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Posts posted by Qinetix



    I don't really like the idea. It sound... Wierd. How about a more interesting source of fuel? Did everyone forgot about Nuclear energy? How about Cold Synthesis? Let's have something more sweet in terms of futuristic awesomeness.


    We used to have the RUST generator , which worked on uranium rods... however how should I put this, the idea was kinda lost in time, and probably ,if it's still in cargo, it won't work, it's just old code that no one cared about.


    WE COULD however recreate the RUST generators.



    From the people who brought you Rate the avatar above you and Corrupt a wish, we present you a new game! Give the person above you a fitting theme song! Something related to them or their characthers!

    You are to give the song name / lyrics / link to youtube/ link to any other media outlet!


    Lets see how this will work out (probably not well) (you are not restricted to anything, let your mind go wild)



    You'll see Streaky, you'll see, not everyone knows that, and as a result , no one will come to get their shot of spaceacillin, more than often viruses advance to stage 2 pretty fast. It can be used to treat infections but then again, if it has surgical tools, it can do it itself with a scalpel and cautery.


    Dexalin on the other hand, is more useful.



    It takes a real dumbass to go to the singularity containment ( even near it, the emp can go some tiles after the reinforced walls) as nuke ops (emps can set off your explo implants or kill IPCs or kill anyone with a mechanical heart or has mech limbs).


    It takes a bigger dumbass to even take the nuke after you near a GRAVITATIONAL singularity.


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