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Everything posted by NotNoy189

  1. A flavor art for Lina Meskerin as a QM. (imgur URL since apparently the file size is larger than the limit?) https://imgur.com/a/m0067ph
  2. Flags i decided to remake, its the Ostrans!. And also some meme cover.
  3. "Tear the Veil, Nar'Sie/Reaper/ the other deity i forgot about/ shall roam the stars! Death to the non-believers in the federation!" Random cultist onboard a SolGov destroyer passing by a random station, Caphelus Incident.
  4. "Ambush from our right! Zey are everywhere! Retreat into the left flan-" Random Soldat of the 119th Infanterie Regiment, Route 31 Ambush. Conquest of Noirre XI.
  5. "Comrades! Spikehelms approaches the ambush point. Privet Yurikov, prepare to fire rockets. Give those oysters a taste of justice from Mother Cygni! Let Verlont's people not be in Vain!" Sergent Min'kovich of Squad Fourty Four, Route 31 Ambush, Campaign of Noirre XI.
  6. "Soldats of the Ostran people, Do not let those who had forsaken us hold dominion over this world. The destiny which is embedded in all of you, children of all mankind, to die in the line of a Soldat's honor . Let it be known that our blood will be buried under the foundation of our children's new home, those next in line to take our place, Let it be known that their fathers, uncles, brothers, All of us who sacrificed themselves in the name of Honor, Duty, and Mankind! Together, We will all charge at Noon!" Commadant Farsk II of Nordoune's speech of courage before the Ostran charge of The Etol Isle. Casualty: 50k/150k Ostran Soldats of Regiment Infanterie 195th, 67k/107k TSF Troopers of TSFPA Rendom Forces. Victory: Dominion of Ostra.
  7. More stuff for my flavor arts, here we have Lisa Darter. Certainly not an Ex-killer psychotic agent, It sure aint!
  8. Some ingame flavor art of me.
  9. Animated Stuff! Two TSF marines looped around
  10. "Captain's log 01: We've made first contact of a sentient species of slimes, these tribes of slimes have shown the ability to morph into anything they see, and one had morphed into our shuttlecraft's nose art. And gawd damn it gave me a nice bl- That's enough Captain Brockley." Xarxis, initial colonization period.
  11. "General Quarters, All hands to your battlestations!" - The 7th fleet Admiral moments before being evaporated by an incoming beam.
  12. "During the state of chaos within a certain non-distinct colony of our federation, Deployment of The Ninth Fleet's battleship was authorized to roam around in order to ensure the people's compliance of whom the Grand Marshall has Ostracized due to their beliefs in natural citizenship without Service!. The following result later cause multiple destruction of the city's skyscrapers (of which we will not compensate)." News Anchor of TSF NEWS, Jesse Nordokt, on the reports of riots from human colonists.
  13. Darwin Jr falls for the obvious Mr Chang's Box trap
  14. thought of storm troopers from ww1, made storm troopers for the ostrans. We boarding axing people with this one
  15. "Here at Meskenoid Industry, we fabricate and assemble the finest gynoids in the galaxy within our home planet. Today, we present our MeskeDroids made and programmed for Maid Service. Only 12,999 credits each month, or for a more long term purchase, 70k with 15 year warranty. Brought to you by Meskenoid Industry, a subsidiary of The Meskerin Corporation," Yes i am that kind of artist, you wont believe what i have in my folders.
  16. Some original ss13 faction i made: Dominion of Ostra flag, Ostran Imperial Soldat. because space humans that is german soldats are cool.
  17. Space battles go pew pew
  18. An average shift with the miners and Unashi folks
  19. This spoofed up in my mind earlier this week, Crayons and the pink vulp that is very chaotic in medbay is hard to not draw.
  20. Some flavor text art of Lina Meskerin (my personal OC and SS13 character), Also just today she was interrogated by CC on why she had brutally beat a syndie to death.
  21. Insert Gundam+Killzone reference into ss13 experience.
  22. Paradise station is fun server for ss13, so i decided to do my art stuff for it. So for my first art post, here's me (Emit Yonton/Notnoy) being spaced during an average station outbreak.
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