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Posts posted by Blackmage199


    IC Names: Nydia Miles, Unit-###-Raven, A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E and a bunch of forgotten AI names.


    So, you might or might not know me when I worked with you in Robotics, Xenobiology or when I've been the CE. I'm mostly focused on Robotics, because I like making deadly Mechs, which I then name "Raven". What? I find Ravens to be... A beauty. I guess that the color black has a little calming effect on me.


    Don't exactly remember when I started playing SS13. Been on a few servers, here and there.


    My first language being French, I make errors here and there, even if I DO try to be politically correct, so.


    That's pretty much, I guess.


    P.S. I tend to listen to music while I play SS13, so you know why, sometimes, I can't hear your screams of agony when you're being brutally murdered in the next room by an E-Sword Syndicate wielding maniac.



    It's either


    Knights of Cydonia from Muse






    or a cover of Space Oddity (David Bowie) by Captain Hadfield. This song can't be found on youtube anymore due to the end of the arrangement between youtube/hadfield/bowie.



    There is also a third song which I don't know.

    I might be in the possession of the said third song



    Thank me later


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