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Everything posted by fludd12

  1. To be honest, I'd be happy if we threw out our current genetics system and grabbed Goon's from the open-source.
  2. I feel like the consoles are already pretty darn easy to use, the slowdown of clicking monkey cubes is just a part of it. On the other hand, I've advocated against that kind of slowdown earlier, so I'm just on the fence.
  3. That's the idea, yeah. Think of it like an image with the contrast turned to a ton - the person's going to show up as a pure white person-shaped splotch, and the rest is black.
  4. If I manage to figure out how to port them in the first place, stripping will work as normal, and the pick up mechanic will work by clicking yourself with a grab holding them. If anyone wants to take a shot at recoding them before I give a halfhearted try, though, I wouldn't object. I am busy with school for now, so it will be some time before I can try.
  5. Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that carrying one would take two hands, like gibtonite does. [spoiler2]Sometimes, I feel like people didn't actually read, when they say they are Vox with thermals. 50% max health is a gigantic difference, and beyond avian features, they have literally nothing that Vox do.[/spoiler2]
  6. The vision thing is their whole shtick, I wouldn't really want to deviate from that. Then again, that's totally my opinion, so if anyone wants to make a thing, do what you want. EDIT: I should add this to their racial description. I love it.
  7. It's not exactly thermals, Flattest - you'd be seeing the shape of the creature, and its position, nothing more. Not only that, but NOT seeing anyone/thing will actually make you go crazy after a while. EDIT: Surprised nobody's mentioned that, with their lore, I've essentially made them Space Dorfs.
  8. In the end, most of that would be mostly bothersome to implement, I'd say. Besides, the ability to get the general idea of what's going on by what people look and sound like they are doing is the primary purpose of the hearing thing, being able to examine further or listen in on conversations seems to be a bit more than I was looking for. Note that the ability would already be a little more powerful than expected, because anything that makes noise while active (Syndicate bombs, chainsaws, power sinks) would be found with ease, due to the sound localization ability.
  9. As ironic as it is, I doubt implementation will exist for hearing conversations through walls. The reason for the silhouettes was to preserve some anonymity, as other servers implement it as straight up thermal vision.
  10. Resomi, Again. Alternate title: When Will Fludd Learn To Stop Making Species Topics Please read more than just the title before commenting. It'd make my day. Hello! I'm back at it again with topics on species changes / additions. So, a few months(?) ago, there was a short-but-hot debate on replacing Vox with Resomi, then just adding Resomi, which kinda fell apart. I've decided to reboot the idea of Resomi, but with a ton of changes. Basically, this takes the core gameplay mechanics of Resomi, and the name, and kinda-sorta throws a lot out the window. Fludd, stop delaying and give us the differences between these nerds and humies. Alright, so, here's my ideas for the goods, the bads, and the kind-of-mehs of the species. Note, come into this with a fresh point of view, as what you see here is the only thing I'm suggesting - what's currently implemented in Resomi on other stations would not be present, unless it is mentioned in this list below. The Upsides: You become hungry slower than most species. Injuries do not slow you down as much. We'll debate by how much later. You are capable of knowing the location of any living mob on your screen. It will appear as a white silhouette in the shape of the creature, unless it is visible to you. This is you "hearing" the mob. You will see an indicator of the source of any audible sounds as semitransparent splotches of white at their source location, with size and opacity based on loudness. Eye damaging sources are less effective on you. The Downsides: You are able to be picked up and placed on someone's back, unless that person is also a Resomi. (No infinite stacking!) This requires both hands, much like gibtonite does when held. As a result, if you want to carry more than one, you have to forego your backpack in entirety. You cannot remove yourself from someone's hand/back while you are handcuffed, but them moving will not disrupt handcuff removal. When disarmed, there is a small chance where, as well as being knocked over, you are punted across the room. You have 50% the maximum health of other species. Your health values range between -50 to 50, rather than -100 to 100. You have a permanent welding-goggle like overlay, which restricts your vision to two tiles away from you. Outside of this radius, hearing works. One of these two tiles will have a slight pixel gradient, like welding goggles have. When alone (as in, no creatures within hearing/sight radius), you begin getting increasingly panicked, until you eventually begin hallucinating. Ear damage sources are very effective on you, disabling your hearing ability, and making you dazed for a moment. Any form of deafness disables your hearing abilities. The Kind-of-Meh: Your sprite is smaller than most other races. As a result, jumpsuits will rarely fit you until spriters are prepared to handle the workload, and it will be slightly more difficult to target you, both for yourself and others. Eyes have few customization options, as all chosen colors will be desaturated to close to white/grey. The biggest buff of all: You're FREAKING ADORABLE JESUS HELL. LOOK AT THIS FLUFFY ADORABLE. Hm. These ability change ideas are almost worth not banning you from the internet 4ever, Fludd. However, their lore sucks. Well, I wouldn't say that [spoiler2]wait I did just say that[/spoiler2], but I've got a solution yet again! I have prepared a lore replacement suggestion for your pleasure with my amazingly average worldbuilding skills acquired from years of doing nothing with my life. Resomi (Rehs-oh-mii) Species description: A race of diminutive, flightless avian creatures, with deft and agile hands at the tip of their wing supports. Their species has grown cave-adapted due to the sun-scorched surface of their planet, and while their hearing approaches the supernatural, their eyesight is lacking at best. Tech Level: Industrial Era, with minor deviations in the field of bluespace. Living underground, their rather large eyes became almost vestigial, losing pigment and long-distance vision, as evolutionary improvement was focused on hearing. Their language consists of quiet beak clacking and short chirps, perfect for communicating in the near-silence of the echoing caverns. Home Planet: Suhntolferr (Soon-toll-fehr) In Sol standards, this planet is comparable to Venus in orbit, but much larger in size. While the surface has been scorched and made relatively uninhabitable except for short excursions during the night, the interior remains at a livable temperature. This planet is a natural accumulation point for bluespace crystals, which has propelled science in that field to far more than the otherwise industrial-era technology the Resomi enjoy. As a result, unstable, yet functional, teleportation was established, which is how contact was first made with Nanotrasen. So, tell me what you guys think! I worked for all of 15-30 minutes on this, so don't worry about breaking my tiny, pink OOC heart.
  11. I used a chat client at one point that had a regex handler to automatically make quirks happen. This'd be cool if implemented, I think!
  12. Make combining aloe/comfrey with ambrosia make those tajaran healing herbs They were pretty, and deserve a way to be used by players again.
  13. I'm pretty sure /tg/ also has some form of xenoarchaeology, too, if anyone wants to port that, as well. Might be wrong, though.
  14. Another petty change, using a labeler on something that was labeled while the labeler is off should strip off a label.
  15. Sysadmin AI sounds amazing Make it look like the sysadmin sprite from Transistor for seventy bajillion bonus points.
  16. Have an item scanner thingy next to the VR machines, so you can bring one item with you into the simulation. Actually, you could use this to replace the toxins test range with something a bit more reusable. EDIT: Also, if they're emagged, it becomes some SAO-level bullcrap where if you die in the game you die in real life. Makes a use for the logout buttons.
  17. fludd12


    I like the iguana being named Winston. The pug should definitely be named Puggles, though.
  18. What if, by removing all of the limbs and the head of a slime person, it turned into a xenobiology slime that had to eat to regrow its limbs and turn back human?
  19. One particularly cool suggestion I saw was to link their blood and their nutrition, where any ability that they used drained from nutrition, and as a result, blood. Besides, slimes converting food into biomass just seems fitting, doesn't it?
  20. Silencio Mime Division Report 411: Our first experiment with bananium conversion was a success. The material has lost all Honktitude, and is suitable for our purposes. The clown army has yet to notice the bananium missing from their mining asteroid - they appear to be preparing for bluespace transit. We'll make sure their celebration doesn't last long.
  21. I'd have to say to remove the "dying replaces the floor and walls with nigh-unremovable supermatter floor," if we were to add it. Just a normal explosion-with-radiation sounds good enough. Making them radiation hallucination proof would be nice, too.
  22. Good news, everyone! It's still a work in progress, and may spontaneously combust under even a slight glare, but it's been started!
  23. Shadey, these are amazing. [spoiler2]And scary.[/spoiler2]
  24. Now that IPCs slowly remove chemicals from their body, thanks to them being set to process reagents and get the effects from synthetic reagents, there's no fear of bluespace beaker IPCs anymore than there is for humans. I'm all for an easier way to input chemicals into IPCs.
  25. It's basically a handheld version of the mechanic job, yeah. I want it, though.
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