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  1. Ma Shaa Allah kitty kitty
  2. Name: Writer Belonging To The Night Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Nian Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Chaplain, Journalist, Janitor Biography: Qualifications: Preaching Serving as a nuisance Serving as a calm amidst chaos Serving as a nuisance amidst chaos Striking fear into the hearts of Command And also cleaning the floor (or complaining the Captain refused to relay their soap) Employment Records: The file seems oddly generic. Almost... sanitary. Security Records: Error: Insufficient access Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): There are two photos present. The first is more readily available, lacking a blur effect to its thumbnail. Jade wings sporting highlights of purple, swirled like bobbles amidst a sea of green, tower high above as Writer Belonging To The Night flutters her wings for the picture. Save for this one feature in particular, she is entirely concealed beneath a baggy, black cloth meant to serve as modesty. Clicking the second one, a message pops up. 'Male personnel are requested to not view unless necessary, and to do so in a private or concealed space. Proceed?' Writer Belonging To The Night stands tall, right hand folded over the left in an odd manner. Her eyes, large and beady, reflect imperceivable light sources across the room in which the picture had been taken. Two antennas, rich in violet, hang over her head. A Quran sporting the symbol of Islam, the moon and star, is pressed to her abdomen. Other Notes: The following are transcript interviews with Writer Belonging To The Night. Participants: Gachagachititatiachi, acronym Gachi. Writer Belonging To The Night, acronym Night. Gachi: Is on? Yayas, voxie thinks we's ready nows. Night: Peace and blessings be upon you and your loved ones. Thank you for having me today. Gachi: Yayas. Voxie would like to begins this interview with questions. Night: Go ahead. Gachi: *flipping through papers awkwardly for some moments. A tearing sound is heard. There's a shift to the silence as the mood turns annoyed* Aaghaa. I's tore another one! Night: Here, have one of mine. Gachi: Much thanks! First of questions, aeh, when did Night first board a Nanotrasen vessel? Night: Hm... intentionally or unintentionally? Gachi: Whichever is firsties. Night: I suppose that would be when I first awakened. Gachi: Nights was borns on ones!? Night: Indeed. I awoke with a whisper telling me of my duty - driving me toward Islam. I took a very long time learning how to use my hands. It was very difficult. People were kind. I eventually learned the ins and outs of most stations in this system as people would guide me alongside them on their shifts. I wasn't raised on them, per se, but much of my early days was spent learning on spacecraft. Gachi: Aahhhh, Voxi no thinks Command will be happy about this... Night: Oh, I know. "Peace and blessings be upon you and your loved ones. Give me your soap."
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