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Posts posted by Qinetix


    Well if the water weakness has been removed it should be added back in as a counter measure.


    I like the idea tough sensing when your others grey die and being able to speak in a hivemind, they needed their own language anyways.



    You can make more mints by microwaving 5 units of toxin.


    You can close fire extinguisher doors provided you have an object in your hand,much like locking lockers.


    You can pretty much find ninju suits and wishgranters as a xenoarch, chances are slim tough , you will be able to use the suit tough.


    Provided you have a coin, you can get a roman shield from the autodrobe. It works pretty much like a riot shield if I'm not mistaken, you can't go around with a katana and bash it around yelling AVE CESARE tough, as it isn't really robust either.


    Epsilon is the worst kind of alert level, expect the death squid.


    Combat gloves are shock resistant.


    Taking a simple shower is more than enough to ensure you don't release viruses as a virologist.


    Do not wear items with a hazard symbol on their back, you might be in for a nasty surprise.


    Cults now get aditional objectives.


    Yes, there is a ninja gamemode it needs minimum of 10 players, it's probably not in the secret rotation, wish it was like back then tough. (there is also a meteor game mode,an epidemic one,a meme one and a cortical borer one, they've been removed from rotation for clear reasons)


    During a Vox round, if your comrade is killed , probably coming back with their cortical stacks is enough to satisfy the leave no Vox behind objective.


    The mime mech does indeed exist. It's called the Recitence, it cannot be built tough,it can wear silenced balistic weaponry and has a RCD, it's silent and pretty damn fast.


    To crack the safe you will need a stethoscope. Opening it is a lengthy and annoying task of trying to get two pins, I think, in the same position.



    Basically give the prisoner a special colar that can't be removed by anyone but by someone with clearance.

    The colar can be set to a certain department in which the prisoner will work by force. Would make a better alternative to long/perma sentences.


    The colar will prevent the prisoner from leaving the certain department and will shock him if he tries to exit the area or he does any harm.


    Maybe sec can give him shocks if he doesn't do his/her job.


    Just something I tought up.



    So far with the AI's ability to control bots and the fact that we have reintroduced patrol routines for bots, we should have more types, while brainstorming with Mrs Dobbins we've came up with more possible bot types, or remembered of other bot types from other servers. We should also add more PDA control to departments, like janitor being able to order around janitorial bots, engineering to call in floor tile bots and many other if introduced , or medical to order around medical bots, like summon them or change their behaviour via PDA.


    Mining Bot - Mines rock.. obviously, just does it autonomously until there is nothing left in the area, it will need someone to pick up the remains tough, can be ordered around by miners and QM


    Fire Extinguisher Bot - Patrols the station, responds to fire with a fire extinguisher, can be ordered around by engineering and atmos via their PDA


    Riot Control Bot - Either a bot that AOE flashes everyone confusing them if they are wanted , or releases tear gas at 3 minute intervals, can be ordered around by Security via PDA, does that on wanted personel


    Camera Bot - Patrols maintenance and the main hallways, gives vision to the AI, not sure if it should be ordered by anyone tough, could make the AI OP


    Sermon Bot - Spews up whathevers written on a paper that is inserted into it, could be used for announcements or other stuff


    Clerical Resuply Bot - Resuplies photocopiers, paperbins and so on , it patrols the station looking for whathever it needs to resuply


    Hydroponics Bot- Waters plants , can be configured to harvest as well. Ordered around by Scientists and Botanists


    Pet Bot - People can respawn as these and only be able to open doors and speak in their own crazy language.. much like pets... , because respawning as a pAI actually requires you to do something for someone and you might not want that


    Honk Bot - Self explanatory , gives the clown a bot that honks.... ordered around by the clown... he will have to sacrifice his bike horn tough


    Also give the crew a way to program how the bots should patrol, might be useful , but I honestly wouldn't really see how is it needed.


    Maybe as Mrs Dobbins suggested, give the roboticist a chore of recharging bots ( because obviously it becomes kind of annoying to see them move around without discharging a bit, borgs and mechs have to do it, why bots shouldn't).


    Please share your bot ideas if you agree.. or not, I don't care, Robotics is as monotone as it is already, we should atleast try and spice it up a little.


    We could also have a new control console, given to the RD , that allows it to send bots to certain parts of the station.


    Obviously emagging them would have... a positive thing for the traitor to profit off.



    Eh, I managed to kill a botanist that way by exposing his workplace to space, it's all about positioning, use a fuel tank with it if you are not content. Not to mention how easy traitor scientist is.




    Besides, if you are clever enough you will need ones that take down walls but don't remove the floor exposing it to space.


    Toxins is fun, you just have to use it the right way to adapt to your goals, that or just make more and place them at key points, people don't look in maintenance too much anyways... blitzkrieging it would be nice if mayhem is your intent.

    But... Bigger booms!

    To be honest, I'd just like to see both surgeries taken out with one explosion...

    That said, more ways to acquire transfer valves outside of ordering them from cargo would be an acceptable substitute.


    Place in maintenance, use fuel tank for other surgery, depresurization and a good part is going to be gone making both unusable and probably might lead to death to anyone inside if there will be a shock and awe ( as they won't have internals, will be pushed away and hurt from the air escaping and stuff) . That or just get 2 of them and trigger at the same time.



    Eh, I managed to kill a botanist that way by exposing his workplace to space, it's all about positioning, use a fuel tank with it if you are not content. Not to mention how easy traitor scientist is.




    Besides, if you are clever enough you will need ones that take down walls but don't remove the floor exposing it to space.


    Toxins is fun, you just have to use it the right way to adapt to your goals, that or just make more and place them at key points, people don't look in maintenance too much anyways... blitzkrieging it would be nice if mayhem is your intent.



    Well moving them and replacing them with space suits and jetpacks would be nice. Not to mention that no one visits the medical secondary storage, would make people reach hardsuits in critical emergency situations like nuke ops, blob and other crazy stuff faster too.


    That would make EVA empty tough. We could cut it in half and add in a new room.


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