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AidanFair68 last won the day on February 22

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  1. Made this on a private server because I don't have the balls to make it on the real station.
  2. Welcome to the crew newbie with your *checks notes .... uh... 2000 hours. *Thinks about cracking a joke then re-reads the part about being better and combat/antag stuff and realizes my jokes are usually very bad....... Uh... Ok so. *Gives a thumbs up and slowly backs away. Welcome to the crew!
  3. For context we were talking about the levels of solanine in potatoes. And how much should be considered "safe to eat. Obviously there are a myriad of factors at play here. How you cook the potato. How it's processed. How much dry weight of said potato one would consume in one sitting. Whether we are even talking about dry weight or "wet" weight. General education about the dangers of green potatoes (causing people to not eat the dangerous portion containing the bulk of the solanine). It was a whole thing. We did find an exact answer. But you will never know it because you were out cold.
  4. Just wanna add that I tried to like my own post but it wouldn't let me. And now I'm ashamed of myself for both trying that and also for failing at it. That is all.
  5. Nanotrasen is spying on the Wizard Federation. An entire class of wizard apprentices have learned the Immovable Rod spell. But they fucked it up. They are all travelling through space towards the station. We have 30 minutes (or however long) to evacuate to another place. Lavaland? Chasmland is unstable. Nanotrasen's geological experts predict that too much disturbance could cause a chain reaction. Where everything tips into the abyss. What's this? We are receiving a signal from what was thought to be a long gone Nanotrasen station. It seems someone has awakened on this station and has activated the distress signal. They seem to have a working teleporter. For now at least. Charlie Station seems to the best bet for survival. But the SMES there is running out of power. And the rods are closing in. Also asteroids because why not. Would be a fun twist on the "crew have to survive on lavaland" event. Maybe this has been done before. Not sure. But engineering have the solars to set up and a tesla engine to also create. There's a botany area. A medbay, kinda, if you squint or build. There's a security section and a large RnD area. There's a kitchen. Maybe a shuttle can be made to go from Charlie Station to Lavaland (not sure how that works or if it's possible). A cargo console could still be used to order things. But they have to be delivered via a supply ERT who will only deliver to cargo personnel. Security would have to deal with the hive creatures first. Then antags are added, if there's not enough chaos. Maybe a dumb idea. Most of mine are. But could also be fun.
  6. Tot scientist. Make 2 golems to help. Mats are non existent. Wanna get started so just use the nearest material to make them. Plasma. Buy syndie loot crate. Get holopara and rapid chem injector. Decide to get the golems to kill the HoS (my target) with chems. Start making a war crime mix. tell golems to get IDs from HoP and get holopara to scout in the meantime. Make some chlorine tri-fluoride. It's heating. I start taking damage (holopara saw a chance to take out the HoS but got owned). Plasma golems return just as the C3F is about to cook. Try to tell them to leave but I just gasp. C3F cooks and sets off something else that must of been on the floors or something. Whole sci chem goes up in flame, welder tank blows. Plasma golems were a bad idea. Both explode. I die. Redtext, but worth it cause it was funny.
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