As far as I know the resistance does not stack
You say this like it is not a very big drawback, this makes a lot of the jobs significantly more difficult Eg sec,med,robotics and any other jobs that need huds
Plasma men have a space suit that unless the person trying to take it off is an antag or has an RP reason to kill them can't be touched. They also have a closed plasma supply, this means that they can't get infected by air born viruses get knocked out by any gas in the air. The combination of the two makes them space worthy from round start
It's not but I think it works as a small range flash light They are human with no need to care about what is in the air, can't be full striped by most players and are space worthy at round start.As well as this some of the plasma man suits have the same armor values as the job they are working as so there is no more risk of dying than their human counterparts