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  1. Sometimes admins catch the smallest RP infractions and other times it feels like no holds barred and anything can happen. This instance is largely the latter mixed with a power hungry security force. Considering the questionable nature of the events that take place all names have been altered or changed to protect them from further issues regarding this round. NSS Farragus 0:23:01 - RED ALERT The arrivals' shuttle is deceptively quiet. A code red notification sounds - 'Extreme Structural Damage'. I organize my medical gear and rush to medical. The long journey is marked by the recently bombed out remnants of command, botany, kitchen, and maintenance. The sterile, quiet interior of medical reflected a lack of success in the terrorizing of the crew. 0:38:15 "...they're locking us up in Perma because the HoP gave us AA without our knowing!" Our paramedic "Braulio" had recently left the HoP line to rescue a freshly irradiated body contaminating the cargo lobby. "Halt! Halt! Halt" A security officer "Grohl" and his partner appear at the end of the hall. Braulio freezes. "We need you to come straighten something out for us. It'll just be a moment, please come along, sir." He knows what this is about even if they haven't said anything. "The HoP gave out AA without my knowing, it's not my fault!" A door long since been blown off its hinges holds too much appeal. Braulio bolts down the corridor and disappears into maintenance. 0:42:30 The EVA suit storage has been broken into. The shudder was left open and a few closets have been raided. Braulio's fingerprints are found amongst others around the crime scene. The HoS comes in over the main communications channel, "The Paramedic was last seen spacing himself out of departures. Keep an eye out for an unknown spaceman floating around outside of your windows." 0:48:3 Dual wielding the crew tracker and biometrics log I have taken to replacing the paramedic's duties in lieu of the nearly vacant Med-bay. A dead prisoner's corpse has been left polluting Perma for the last half hour. I ask, "Could someone do something about the corpse in the brig?" "No, fuck off!" - HoS I have located a heavily intoxicated botanist dearly in need of charcoal and antihol near command. A seccie happens upon us between deep gulps from my proffered vial. "Have you been drinking tonight?" "waHT' nUhll?" "I'm going to need you to come with me, sir." "HwYy waHT' groUND's fer tAHT?" "Damage to station assets. You're an asset." The botanist tries to wobble away and is consequently tazed. Over the headset Braulio can be heard, "Five men are in perma for something the HoP had done without their knowing while a traitor is bombing the station to hell..." 0:55:01 Bubblegum managed to arrive at the station and is attacking the northern side of the ship. The paramedic has been seen rescuing injured crew while bobbing in and out of maintenance. Bodies would appear in Med-bay as if by magic followed by an entourage of security on the hunt. This cycle was broken by a series of arguments over Comms about Braulio's manhunt while he negotiated the charges being dropped. I and several from medical chime in with support. Braulio reentered Aft maintenance where he had left his rolling bed a while before. Grohl had grown wise to his behavior and had taken to hiding out of sight near his equipment. The seccies descend from the shadows. Missed stuns floor half and a poorly timed flashbang slowed the rest while he escaped. I was playing paramedic during one of the negotiation periods, helping an irradiated janitor while he mopped up old blood in the main corridor by command. We are graced with the sight of one of Braulio's infamous pursuits dragging a corpse. He times his footing over the puddles better than security. "BASTARD!" Grohl stands and returns to the chase while his partner takes to berating the janitor. The freshly mute custodian cannot respond and is harmbattoned to death and I am chased away with threats of detainment and deadly force. 01:13:37 A member of security stumbles into the surgery theater in critical condition after a bombing had taken his hearing and sight. Another surgeon and I make the executive decision to let him die. We stuff his corpse in the anesthesia locker after raiding him for his headset to listen in on security and assist Braulio. 01:19:08 The janitor's body remains in the main corridor untouched. The detective has been wasting a half hour investigating the murder only to report back inconclusively. Braulio has been forced into space indefinitely. Negotiations have been going in circles with offers for shorter sentences while mentioning plans to ambush and perma-brig him over the security comms. I warn him over PDA of their plans to help keep his resolve strong. "If you turn yourself in now we will only charge you for the theft of the EVA. 5 minutes is all you will have to serve." "Agreeing to serve any time would be an admission of guilt and I'm not guilty. You have forced me to do this. Clear my record of all charges." "You're wasting more time in space than you would if you just served your time." "Security is wasting resources chasing me while Bubblegum and traitors are tearing the station to shreds." I get a message on my PDA in response to a prior request I had made for him to message me if ever he needs assistance. Security had tried diminishing the growing unrest amongst the crew. "They've severed my communications. Can you act as my mouth until I figure that out?" "Anything else?" "I could use food, oxygen, and a jetpack for the time being. I don't have much longer I can last without. We will figure out a drop off when you're done." 01:26:22 I had raided oxygen lockers and stolen a jetpack and unopened pizza box from mining. Seccies notice me hacking my way out of cargo. I run out the back through disposals while they try breaking in from the lobby. 01:30:17 Our exchange was successful and a few doctors were soon after arrested for aiding and abetting. The entire security team's comms are occupied with security more interested in capturing the paramedic than managing any of the other issues aboard the NSS Farragus. The captain is shot in a crowded hallway, the northern half of the station is almost completely decompressed into space from Bubblegum's hull damage, and the discovery of a bomber's identity were all ignored for the man running around trying to do his job to the best of his ability. 01:47:05 A painfully needed Magistrate finally arrives. Peace talks are made between the paramedic and magistrate to relinquish all charges. 02:01:35 A mix of the medical teams intentional lack of care for members of security and the onboard hazards had left the entirety of security dead. The magistrate was willing to grant Braulio freedom and seeing as there was no one left to enforce the contrary he returned to his job and was able to relax without any worries for recourse.
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