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Everything posted by Plotron

  1. Now I see. Well, I can agree with that. Maybe even an additional sprite for "Dispose of this body if you can" like for cloned people or viral outbreak victims. I am just afraid that this will take too much micromanagment and in the end morgue trays will become mislabeled. This requires a competent coroner to work.
  2. I am not convinced by manual lights, but I'd like this one thing to make it into the game. Checking suiciders every 5 minutes or so because the light is green - is annoying.
  3. Noble costume in Autodrobe? Why the hell not?
  4. I see no reason NOT to implement these niftty little things the OP has described. It would add this little bit of complexity to the role of an atmos tech, make the game even more complex (in a good way), and make firefighting this much more interesting. Do not downplay a game mechanic, please.
  5. He criticised my use of a meme.
  6. Humans are fine. They're the baseline and their uniqueness lies simply in their averageness. No serious handicaps, no buffs, just plain old jack-of-all-trades. Skrell(s?) are ugly and definitely need some love. And Unathi are too similar to humans.
  7. That first line was a dick move. Second line was useful critique.
  8. This sprite is bad and you should feel bad. It looks as if it was 3D printed out of some kind of plastic.
  9. That's going to take a shitton of coding. Idea is brilliant.
  10. If it's scary with ZAS, then it won't work in practice.
  11. Oxygen deprivation is harsh as it is, we don't need more things to worry about. I agree with Fox on this one. In reality instead of pipes simply exposed to space you'd have big radiator fins. Maybe we could use that?
  12. Old office is fun, except that nobody wants to re-open it. Just give it some tweaks. Bar in maintenance is a fine example of what can be done.
  13. The hype is already dead. Now the SoP on Gateway is: BOLT IT, DISABLE APC, don't even ask the captain for the gateway tickett!
  14. We want to know who's loyal so that we can report bad people more easily and not bother ourselves with questions like: "is he implanted or not?! is it rule breaking or legit antagging?".
  15. In reality it's easier to overcook your station than freeze it to death, so yeah, whatever floats your boat. My immersionz...
  16. Make it a part of the proposed IAA/Magistrate NT Official department.
  17. Now you can see people carrying X number of guns in their backpacks. You can't mass-produce those, true. Make the replacement process longer (by requiring extra tools) and the most high-end batteries last shorter.
  18. Give the chaplain a mini-objective: convert as many people as you can. You can start communities this way and have it easy to identitfy other people. Bring some amulets and signs too.
  19. Forum gameplay! Let Cy Roberts be Changling Vampire Traitor Nukie. And malf. Malf too. I begin! I use my 120 TC to buy myself a Syndieborg! Your turn.
  20. It'd take away from the main playerbase then. We can't have two stations. Tutorial area could be handy, though.
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