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Everything posted by Shadeykins

  1. More of a fun, food for thought type of suggestion than anything. What if bones had their own distinct damage type (Like a cheesed version of organ damage!)? The threshold for bones breaking is around 30 brute damage (and I believe it's random). If bones were a damage type, you could have particular weapons suited to breaking bones (Opens up some bigger possibilities for traitors with maim objectives) or you could have weapons that would never cause bone damage at all (Saps, anyone?). I don't think tracking every distinct bone would be needed (it'd be redundant), rather this would be more of an extra damage type (like sharp) that could be tagged on a weapon's damage type. The only drawbacks I can come up with would be that.. Bone breaking would be rather predictable if the damage amount applied wasn't RNG'd. All weapons would need a refactor. Whereas potential positives would be... Greater weapon variety. Potential to have certain races have more resilient/weaker skeletons. The ability to beat cultists senseless with the null rod to deconvert them, without having to send them to surgery. Discuss!
  2. Does this include bags, though? I've stunpapered plenty of chaplains, and I am going to be very disappoint if all they have to do to counter that the entire time was have the nullrod in their bag.
  3. I assume that it just checks the character themself and doesn't include the bag then, which means that the crusader armour also provides the benefit of an exosuit slot allowing you to have the nullrod effect active at all times without foregoing a belt slot. Correct? If so, I imagine this is just an unintended balance change - albeit not a huge one.
  4. You got blood on my suit. +20 for lemon
  5. Yeah, I think I figured it out. The Null Rod was probably in the exosuit slot on the armour, which is possible with the crusader set - which may or may not be an unintended balance change since the null rod was never able to be 'wielded' passively before the crusader armour update.
  6. That's a bit of a misnomer. There will be plenty of dust, and therefore detritus and dirt that piles up. Cloth fibres, scraps of random things, skincells, etc. Even undisturbed areas with relatively little air circulation still get dirty due to the accumulation of dust. A realism argument here is moot. If there are people, there is dust/dirt. There's also floorbots, janiborgs, the ability to attach the mop to the pussy wagon, medbay has space cleaner, etc.
  7. beautiful you may think we're outrageous but these raps are contagious
  8. Huh. My other theory is that they may have had the null rod equipped in the exosuit slot (The holy sword fits on the exosuit slot for the crusader armour). Could you try testing that? This isn't an "active wield" so AFAIK (or at least as far as I've been informed) the null rod shouldn't have an effect, but it might. If that doesn't work, try stunning with the nullrod active, disarming it, and trying again. That's what I did in this instance, and neither paper (the paper prior to the stunrod being disarmed and the paper after it had been removed) worked. Thanks Tully.
  9. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/3619 Pretty straightforward, this. Keep dirty floors in, it gives people something to do in downtime and provides the janitor (which there are a max of two of as-is) with a steady line of work.
  10. Loyalty implants only block convert runes, and the chaplain already can't be converted. This is also in specific reference to stunpaper. Maybe dropping the rod doesn't immediately check whether or not you're holding it anymore? I'll try and repro it when I get time.
  11. I had this coming.
  12. Yeah. No. How very helpful. Suggest alternatives/other explanations? That's the only one I could think of.
  13. Then you've got a bug report to deal with, as noted in the other thread.
  14. The Chaplain is already immune to cult runes whilst wielding the null rod. However, the crusader armour (which is always actively worn now, more or less) provides immunity as well... Meaning the Chaplain is more or less incapable of being countered by the cult. As it already provides a considerable melee defense buff (the cult's main weapon of choice), the inclusion of cult-immunity on top of this is a bit too much in terms of balance.
  15. Wait. I figured this out. Crusader Armour makes you immune to cult runes. Posting another topic.
  16. A lower timer is only going to help people who aren't cooking/tactically using flashbangs in the first place. A person has just as much time to react to a properly cooked nade, as opposed to one with a low timer. The lower timer buffs flashbangs against blobs, and also makes it more likely for you to have the flashbang blow up in your hand.
  17. I think it would be much easier to just allow MMI's to revive dead brains again, and do some hand-waving to explain it.
  18. Cook the nades. Grab it, activate it. Count to three/four (four if you're gutsy), and toss. This is also interestingly enough how you used to cook grenades in real life before the introduction of levers which don't introduce the reaction until they're depressed and released.
  19. Duplicate of http://nanotrasen.se/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7149
  20. This is mostly about objectives we used to have, but no longer do. Like "Steal the Clown's rainbow crayon."
  21. Yeah, no. If they're in the morgue and they haven't been cloned, it's fair to borg them and not suffer murder charges. People may despise being borged, but if you're lying dead in the morgue, uncloned, and you happen to be borged instead of cloned, then, as Neca said, that's nowhere near murder. You can't commit murder on something that's already dead. If you're lying dead in the morgue, and the roboticist sees the morgue lights, and there's no DNR, they have 0 reason to borg you. Any sensible person is going to instead yell at the medical staff, rather than FORCING a player into HIGHLY RESTRICTIVE role without their consent. Your example is literally moot here. If you are able to borg, you are able to clone. Fullstop. Borging someone without consent is an absolutely shitty thing to do, and it's also... ...Against SoP under all alert levels, and you should rightfully get your ass fired 100% of the time for it. Don't borg cloneables. Ever. Period. The exception is 404's and people who actually give consent.
  22. Knock yourself out, just let me know when it's updated and I'll strike it out from the list.
  23. i have been convinced give me my sexy mushroom men please
  24. If you're not actually killing someone, you can't be done for murder. Unlawful borging is usually treated as murder/manslaughter because you need to kill someone to take their brain out, and there is no proof that the person consented to being killed. Killing someone without their consent is generally malicious. But just chucking their brain in a cyborg is not murder. Having a lack of signed paperwork by the person submitted for a borging is proof of either manslaughter or murder. Chucking a brain in a cyborg is akin to murder, because 99% of players do not want to be a cyborg when alternative means are available (and if you have the brain, alternative means always are). It's lazy, it's sloppy, and it's inconsiderate. Don't do it.
  25. Easy peesy. Have a suitable limb (you can use rotten ones, but they'll be septic and slowly kill the patient) and target the area with the missing limb. Exact same process as you use with robotic limbs. In this case, instead of printing off a limb, you use a circular saw to saw it off the humanized monkey. Occasionally you may need to remove a limb stub from a person, which is a simple process of targeting the affected area with a circular saw.
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