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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Me spending the entire shift redecorating the bar only for either nobody to come in, or the only people who do come in are shitters who immediately get blackout drunk Heck, it even happens with chaplain. Outside of holy water for cult and vamps the crew tends to ignore you, unless you're a tider chaplain. It sure is a sad state this quote "medium rp" server is in.
  2. Hi, I'm TheChocoboLord, also known as thechocobolord on Discord. You might know me as Arah "Bad Luck" Razu. If you do, I sincerely apologise. I'm from the UK, and I very much enjoy roleplaying. This doesn't mean I won't try and fail to tide, of course. I consider myself a very balanced player, aside from the fact I'm god-awful at combat. Feel free to say hi to me or my characters, I swear I'm not as mentally ill as me playing Arah might hint at. Choco out.
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