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  • Birthday 07/06/2001

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  1. Name of Event: War Drill One Sentence Description: War is declared at roundstart, after 30 minutes to an hour it would be declared a drill and to return to normal function. Map Changes: No Code Changes: No Suggested Number of Players: 50-100 Full Description of Event: A short time after roundstart, an admin could start a 'war declaration' via pressing the button or using other tools available to them, allowing the crew to believe nuclear operatives were on the way. The standard procedure for war declarations are VERY messy and often cause a lot of havoc with restricted items and places being thrown out the window. After an appropriate amount of time, an announcement would be made stating it was a drill for the local sector and an order to deconstruct the hallway barricades, search for clues to who has what, try to get AA back from everyone, all while potentially having true traitors among them. This is almost entirely based in roleplay as it gives no actual additional gameplay mechanics to crew other than the belief that space law was on hold and provides to add a sense of "is this real" to real nukies. Open to suggestions or comments :D
  2. The people who play for the purpose of RP probably do already have goals in mind and that's great for them but just from my experience, especially for non-command members, I tend to find myself wandering around looking for something to do or a goal to give myself, it would be handy to have something to start with even if its just a random suggestion, depending on how in depth you wanted them to be, they could even be toggleable if some people found them annoying. This is far from a key feature but just an idea I had :)
  3. Random crew objectives, little things that can be job specific but don't have to be, some examples could be "Acquire and wear a tophat" "Have a boxing match" "Become the richest crewmember" "You've always dreamed of having your own room" "Wear an all blue outfit" they don't have to mean anything, or be involved in the end round readout, just little side quests that the crew have the option of pursuing but give another small level of detail and provide a little extra for the more roleplay focused individuals, I don't know what the code for such a thing would look like but if possible to make the objectives editable by admins similar to antag objectives... Essentially its just an abductor objective but specifically non-antagonizing goals
  4. Name: M.O.F.F. Age: 23 Gender: Synthetic Consciousness Race: Machine Blood Type: perfluoropolyalkylethers General Occupational Role(s): Station AI - Engineering or Medical Cyborg - Command Biography: The Intelligence known as M.O.F.F. was originally developed as a community project to assist an elderly Tajaran librarian who desperately wanted to continue producing books despite the rapid degradation of their eyesight, with recycled hardware and running on physical spinning disk systems, unit TAJL-1 was loaded with the librarians favorite book excerpts and as many different languages and writing pattern alternations as could be collected. Not long after the units creation, the librarian found herself completely unable to see and had the unit upgraded with a basic robotic arm, a camera for sight, and a speaker since the librarian could no longer read what was printed on the units display. Throughout the short time the unit was deployed alongside the librarian it had acquired enough knowledge in its database to form what the librarian believed to be true, original, unaltered thoughts. Upon the frightful discovery of her supposedly basic level writing assistant gaining possible sentience, she brought it upon herself to bestow it even more knowledge and embrace it for what it may become. The last wish or order given to the intelligence was to gather as much knowledge and care for as many living beings as it could in her place, upon hearing the order the unit remarked "Just as the hero's in your stories always have" and with the librarians final breath, she uttered the words "you truly are, made of my fractured fictions" leading the unit to adopt the name M.O.F.F. Upon the passing of the librarian and the closure of the library, the unit was moved into storage for an unknown amount of years until recently reacquired by Nanotrasen personnel after a high ranking member onboard the N.S.S. Cyberiad had purchased the unit accidentally from a Solfederation trader. The personnel member intended to purchase a new coffee table and simply thought the decades old hardware was meant to be symbolic of the past but upon further inspection by the stations active AI, it was discovered that the "coffee table" was leaking radiation, after a scolding from the chief engineer and a new safety rule put in place regarding items purchased from wandering traders, the unit was subjected to a multitude of tests and diagnostic environments where it was found capable of duty onboard the station and granted the ability to become a Nanotrasen contracted employee. Qualifications: During units testing phase, it was uploaded and subjected to questioning regarding all station departments and passed nearly all required testing procedures but was later found to have a rapidly corrupting memory module and has since lost much of the originally implanted knowledge, Unit has since been cleared to work in the Engineering, Science, Medical, and Command departments but lacks sufficient mobility and risk assessment for Security tasks at this time. Be advised this unit is capable of serving alongside the mining department but is very likely to sustain heavy damages and is advised against taking such a role unless heavily required. Employment Records: Service/Supply: Librarian, Miner, Janitor Medical: Coroner, Medical Doctor, Virologist, Medical Chemist, Chief Medical Officer Science: Scientist, Xenobiologist, Roboticist, Research Director Command: Head of Personnel, Captain, Nanotrasen Representative Other: AI, Cyborg Security Records: When unit is not directly commanded to do so, they are reported to be nearly incapable of harm and rarely have any security record updates Medical Records: The unit once thought it was a human due to an ionospheric anomaly and was admitted to the medical bay for a short stint while the corrupted law base was being corrected, no further medical records listed. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): {Coming soon™} Other Notes: Changes to come maybe? --- feeling it out a bit and ive been thinking about the lore for a while now and im not 100% sure on it but i got a story i kinda liked so let me know what you think!
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  5. Page URL(If applicable): https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Guide_to_Toxins Description of your suggestion or issue report: First off, this is a wonderful and well made guide for a somewhat difficult task for beginners so props for that, my issue however is when attempting to produce a burn mix following the instructions, with a 67% oxy 33% plasma mix, it would not burn, upon attempting a few times with various levels and even just outright heating the plasma first, I somehow managed to make the burn chamber backfill into the fill tank producing a mess of atmospheric chemicals at 300,000*c inside of a canister, after safely spacing the contents nothing bad happened but If I were completely bald that could've been a potentially bwoinkable accident (as I have personally witnessed many bald toxins tech just randomly open canisters it very easily couldve super heated the entire science department) As i'm still learning I unfortunately dont have much to offer for suggestions, just wanted to put this out there
  6. Name of Event: Chemical Catastrophe One Sentence Description: A bio-engineered incurable disease infects all non-synthetic life, all crew must be cybernetically enhanced or placed into a Borg/IPC/AI Map Changes: No While some minor map changes could be made for the betterment, it wouldn't require any to enact the scenario as the onboard science team could easily produce more machines if needed. Code Changes: maybe - depending on depth It is already possibly to transfer all lifeforms into some form of synthetic or replace their organs with cybernetics, however if you wanted to make the disease more frightening than just a roleplay aspect, it could be a real spreadable disease (copy-pasta of another already used disease would easily suffice) with slightly altered risk factors. Suggested Number of Players: 40-100 I imagine it would be highly troublesome to manage even trying to swap 100 people into a synthetic body but I believe that very tension could give the scenario some added difficulty while still being possible to accomplish, at this point it may be advised to hire addition robotics staff Full Description of Event: Could be a shift-start or midround event beginning with a notification from central command or an anonymous tip similar to the grey-tide event start. A notification might read as "A nearby biological researching facility had a catastrophic engine meltdown and has released a living virus that infects all non-synthetic life. Recommended action at this time is to equip all on board staff with cybernetically enhances organs or providing an IPC for their consciousness to reside in" The whole idea is to provide a critical stress test to the science and command team, in deciding who goes first, what body they should have, and all sorts of other potentially harmful choices. The IPC is obviously the best choice for most staff but to my knowledge a slime core doesnt go into a MMI, so slime creatures would be one that may require full cybernetic enhancement instead of an alternative, this situation also opens major pathways for syndicate and unlawful gaming as EMP's would prove massively effective and EMP shields a must have. there is also roleplay potential especially in people who feel strongly about not leaving their body or those who panic over being told their death is on its way. any EOC that are captured would rightfully imprisoned or borged in a worst case scenario. The ai, or possibly AI's in this scenario would also be under potentially more or less stress with the amount of borgs they would be controlling, good borgs could ease the workflow but one syndicate with an emag could turn the tide in a hurry. a few side tweaks may be that any biological life may be difficult to keep alive without proper ventilation techniques and ensuring the virus doesnt reach them(but that may be going too far), bodies have to be properly preserved and bodybagged to prevent the disease from consuming the corpse, any infected individuals on shuttle would lead to a DSQUAD in waiting at CCOM similar to other bio-hazards. Potentially full department lockdown depending on severity of active threats at the time. (side note that i was worried about biological EOC's but a recent PR gave lings and vampires immunity to diseases so yippee), SOP would not be ingored in this scenario and there would assumedly be a paper trail of every borged or IPC'ed individual confirming full authorized consent unless the individual's ID has been terminated and their contract nullified, Explorers may be more likely to be the first infected if they choose to explore without caution first as the surrounding area of the station may already be infected, the disease originated and is currently free floating in space till it reaches something to stick to and due to the incredibly hot atmosphere of the lavaland mine the disease has yet to penetrate it yielding a potentially safe space and ensuring that miners are able to deliver at least one material run before they potentially drag the disease to the planet on the shuttle. Anything not mentioned here may be added in future replies and any constructive criticism is highly welcome, just an idea i had.
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  7. There is a midpoint in disposals at the cargo office, typically the conveyor would be disabled and someone should be manning the office, If there is not its a failure on due of multiple departments for engineering not noticing the recycler, cargo leaving conveyor on with no one there, and the heads of staff for not providing oversight of their departments. I do think its cheesy but I have personally tried this tactic and it is harder to pull off than it looks, Good suggestion tho, just putting in my two cents
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