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  1. What I am saying is that I want another way of storing it BESIDES on your back where the backpack should go. I would even accept unwielding it happily.
  2. How long has it been since you have done mining? Serious question. Because the kinetic accelerator is nowhere close to useless. It takes a sec to charge up and instantly mines a rock up to three tiles away. It also isn't bad for killing things and is much safer. It is also upgraded through items purchased at the mining tools vendor after turning in ore.
  3. As far as I've known, unless it was semi recently changed, the crusher has always required two hands to wield and has only been stored on the back. In my opinion, the crusher is the superior mining tool and weapon but this problem makes the crusher a royal pain to use.
  4. To clarify for some people, I'm not saying if there's nothing to do you should hop into maint and try to find an antag or go break shit. I am merely saying that for people who don't have as great creative thought process as others, it is difficult to find much to do as civilian/assistant. I think there should be a 'pool' that people can choose from or have randomly assigned to them. This pool could be added to entirely by people who have found things to do or solely by admins, so long as they do not break server rules. It would make the game easier to get through for those who can't think well, and give people who are new to the game things to do while the learn the mechanics of the game.
  5. The belt, please let us put the proto-kinetic crusher on the belt or somewhere else than the back, PLEASE.
  6. Let's be honest, without a fair amount of thought, there isn't a whole lot to do as a civilian besides wandering through maint hoping you find a cultist or gateway exploring. So something I think would make it more fun to play is sort of an objective that would work similar to the AI ion storm laws. It would basically just add something to their notes that they should do over the course of the round. This could include something like, "You are a very tall midget and must assert this to everyone", "You worship a rival god of the chaplain, spread word of the falseness of their god", "You must actively seek out and repeatedly hug/throw/scream at all [inset race, gender, department staff, etc. here]", or something else that just gives them something to do.
  7. I think a great way to make the role of chaplain more interesting on non cult or vampire rounds would be to give chaplains who pray for them holy objectives. Either put them in their notes and inform them or actually do it like a traitor objective. But aside from cultist rounds their doesn't seem to be much to do as chaplain, even when you can be a rather powerful role. So what I want is a way to keep the round more interesting through various tasks given the through the admins gods. Such things might include stockpiling the hell out of various items like donuts. Successfully getting a certain number of people to pray about joining their religion, drawing runes in certain areas or generally defacing an area the god doesn't like in the name of holiness, etc.
  8. I may not be good at spriting by any means (though I was told one I recolored for a beret would be added if I remember correctly), but god damn it I will make the sprite myself if I have to. I want the pAI cat chassis sprite for when it's resting to be the loaf.
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