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Everything posted by stobarico

  1. If by "ended a cult round" you meant "the cult still won, in spite of it".... Sadly we did not win. We still had to get the captain sacrificed. Which we were about todo when the shuttle was called. However, I would say it was a great stealth cult round. Yeah, i was observing it, they did not won, they summoned nar nar but not sacrificed the captain
  2. That just happened on a cultist round, someone accidentaly put a bag of holding into another and it ended the round
  3. When you try to put a bag of holding into another bag of holding it should say: Are you sure you wanna do this? Yes / No As you can misclick it and end a round
  4. stobarico


    As i noticed, there are no science karma jobs, and i tought this was a good idea His job is to explore (duh) the space and the gateway, how? Well, EVA suits and hacking tools he would start with a civilian pod that could be on that useless hangar at evacuation, or a new science pod that would need special acess, but it would require more work to make that pod, the Mechanic, almost does this, but he has to build his own pod and explore only space, of course, when the gateway has a beach or something like that on it, he could only explore space, i dont know how to code or make sprites, so, i can just suggest it Remember, :n for nerd :geek:
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