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Posts posted by Blackmage199


    Engineering: Can wire solars (though only one array on a full charge. We really need material synthesizers that consume battery life.)


    You can actually set up the solars without returning once to a recharger, you just need to drag a full cable coil behind you each time you go to a new solar.

    However, I do agree with all of this.



    Probably people who lives on hunting "valids", which are comfirmed antags, and any harm done to said antags will not be punished by admins.

    Basically: Valids = Murderbone targets.



    The research side could also be dedicated to building empty IPC shells when positronics come available through research, another way for players to get back into the round. Much like Diona Nymphs.

    Making new IPCs from scratch, thus allowing people who didn't buy IPC in the karma shop, would probably never happen.



    Name: Unit-619-Raven

    Model Type: Cyborg

    Gender: Always referrers itself as "It" or "Unit"

    General Occupational Roles: Engineering, but can occupy the role of a security model if needed.


    Biography: A quite capable engineering unit, Raven often shows complete obedience towards it's AI that it is slaved to, or, if somehow tampered with, it's master, as per indicated by it's laws, and will often try to keep said AI alive, as long as the unit's laws are being respected, of course. Raven dislikes knots in wiring and completely irresponsible and unneeded behavior towards threats, tasks or atmos failiures.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Appears as a Landmate Engineering Unit.



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    Other Notes:



    Name: A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E.

    Model Type: AI Unit

    Gender: Generally doesn't mind the gender it's referred to, but when asked, Female.


    Biography: A strange AI personality. In theory, this unit is supposed to keep the crew it's serving awake and alert by making them the subjects of quick and witty jokes, but in practice, it is just a down-right insulting AI with an hate for civilians and incompetence and sporadic interest in managing security bots. A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E. only respects competent crew members and units slaved to it, but it is a capable AI Unit.


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text): The core display is a monochrome version of the normal display, and the hologram is often modeled after a Xeno Queen.



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    Other Notes:


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