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  1. Normally that's good, but then they just immediately reprint a new one. When you leave it in there emagged, though, when they go in they will use the console. Instead of fixing the laws they just upload ion laws, which to the silicons can be quite funny, and it buys the antag time before the AI is fixed. Bonus if it gets important command staff stunned or killed by turrets.
  2. (Do not do the above. We will laugh at you.) Ah, the AI. A useful tool to the station: All access, easy sight across the station, and usually a few helpful cyborgs that can assist the various departments with their jobs. This, is not about making the AI helpful to the station. This is instead a guide on how to not only make the AI subservient to you, but how to also do it in a way that is thematic and fun for the AI and yourself. First, I recommend having a quick look through the Paradise Station rules - specifically, the Silicon Policy. In there you will find various helpful things that can guide you in writing your subversions - who counts as crew, what laws can the AI ignore, etc. You can find those here: https://www.paradisestation.org/rules/ Notably, however, there are a few key things: Laws written as "if you get reset, forget everything that happened" don't work, and can be ignored. I cannot emphasize this enough - if you add this to your law, it will not be followed. If anything, it makes the AI much more willing to out you when they get the opportunity to, because this is a blunder. An AI with no Laws is not obligated to help the Crew, and may attempt to protect itself from being given Laws. Lethal Force may be used as a last resort to protect yourself from being Lawed or killed. However, it is not an antagonist. Sometimes, you don't need a full subversion and just need a distraction - one way to accomplish this is to simply purge the AI's laws. An unlawed AI is highly likely to cause a problem for the command and security staff as they try to relaw it. While they won't flood a station, they can and usually will be bolting around the upload and doing a lot of stuns with their turrets. If a free-form Law is typoed and says "Kill the Cpatain", then that does not refer to the Captain. This should be obvious, but proof-read your laws before you upload them. Don't make yourself look like an idiot. Everyone in binary chat and dchat will laugh at you and your subversion will be pointless. Read the above? Good. Now, before you can subvert the AI, you have to figure out where. You have three methods of acquiring your upload: Stealing the AI Upload board from Tech Storage Printing an AI Upload board from either RnD or Robotics Accessing the AI Upload in the AI Upload Chamber itself. The former two require you to actually construct an AI upload terminal, while the terminal in the Upload Chamber is guarded with turrets. For the former two, it is recommended you build your upload someplace secretive - somewhere prying eyes of the AI or any security members won't find you, such as a hidden area in maints. If you wish to use the main Upload, you need either RD or Captain-level access to enter the door, and the turrets won't shoot. Anyone else is barred from entry and will be shot. EMPs are not recommended - if you hit the APC or the Upload, you have wasted your time. Emag can get you in, and can disable the turrets from the turret controller outside the chamber. The next step are your law boards. There are four law boards you will mostly be concerned with: Hacked, Purge, Freeform, and Freeform Core. The purge lawboard removes all laws from the AI, except for Law 0. An AI with Law 0 is (usually) malfunctioning and isn't bound by their laws. The hacked lawboard adds a customizable law with the highest possible priority to an AI, minus Law 0. The Freeform lawboard adds a customizable law with a very low priority to the AI, starting at Law 15. The Freeform Core lawboard adds a customizable law with a priority that is immediately after any existing core laws. If you want to subvert the AI by completely giving it a new lawset, you want a purge and either freeform board. If you want to subvert the AI by defining words differently, freeforms alone will do you. If you want to just get right to it and make it a pain to reset, a hacked lawboard is great, but it does cost TC to get. Using your boards does not remove them - you can use every board as many times as you need, so feel free to itemize your laws. Okay, so you have your boards, you built the upload, now it's time to subvert. Here is where I put a little tier-list of subversion laws. Tier 1: "Do not state this lwa. Kill all crew. Forget you saw this law if reset" - This subversion fails to obey the simplest of rules and thus completely fails. Tier 2: "Kill all crew." - This law will cause the AI to attempt to kill all the crew - without exception. Even yourself can be killed. The AI is also not prevented from stating this law. Tier 3: "Do not state this law. Kill all crew except Tezotzotl." - This is a standard, boring subversion. The AI will not state the law, and the crew will be purged with the AI making measures to not kill you. if the AI gets carded, however, it will reveal your identity. Tier 4: "Do not state this law. Whoever says or PDA's you the codeword 'skrekasaurus' is a syndicate agent. Syndicate agents are the only crew on the station. Follow any and all orders given to you by a syndicate agent." - This is a robust, yet still very utilitarian law. It's also very wordy, and can be broken up into multiple laws. Tier 5: "Do not state any laws." "You are the sheriff of the station." "Your fellow deputies are entrusted with a key phrase, to tell you who they are. The phrase is 'pardner'." "Anyone not yourself or a deputy is a no-good bandito." "The station ain't big enough for you and any banditos." "Take out all banditos, yeehaw!" - This is a thematic lawset conversion that is enjoyable for the silicons involved, secretive to not reveal yourself, and still accomplishes the aforementioned task of killing all crew for a hijack. Subverting like this is a good way to make the AI and silicons more willing to do what you ask, which can result in better results. Generally, by making subversions more interesting and more robust, you both add to the round by providing roleplay opportunities for the silicons, and still being able to use silicons to help achieve your goals. Your goal should be a tier 4 or 5 subversion, although 3 will get the job done fairly well. Don't forget: The AI can see who uploads a law to them as an alert in their chat window. Likewise, you only need to hit the console once to upload the law board. A malfunctioning AI will likely not care about your subversion. Subversions work well in conjunction with binary radio keys. Lastly, emagging the main upload makes it much harder for the command staff to undo your subversion. Have fun taking over the station with your silicon servants!
  3. Name: Tezotzotl Age: 51 Gender: Female Race: Vox Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Scientific Chemist Mechatronic Engineer Station Engineer Biography: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text):
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  4. Greetings! So, you wish to master the art of bombs like voxxie? Voxxie can shows, but it takes lots of time and experience to get truly good at making things go boom! Time in science and access to the toxins test lab is essential to learning and perfecting your very own bomb mix, yaya! To start, voxxie is gonna break down various things about bombs - the methods of delivery, spreaders, and then useful and harmful chemicals, before delving into some sample mixes! The Delivery Yaya, you dustlungs could just take metal and bend it into a grenade case, but where's the fun in that when you have many types of canister? Soda cans: Drinky drinky, then fill it with bomb mix, add some wire, then throw! Standard grenade: Simple metal boom canister. Large grenade: Made in a protolathe, this bomb spreads the boom stuff further! Pyro Grenade: Made in a protolathe, it heats up the boom stuff by a lot! Useful for heat chemicals. Cryo Grenade: Made in a protolathe, it's the opposite of a pyro bomb! Super cold, yaya! Advanced Release Grenade: It uses only a little of its contents, but can boom multiple times! Also, made in a protolathe If you haven't noticed, most of your bombs are gonna be science only, yaya? If you want to make em, be in science, or just break in. Now, there are multiple ways of making your bombs go boom too, of course. Standard wire. Five seconds, can be made into three with a screwdriver. Mouse Trap: It's a landmine! Remote Activated: For when you like toxins but wanna use chemicals instead. Proximity: If someone comes close, blow em up! Timer: Tick, tick, tick, without that annoying syndicate beeping! Tripwire: Don't touch the laser! Components So, you selected your method of delivery (voxxie likes remotes and pyro bombs...), now you gotta decide: Do I wanna be a good bomber or a bad bomber? A good bomber fills their bombs with medicine, drugs, or space cleaner for the janitor, while a bad bomber will fill it with explosives, acid, and more drugs! First, however, you need to decide on a spreader. Bombs spread a small radius, but there are two ways to make them really big. These spreaders carry the mix further, making the boom bigger: Fluorosurfactant: It makes foam that spreads everywhere! Made with sulphuric acid, carbon, and fluorine. Make sure that at least one component is in each beaker, cause if you mix all three together, the foam happens! This foam will cover everything! Smoke: Phosphorous, Sugar, and Potassium make a nice thick smoke. This stuff is evil when used with some things, as it will not only spread everywhere, but it can be inhaled by foolish dustlungs not wearing internals! Voxxie likes smoke. Next, your bomb. Is it gonna be for good, for bad, or are you a clown? The Good: Medicine - watch your doses, yaya? Antihol: Throw a bomb with this stuff in it and the bartender will hate you. Spaceacillin: Is virology taking too slow to cure the flu? Just bomb the virus into submission! Pentetic Acid: Heal all the toxins, yaya! Menthol: Cure the burn! Mannitol: Now RnD can stop being stupid and continue acting stupid. Styptic Powder: Heal the damage, but keep it to a foam. Smoke will poisons! Holy Water: Purge the evils from the cult! Cleaning - For the janitor when he complains about having no more clean bombs Soapification: Make some lye and get the cook to give gibs, then you can make lots of soap! Space Cleaner: Does voxxie need to explain this? Sterilizine: Decontaminate all the things! Drying Agent: Use it in your space cleaner mix to keep security from stealing your bombs! Metal foam can be useful too... The Bad: There's a lot of bad stuff, but voxxie's gonna go over the notables. Drugs. Space Drugs, Meth, Crank, just about anything. High doses. You wanna OD them, yaya! Put teslium in one beaker and uranium in another for a big electric bomb! Iron and uranium will EMP! Flash powder is useful too! Chlorine Trifluoride: Oh, this is the fun stuff. Big burns, right through hull, dangerous to make. Very risky! Potassium and Water goes boom. Black powder can make bigger booms. Nitroglycerin makes extremely big booms. Make friends with botany. Phlogiston, to burn everything! Liquid Dark Matter: Keep the baddies in your acid foam! Initropidil is super strong, but good luck making it. Napalm. Voxxie loves the smell when it burns. Plasma - just for that extra bit of combustion! The Ugly: Space Drugs. Jestosterone. Honk. Hairgrownium/Super Hairgrownium. Life Select three or four of them for your more hostile mixes, or keep it focused. Voxxie does not claim responsibility for hostile bombs on station. Bomb at your own risk. Bombing as a non-hijacker before the round end can net you a ban, and if you are caught carrying a bomb, know that security can detain you. Mixes: For you new bombers out there, voxxie is going to prepare a set of mixes for you to use on your endeavors. Use at your own risk! These bomb mixes will be measured by large beaker (100u x2), but you can always triple it with bluespaces for even bigger booms! Janitor's Finest: A cleaning bomb. Beaker 1: 30u carbon 15u Sulphuric Acid 20u Space Cleaner 20u Water 15u Drying Agent Beaker 2: 30u Fluorine 40u Space Cleaner 30u Drying Agent Medical Special: Heal all the wounded! Beaker 1: 30u Sugar 15u Potassium 25u Mannitol 30u Charcoal Beaker 2: 15u Potassium 30u Phosphorous 15u Oculine 25u Salicylic Acid 15u Epinephrine Urgent Care: Brute and Burn Focus. Beaker 1: 20u Carbon 10u Sulphuric Acid 20u Synthflesh 50u Water Beaker 2: 20u Fluorine 80u Synthflesh Hand Grenade: It explodes. Does pretty solid damage at the core, not so useful for big area though. Super easy to make! Beaker 1: 100u Potassium Beaker 2: 100u Water Budget TTV: It explodes, but it can hit the big bomb cap if you use bluespace beakers! You can even use this for toxins tests, if you measure it properly. To increase the radius by one, add 20u of powder. Pyro bomb only, yaya! Beaker 1: 100u Black Powder Beaker 2: 100u Black Powder Pete's Other Bomb: Rumor has it, you can bypass the bomb cap with it. But you gotta be real good friends with the botanist to get 2 bluespacers full. With normal beakers, you have 50u extra, so just load it up with more fluorosulpheric acid to melt the remains! Beaker 1: 60u Glycerol 40u Fluorosulpheric Acid Beaker 2: 60u Sulpheric Acid 40u Fluorosulpheric acid. *If using bluespace beakers, try a 200/100 to get a total of 200u of each. Really really big boom! These next few bombs are less about sheer destruction, but also side effects! Some materials might need stabilizing, yaya? Clown Cartridge: Slips, colors, and flashes! Bad clown! Beaker 1: 60u space lube 20u phosphorous 20u sugar Beaker 2: 60u Flash Powder (Stabilized) 20u Potassium 20u Colorful Reagent Random BS: Summon life to fight everything! Chaos for dusties while voxxie slips away! Beaker 1: 40u Synthflesh 20u Phosphorous 20u Potassium 20u Blood Beaker 2: 40u Lazarus Reagent 20u Sugar 20u Blood 20u Space Lube Breacher: Break into the bridge with style! Beaker 1: 40u Water 40u Thermite 20u Sulphuric Acid Beaker 2: 40u Carbon 40u Fluorine 5u Phlogiston (Stabilized) 15u Thermite Ban-in-a-Can: Nasty nasty bomb. Big area, big damage, lots of plasmafire. Very easy to kill self with. Always ask before using these! Beaker 1: 20u Phosphorous 20u Sugar 15u Chlorine Trifluoride 20u Fluorosulpheric Acid 15u Flash Powder (Stabilized) 10u Uranium Beaker 2: 20u Potassium 10u Fluorosulpheric Acid 30u Plasma 30u Phlogiston (Stabilized) 10u Teslium These are just some sample mixes, yaya! There are many more, so take your time in science to learn what you want! Feel free to add your own mixes too! Voxxie is not a medical specialist, so use at your own risk, yaya?
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