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evilmattyg last won the day on February 27 2024

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  1. Okay, so the clause for Robbery and Theft basically would go like this; The offender must pay back all stolen credits. If the offender is unable to their account must be frozen until the debts can be paid back to the account(s) the credits belong to. Pretty simple, but it could discourage theft by a lot as currently, you can steal any amount of credits under 1000, spend it all on scratch cards or hide the cash somewhere, serve a 15 minute sentence then be free to reap what they have stolen. Also having an official clause would clean up any ambiguity of whether SOP authorizes this in the first place.
  2. https://arclighters.com.au/
  3. look up plasma lighters on the internet, i took photos from an aussie seller
  4. basically the emergency welder but it has a battery instead that can light 10 times before needing to charge and they double up as a torch as well (torch does not use battery) check attached photos perhaps a replacement to the emergency welder??? (probably not) and perhaps it could have a selection of skins like the enforcer pistol so you can customize your tacticool electric lighter to your personality
  5. How it works in SS14: instrument-bands.webm
  6. This would replace the old system, and every instrument would have its own unique sound based off of midis. SS14 implemented it but Byond jank might prevent this from being added in the first place.
  7. Then we should rebalance the M911 with the same principles as the WTT50, which has never seen regular use but is still readily available to security, like making it have less damage than current, and making the mags for the M911 bigger. Having a bunch of generic admin guns is just clutter. Remove or rebalance.
  8. This suggestion is quite simple, but I believe bringing the M911 out of admin-only territory and into a viable alternative to the miniature laser gun would be good for the game. Here are some reasons why: Gives people an easily concealable ballistic weapon as there is a lack of non-syndicate ones Utilizes the .45 ammo, which is widely underused Alternative to the miniature laser gun, which falls short with a small battery Good for any aspiring antagonist that can't buy a stechkin but need a covert gun Should be super-dooper easy to implement, just add a crate for it, as all the other code is done.
  9. This feature was added in TG a couple of days ago. https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/pull/76955 Basically, it is a majestic ridable pony that you can order from cargo. #PonyGang
  10. The title is self explanatory itself, make a stock market that anybody on the station can use, with stocks being bought and sold linked to their bank account. TG and Goon have had done this in the past, so there is perhaps some portable code. https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Guide_to_stocks https://wiki.ss13.co/Stock_Market_Room Let the everyday tider get rich or broke trying!
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