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Posts posted by Tamabasil

  1. Apparently civilian was a thing of the past, but I'm unaware of what has happened to it.

    The general consensus, which is also made clear in the thread by someone else, is that a character that goes from Command to Assistant is just on paid break/vacation or they're there by contract.

    Assistant mentality is already shit on, if a person who is an assistant hangs out with other assistants they're classified as a metagang/clique.

    People DO make friends here and just want to hang out; bridge hoboing is no different from hanging out in the dorms or the bar; which is specifically what those places are designed for. If they moved to the bar it'd suddenly be called 'bar hoboing', or moving to the dorms/holodeck. It's no surprise that a person who hears something going on in command would stand out there to find out the juicy gossip. It's what makes the station feel alive and gives people the opportunity to have their own closed off lore and connection separate from other people on station.

    It's a non-issue to me.


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  2. after seeing everyone's awesome art threads i decided it would be very awesome to have my very own art corner despite being a shy 
    silly woman

    i hope you enjoy the content i have even if it is all hyperfixations and miniscule doodles of my time on paradise

    it features mostly my friends though

    unfortunately no descriptions other than who they are because its hard to recall the context and everything

    (you know who you are *wink )

    vibe green

    honey and orlando

    honey and synth tee


    ........letov tarasovich......




    orlando garbage



    my favorite orlando gloppie thing ever

    will be posting art as I draw them, thanks for visiting!!

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  3. There is no longform excerpt, I lied.


    Hello friends, it's the player of your least favorite assistants; Orlando GT-R and Basil Tamaya. Roleplay is fun, and I'm mostly drawing paradise art and roleplaying at the same time. It's a great vibe.


    Most people know me on the Discord already, but I figured being on the forums is also nice. There's a lot that I missed out on simply by not being on the forums.


    Thanks for having me in the last 3 months I started.



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  4. image.png.a55888932f554bcd3f27a169f4b080df.png

    //Note: This employment record is not up to date and exclusively recognizes Orlando GT-R as an Integrated Positronic Chassis Unit.//

    Name: Orlando GT-R (V1)

    Age: Simulates the age of an 18 year old Human, Born 2567-02-29

    Gender: Female

    Race: Machine/Integrated Positronic Chassis

    Blood Type: N/A

    General Occupational Role(s): Assistant, Science Chemist, Security Officer







    Orlando GT-R, previously recognized as ANGELA GT-R, emerged as the distinguished third iteration within the esteemed ANGELA Replika Series, created and developed by NIYOTA’s Naho Christel. Orlando GT-R is purposefully engineered for the Security Department. This exceptional creation boasted a personality framework meticulously replicated after the esteemed and living individual, Basil Tamaya.

    Orlando GT-R is fitted with a 'DOHC (Dual Overhead Cam) Twin turbo' core, titled the 'RB26DE'; a 2.6L (2,568 cc) Inline-six core.



    • Certificate in Basic and Advanced Firearms Safety:

    This certificate acknowledges successful completion of a comprehensive training program encompassing both fundamental and advanced principles of firearms safety. The recipient has demonstrated a proficient understanding of proper handling, storage, and usage of firearms.


    • Certificate in Basic and Advanced Robotics Training:

    This certificate recognizes the completion of a rigorous training program focused on the foundational and advanced aspects of robotics. The recipient has acquired in-depth knowledge and practical skills in designing, operating, and troubleshooting robotic systems.

    • Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry:

    This certificate confirms the successful attainment of a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. It recognizes the recipient's comprehensive understanding of chemical principles, laboratory techniques, and analytical skills acquired through rigorous academic study.


    • Graduate Certificate in Surgical Care:

    This certificate acknowledges the completion of a specialized graduate program focusing on advanced surgical care. The recipient has gained an advanced level of expertise in surgical procedures, patient care, and surgical team coordination, demonstrating competence in delivering optimal surgical outcomes.

    Employment Records:


    Employee Name: Orlando GT-R

    Position: Multi-Disciplinary Employee (Tools of the Trade)

    • Job Performance:

    Orlando GT-R is a versatile individual who actively engages in multiple job roles. Her selection between the Security and Science departments is influenced by the presence of Letov Tarasovich in Security and Gloppie in Science, whom she perceives as mentors.

    While her performance may occasionally falter, Orlando GT-R consistently demonstrates exceptional dedication when working under the observation of these two individuals.

    In addition to her roles in the Science and Security departments, Orlando GT-R also engages in bartending as a secondary occupation. She finds great fascination in the art of mixology, combining it with her talent for playing the piano to entertain guests.


    • Achievements:

    Orlando GT-R, alongside Pepper Jam, has received recognition for their outstanding contributions. They were awarded the Medal of Captaincy and the Medal of Valor for their resourcefulness in organizing an Emergency Response Team (ERT) in the absence of other command members. Despite utilizing the identification of two deceased Head of Departments, and being Assistants at the time, both individuals acted responsibly in order to summon the ERT when all other Command Members were deceased.

    Furthermore, Orlando GT-R has been honored with the Medal of Robust Security. This recognition was granted based on her proficient marksmanship skills, specifically her ability to eliminate her own assailant with permission from the Head of Security and the Magistrate during the assailant's execution. The medal was awarded due to her consistent achievement of headshots during the execution.

    //Note: This employment record contains confidential information and is intended for professional use only. Unauthorized disclosure or use of this record is strictly prohibited.//

    Security Records:


    Subject: Orlando GT-R

    • Incident Summary:

    Orlando GT-R has been involved in multiple incidents of Aggravated Assaults, demonstrating a propensity for violence. Charges of Attempted Murder were initially filed; however, these charges were dropped due to the subject's lack of comprehension regarding the limitations of organic life forms, including IPC. Additionally, the subject has been found guilty of multiple counts of breaking and entering into various departments, driven by her perception of the crew as slow.


    • Recommended Security Approach:

    It is strongly advised that security personnel exercise caution and implement a specific protocol when apprehending Orlando GT-R. It is recommended to create an environment where she perceives a sense of agency in her arrest. Security personnel should consider allowing her to voluntarily walk to the brig without being physically restrained. Failure to comply with this approach may result in escalated conflict and potential harm to the crew, as this has been observed to destabilize the subject emotionally. Providing the subject with a perceived choice in the arrest process is crucial to maintaining a safer environment.


    • Security Reminder:

    This record serves as a reminder to all security personnel that the safety of the crew and the preservation of order within the station should always remain the primary objective. Proper training and adherence to established protocols are vital in handling individuals such as Orlando GT-R, who exhibit a history of aggressive behavior.

    //Note: This security record contains confidential information and is intended solely for authorized personnel. Unauthorized disclosure or use of this record is strictly prohibited.//

    Medical Records:


    Patient Name: Orlando GT-R

    Date of Birth: [2567-02-29]


    • Presenting Complaint:

    Orlando GT-R is a patient who exhibits paranoid tendencies and has a history of recurrent arrests related to aggravated assault. When questioned by an on-station psychologist regarding her actions, the patient responded with an aggressive statement, indicating a disregard for consequences.


    • Behavior and History:

    Orlando GT-R demonstrates a proactive response when her friends are affected, often taking matters into her own hands instead of involving law enforcement. Consequently, the patient has been arrested on charges of attempted murder and subsequently placed on parole. However, it is important to note that Orlando GT-R lacks a comprehensive understanding of societal norms and the limitations of human behavior. As a result, legal charges were dropped in favor of mandatory anger management and Medical courses, with the intention of providing assistance to patients and occupying the patient's time constructively.


    • Psychosocial Factors:

    Friends of Orlando GT-R have expressed disappointment regarding her behavior, which has contributed to her self-disclosure of suicidal ideation. The patient believes that her presence is a source of problems for others and that the crew easily directs their hatred towards her.


    • Treatment Plan:

    Orlando GT-R requires constant monitoring by her assigned on-station psychologist to ensure continuous assessment of her mental health. Additionally, it is vital to maintain regular communication with another on-station psychologist to facilitate an updated understanding of Orlando GT-R's psychological well-being.

    //Please note that this medical record is confidential and intended for professional use only. Any unauthorized disclosure or use is strictly prohibited.//

    Other Notes:

    Personal Relationships

    Astra - "I had nothing but you, and I wanted nothing more. I have been, and still are, faithful to you."

    ANGL-000 - "Your words meant the world to me."

    Anokhi - "...I'm glad that I can rely on you."

    Zouri Essouser- "You really are like an older sister."

    Pandora - "...I don't think you like me very much, but I'm glad to know that you have my back."

    Mico - "Mico. Friend."

    Plash - "You're certainly blunt, but everyone needs at least one terribly honest friend."

    Gloppie - "You taught me everything I know but not everything you know."

    Letov Tarasovich - "You're a weird guy. I hope that you don't, uh, blow up one day..."

    TAO-3 - "...Thank you for letting me know that she will be okay."

    Matthew Reaver - "You'd die for people you hardly know. That's good enough for me."

    Basil Tamaya - "...I am thou, and thou art I. Can't say we're the best of friends, though."

    Beryl - "I'm... Really sorry it didn't work out for you."

    Leslie Dufresne - "You can't blame me for things that didn't even happen yet. That wasn't fair to me."

    ANGELA GT-S - "You took my sense of self away from me. Now that I've left, I want nothing to do with you."

    ANGELA GT-R V2 - "..."

    Admire | Family | Romantically Involved | Close Friend | Friend | Respected | Acquaintance | Dislike | Hate | Fear


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