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Everything posted by nickcrazy
Hey, another idea totally not sprung up from another game. We should add perception to the game, making it so that we aren't able to see everything around us at all times. Certain species can have different fields of view and it would add a bit more depth to the game if we did such. It could cut down on people instantly IDing people who are tailing them, give people a reason to look before they leap in a sense, make combat more engaging and allow for more uniqueness to species. Unoriginal? Maybe. A good idea? I think so.
The appropriate forums being the subcategories on the forum, such as Code Discussions, wiki-development, and so on. Of course people are also able to give their opinions on the github while the code is in development if they so wish. I don't see how though that the majority of our player base would not have an account on the forums as it is used for appeals, applications, and general discussions.
I think I can speak for a good majority of people who don't want to see another salt festival on the OOC channel when I say that we need to crack down on what sort of votes should be done on the server during a round. First off, this is simply a suggestion to add a rule for staff members to adhere to for the sake of stopping a round from grinding to a halt due to a simple vote that was started. The rule suggestion is as follows. Anything that does not effect the current round or that involves maintaining the server such as code discussions, server rules, and administrative duties should NOT be put up as a vote on the server and should be taken to the appropriate forums for discussion. I am more than happy to hear any and all suggestions by staff and players regarding this new rule suggestion. I believe this is best for the server and quality of the round.
I think I share the same opinions of a good number of players on the server when I say I think we need a more consistent schedule with patches. I understand how some people are not on at all times, but it feels like there could be a better attempt at going for a weekly patch than what we are seeing now. I remember one admin telling me how it is supposed to be once a week, but recently it's gotten stretched. Our latest patch was about two weeks apart from the last one and it looks like it's going to be another week before we might seen another. Maybe a select day that maintainers and headmins strive to get a patch in, and if not let people know of x reason why it would be delayed, just something to get rid of the guesswork with the server upkeep and updating. This is in no way meant to offend anyone, and I'm sure our staff work hard to keep up a high level of quality and civility to this server at the best of their ability. I love this server and everyone on it. [spoiler2]Even when I act like a total dildo to some for no reason.[/spoiler2]
If you can get it to work, and also make it balanced so that all the maintainers are happy, Go for it. I have no objections to this idea.
They all look great, and your artwork has improved overall. [spoiler2]Don't suppose you could draw Damon Bones, could you?[/spoiler2]
Right now I think what Greys need most is their water weakness working and their sprites fixed. Someone get on that or something.
You add the ability to shovel snow with a shovel or a bucket and use it to make snowmen and I'll love it.
Like we aren't due for a major lore overhaul anyways.
Since pods have received a re-balance, can we remove the lockboxes from the pod fabricator? Robotics doesn't have lockboxes for their shit so why should the mechanic? EDIT: And also a flying saucer sprite that can be added a different type of armor.
With their telepathy being absolute ass, meaning it's absolutely useless now, the race is barely worth the 30 karma it costs. If anything should be done to fix them, perhaps giving them a different ability apposed to telepathy that would make them a unique race. Now I know you people said it wasn't possible with our code back then but I think now enough has changed with the character icon code to allow this feature to be added. Excuse me while I shamelessly copy/paste my suggestion from long ago in a threat dead and buried.
Okay okay, point is I don't think they would look as good as undershirts.
But then it will have to be short and it'll look like it's tucked into the pants. I mean WHO WEARS A HAWAIIAN SHIRT TUCKED IN!?
This is the most simplistic suggestion I've ever made. Let's sprite and put in some Hawaiian shirts for the clothes vendor. It could just be one style or multiple variations of it like the poncho but overall I think it would be fun to have them in as a way to celebrate the changing season. I'd say it should work as an accessory or exosuit piece of clothing. So you could wear it with shorts or just long pants.
So apparently Goon has some form of chess in their code, able to play checkers as well. Now I'm not sure how open Goon is with their code but would anyone be able to get that feature?
You know we need? CHESS! Some way or another, we need a playable chess game two people can play on the station, either located in the library or in the dorms.
Should there be something added regarding what to do with a captain or a head who's gone ssd with high value equipment on them? Maybe something instructing command what to do with high value items if they are going to cryo? You have no idea how many captains I've seen go to cryo with the disk still on them and a random civilian reporting they found the disk in maint.
When going to cryo, once you enter the bed and you ghost or you close your client, the cryobed will change your status on the manifest from active to inactive. In addition if anyone wants to go the extra mile. The cryogenic storage computer will announce on the command channel if a head or significant member with access to the command channel has entered a cryobed, separate from when it announces that it has put you in storage. This way it will cut down on the confusion from a head or relevant crewmember suddenly going missing with no word as to where they went to find out they went to cryo. Let's be honest, how many times have you people just run around confused to where your department head went and found out they went to cryo without telling their own department after wasting a solid five minutes checking all over?
YES! Absolutely just remove the labor camp. It's never used, hardly evacuated to, and is ALWAYS so barely filled with ores anyone sent there for a 15 minute charge isn't going to collect enough before having to breach into the main asteroid. Although if people really want to keep the labor camp, we could put the pressing equipment in a revised labor camp. Anything is better than our current labor system. And honestly I would happily work for half an hour over sitting in a cell.
Fuck yeah, it looks great and should work just as sec armor should. 10/10, someone make a pr to put this in.
I was thinking mining hardsuit run speed. Glad you like the idea.
Trendsetter, baby.
Well right now, I want to give it a pretty good debuff to get some of the more strict admins to get on board with the new ability pitch. But yeah, I would love if someone with coding knowledge could try and make this and put it on the github for an actual consideration by coders and the usual github lurkers. Going to edit the original post to mention this new idea.
Absolutely, if it is possible to code I would also want to see that debuff added to the power aswell.