepts: 1. Outside Look: Concept A: Awaken Sentient Sword will have not fully choosed form, blade can choose its "look" (kinda how chaplain have ability to choose his holy weapon look) Concept B: Awaken Sentient Sword will have randomly choosed form when awaken. 2. Abilities: (this one is optional) Concept A: Awaken Sentient Sword can choose ability it have, for example: Poison, Fire, Electrocution, etc. Concept B: Awaken Sentient Sword abilities will be depending on blade look, for example: electric looking sword will electrocute people when hit (making them shaky) Concept C: Awaken Sentient Sword abilities will depend on owner who awaken it, for example: if vampire awakens blade, blade will become "crimson" type, with will allow to "suck and store" blood from victims with can be used to heal owner OR use its owner blood to make it deal stronger damage. 3. Bonding: Concept A: When blade is awaken, it give blade ability to aknowledge person holding it as master, so when blade is stollen, person who stole it can't weld it. Concept B: Sentient Sword can be bounded by person by using blood as "sealing pact" this will make blade forcefully bounded to person (kinda like pAI owner print) Concept C: Sentient Sword can be forcefully bonded or aknowledge its owner (option A and B) but get ability to break bond if it think owner its not worth it (blade can change its owner if it wish to) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QoL suggestions: - Give Sentient Sword ability to "Suicide", when command is used it will create message "You are falling back into deep sleep", and you will be sended to ghost, blade will still have name and form, blade what suicide can be re-awakened again but it will be rolled among ghost people. - Give Sentient Sword ability to "Choose" if it want hurt people or not, blade have "Help" or "Harm" intent (with do nothing btw), where blade can choose if it want harm person (choosing "harm" will deal full blade damage), but if you don't want to hurt someone, choosing "Help" will deal -80% damage to target what got hit, it will deal impact damage but not harm itself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visuals Suggestions: when Sentient Sword is first time found, it would look like crystal or "square" (somethign like katana is from crystal), when awaken it will change sprite to not fully shaped sword (deformed), but when it will have choosed form it will be looking like blade. (order depend of choosed concept, if blade is instantly choosed, then "deformed blade look" is not needed) Random toughts: I wish for Sentient Sword to be worthy loot and interest choices, it would be interesting to see people using Sentient Sword to fight megafauna and be more popular than its now... simple mob for only RP choice...
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Soo... i like to play pAI but its sad how it is partially useless it is, yes it have door jack, some huds and stuff, but i wish that there was more "types" of pAI and more softwares depending on interactions. pAI hackign and softwares: Give person ability to "hack" pAI software and enable blocked functions for pAI's with normal software don't support, like: [10] Elastic Chassis - Allow pAI to vent crawl [10] Size Change - Allow pAI to "hide" under objects or crawl under doors [20] Sensitive Lenses - Allow pAI see better in darkness (something like unathi/voulp darkness vision) [15] Stable Body - Give pAI ability to drag "small" objects or other pAI's [5] Body Bonded - pAI will suicide if its owner die (automatical) [10] Recording Memory - Give pAI ability to record 30seconds of tape before need to clear it, owner need click "print record" in pAI menu pAI have 8 cables, each of them is responsible for pAI functions, such as: Speaking - pAI will be unable to speak (OFF) only you can hear "..." or "...!" when pAI speak (like with genetics defect) Vision - pAI will be unable to see if vision cable is OFF Movement - pAI will be not able to move by itself, only if someone pull it (OFF) Radio - pAI will be unable to hear radio. (OFF) Softwares - If OFF it block ability to use softwares. Anti-Illegal Software - if OFF, allow pAI to download "illegal" softwares. Imprint - If OFF it will remove master imprint on pAI. Orders - If "Changed" it will clear Orders list. More types: I wanted to include Syndicate pAI, syndicates get ability to buy for X TC "syndicate pAI software" with allow normal pAI to buy and use illegal syndicate softwares and they will have syndicate override (its one time buy item) Syndicate pAI can have some usefull functions like: [20] Micro Laser - Help uncuff targeted person by cutting cufs, speed depends on cuffs types (it take -50% less time to uncuff than normally) [40] Mini Taser - Tase Target, with will apply "electrocuted" effect on person (1 second knock down and hard stun after, for 3seconds), can be only used once every 15 seconds. [35] Chemical Injector - Give pAI ability to store fluids with can be injected, because of pAI small size, it can only store 10-15u of any liquid and inject it instantly into anyone. (there will be alert like "you feel tiny prick!" without sound of injection) [or there can be list of fluids it dont support if its too strong option] Syndicate pAI get "hacked" pAI softwares too. QoL suggestions: - Give pAI option to suicide when it don't want to play by using /suicide. - Give pAI its own screen buttons, like "unfold", "collapse", "software". - Give pAI ability to see its own "screen" like how owner can see when inspecting pAI. - When ghosting and "Apply Personality", give ability to "Cancel Personal Apply", because you apply as pAI, lets say: on beginning of round you apply your pAI personality, and wait like 30minutes, no one choose you in this time range then you decide you don't want to be pAI anymore, because you can't cancel it, and get holopara roll for example, you wait for roll, then instantly got snapped to reality as pAI and you missed roll... P.S. All costs above can be choosed by someone who will ever try make this as PR You can say your own suggestions in comments, because i know pAI can be better but idk if its too much.
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Right now "cuffing" to chair require you to be handcuffed, and someone need to "seat" you in chair with made you automatically "cuffed" to it, and when you break from it, you still have handcuffs on hands but you are not sitting in chair anymore, with basically don't make logical sense in first place, so i have Two (2) suggestions: A: When you cuff person to chair, it use their cuffs to attach person to it, so when they "unbuckle" it break restains and unbuckle you from chair at same time. (time for unbuckling can be increased from 60s to 90s if 60 is too short time) B: You are cuffed and placed on chair, you need handcuff (again) person "legs" to make them cuffed to chair, so when they "unbuckle" they will be unbuckled from chair but still have handcuffs on hands. C: Both suggestions mentioned above. (A and B)
[Ven's] Idea how to Change Barber to be more interesting.
Venuska1117 replied to Venuska1117's topic in Suggestions
can we get costumes too pleasseeee? I can't wait to see security beating someone randomly for wearing werewolf costume, because they tought its real :> -
For actual moment, barber is least fun job avaliable (we don't count assistant here, assistants don't do job) because its very rare to get someone willing to have hairjob, i tough of change in this job, Instead of "Barber" or "Hair Stylist" just change it to "Stylist" so its not *binded* to hairs exclusively. Stylist have access to more tools, machines and any sort of stuff, for example, stylist can make masks, clothes, costumes, hairs, makeups and even more, it would allow for person playing this job have more stuff to do, but it require making more than just hairs and even in future allow create new cover for lesser robots like cleaning, healing or even beepsky (for example making roomba cover from metal sheet or paper as stylist for cleaning bot, so it will look like roomba after robotics equip it on robot). In short this job would offer virety of choices and would be very interesting place to obtain items like clothes for specific jobs, or funny looking costume of werewolf or other creatures, potential there is kinda limitless.
there can be just one animation of unfolded part like on image and it would be enough, it dont need be fancy.
well you can use same drape during multiple surgeries on one person, just dont take it off operated person, or it will apply infection when apply dirty again on person who need surgery.
As title say, in game you can find as miner (in crashed alien spaceships) Medical Drapes, but its useless item what is just item for look, but i got more interesting idea. If you do surgery without Medical Drapes you will make more bloody mess, when you do surgery what require using medical saw to cut bones, it will shoot blood around, and it have big chance to make patient cover in their own blood and you get too! (when you fail surgery it have guaranteed chance to make you covered in blood or patient will get covered in it or even both) To Fix this, now medbay start with Medical Drapes, and you need put them on person before surgery to remove most of blood spills, just put medical drape on person and choose body part for surgery (Medical Drape sprite will change sprite depend where you do surgery), after doing surgery, only thing what is bloody is Medical Drape and your Gloves, Room is clean and your patient is clean! no more mess! Just remember to wash Blooded Medical Drapes after surgery, we don't want infection there! Medical Drape can be used on: Surgery Table Roller Bed Holo Bed (the one from RnD work like roller bed but its compact, forgot name) Tables (if emergency need it) Questionable ones: Closed Body Bag Can be crafted from 6 cloths If you don't care about higene, you can go all way in and make whole room in blood Imagine this Medical Drapes, but functional in game :)
[Ven's] Idea to add vaccum upgrade to Janitor pumpkin ride
Venuska1117 posted a topic in Suggestions
Once i searched trough PR's i saw that, there was PR about using broom (https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/20629) to push trash inside cart with trashbag on it to "pick up" trashes... So i got idea of vaccum upgrade for Janitor Pumpkin Ride, when you ride trough item on ground what is compatible with trashbag, it would be picked up and stored in attached trashbag, of course it will not accept trashes bigger than trashbag can hold. After talking on discord there was link from other person of exactly similar idea from different server: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/59925 -
"Forum" chat on Discord for Ideas (aka suggestions)
Venuska1117 replied to Venuska1117's topic in Suggestions
If you ask me why, its just because more people use discord this days, i can't give you sadisfactory example, because "website" forum and "discord" forum are similar in function, only difference is activity on these places, what i noticed forum is more rarely visited than discord, this website people come to only to make ban appeals or check out stuff. -
As title say, i want to suggest "Forum" chat, what is new feature on discord, to make #ideas / #suggestion Forum, what have same/similar function like this forum, if you ask why, its because i once asked codder if he saw some specific sugestion, but he resonded: "I don't check forum, i only check discord and github", so it would be nice, if people with coding have fast access to #ideas "forum" on discord, some people give very interesting ideas/suggestion but not everyone want to check this website, and everyone would be able to write them on discord and discuss them. And you can create "Tags" in discord forum if you want ideas be "specific" category and give emotes to it, its very customizable function, it don't take much time to set it up. We have #mapping, #coding etc. sp have #ideas/#suggestions (forum) would be organized and fun. There photo how "forum" look like, its from other ss13 discord server (i will not say name, i don't want to promote or something, just example how it will look like)
I made this topic as suggestion, i kinda played terraria and i liked that, there was special boos-fight music, i wish you have same on lavaland, except it only start playing when you are targetted by megafauna (so you know you are screwed).
i have nothing against making disease for xenos, but i would like it, if you need like xeno blood to create virus at virology what is specially for xenos, it would be good after xeno expand dramatically, because get mid-round xeno roll, where you are sick as larva on dizziness kinda dumb... and about organs implant penality, for example installing xeno note would make you undestand xenos, talk xenos and hivemind, but you "lose" understanding of common galactic, and when it talk galactic common, you understand it as very drunk person where you can't understand words he say, but still can use PDA to communicate or piece of paper. Implanting reproductive xenos organs (the ones what make weeds and xeno eggs) should make person with it is "biohazard" and need be killed without mercy.