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Everything posted by TullyBBurnalot

  1. Salt mode activated. It has recently come to my attention that my absolutely favorite mechanic (grits teeth) of chewing your hand off to evade arrest or escape being restrained doesn't function merely based on limb damage. It has, in fact, a flat 10% chance of instantly removing the limb. This led to an amusing situation today where I cablecuffed someone, they bit their hands once, and immediately escaped before Security swarmed me. Good times. I would therefore suggest that the 10% be removed, and that sanity be prevailed by having chewing do regular limb damage until the limb falls off. Good day.
  2. JONAH IS SMILING?! THIS IS HERESY! Also holy shit, that is exactly how I saw his limbs. ... Looks kinda creepy, actually. EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: Yes, 75% of Jonah's body is mechanical. This is why I hate lings.
  3. Also, as the guy behind this SoP (also thanks to Neca for refurbishing several points), I'd like to add this caveat: Breaching Standard Operating Procedure is grounds for termination, but, at the end of the day, actual termination of contract is left at the RELEVANT HEAD OF STAFF'S DISCRETION. Thank you, and have a nice day.
  4. One newly promoted trialmin to RUIN EVERYTHING.
  5. --- ESTABLISHING SECONDARY COMM ARRAY --- --- INPUT AUTHORIZATION CODE --- --- STERCORE --- --- PRIVATE COMMS CHANNEL OPENED --- Greetings, Slade. No barking shall be required, you seem to have... fixed it. Somewhat. Though my arms seem to now be completely organic. I... I don't know if I like this. I'd grown accustomed to the Bishops. Thanks anyway.
  6. Someone get Phantasmic on this.
  7. I don't blame you. At all. You sounded sane. I blame the HoS. *eye twitch*
  8. Few days late, but I added "Skip this" notes to the saw and retractor when handling lower body organ surgery. Hopefully, no more sawn-off legs.
  9. I fucking love you.
  10. I was the Brig Physician on call when Dmitri showed up with a traveling circus inside his cranium. I applied a fuckton of Ether. ... It didn't work.
  11. On the next round, I also made myself a cyborg recharger!
  12. A little Medbay outside of Medbay! My home as a Brig Physician!
  13. Hannah Shiba got a bit... overenthusiastic.
  14. I have seen this happen FAR too often to just go unnoticed. Picture this situation: Changeling/Vampire/Traitor gets caught, we have evidence that they're a changeling/vampire/traitor; Higher Authority orders a permabrigging due to offenses commited/just being an antag; Antag, who at this point is chained and buckled to a bed, decides to use a random ability/item/skill to annoy his jailors before he's left to rot in Perma; Powers that be immediately flip the !MUH VALIDS! switch and order a field execution, despite the fact that the antag is chained, buckled and incapable of fighting back This, in my honest opinion, is just another symptom of the illness that is validhunting. Command staff that have to be persuaded AT LENGTH not to execute every antag, but then immediately flip out the second they get the flimsiest reason to go back to the execution order. As such, I'd propose a modification to SoP/Spess Law: Permabrigging: If a prisoner is sentenced to the permabrig, and is confirmed to be properly contained, the sentence cannot be repealed in favor of another, such as execution or borgification, unless the prisoner becomes an active, immediate and verifiable threat to his/her jailors.
  15. From what I saw with my limited glimpses when I passed by Atmos, it wasn't set up to handle the plasma load properly. Or maybe I'm wrong and it just suffered a catastrophic meltdown.
  16. IIRC, the SM explosion happened because the cooling system was dysfunctional. *stares at engineering team with pure, distilled hatred*
  17. One of my biggest gripes with the forensics system right now is the fact that a changeling can brutally whack someone to death with a crowbar, then hold someone tight right next to them for about 20 seconds, stab them with a proboscis and suck out all their fluids... And leave no evidence. No prints, no DNA, no fibers. You'd think brutally assaulting someone and sucking all their fluids by basically chokeholding them would leave behind SOMETHING, but no. My proposal would be that grabbing someone, pulling someone, applying cuffs on someone, or otherwise just interacting with someone in a way that would involve direct physical contact would have a chance of leaving behind a print, fiber or, in rare occasions, a DNA string.
  18. James is actually a nice guy if you don't touch anything at all and leave everything as it is.
  19. Here's where you're wrong. It LOOKS like one. But it ain't.
  20. I'm billing you my heart medication bill.
  21. Considering I'm 70% mechanical anyway, nope!
  22. Rocco, blessed be thee. You're one of the few faces I enjoy seeing around Security. - Jonah
  23. This... I... Phantasmic, can I marry you? EDIT: Can I PLEASE get you to draw Jonah Bright, seeing as he's the one I play as mostly?
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