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  1. Sorry Been busy at work, I was finishing up the fabricator, and I have been trying of how to get conveyor's to work right after they are built, Other wise we could have the building part done in an hour.. Just connecting them to button is a pain. As for the Vacuum Tube Construction, I already thing the ability to make them exists.. but Ill have to double check.
  2. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/940
  3. Alright guys so the Clothing fab will be using Plastics, fabrics, and furs. Maybe Biomass if I can figure out how to transfer it over, Suggest me a list of things this thing can fabricate!
  4. were removing rev's? :'(
  5. Got links? I'm borrowing an old one from mechfabs
  6. except i get to fort myself away from the shitcurity instead of just the greytiding breaking in. i might even be able to recruit the greytide! It must be a job, has to be! Also Telecoms Specialist!
  7. Got side tracked on conveyor belts.. and ended up making Clothing Fabricator.. haha, But It will all happen soon enough.
  8. Shop Owner - Like trader except has a shop somewhere on the station.. sells stuff..
  9. If I remember right you just take acrowbar and pop the emag electronics out.
  10. Awesome! Really looking forward to the conveyour belts. I guess we'll need spritework done for the holopad and belt assemblies/partial assemblies. I have the sprite work done for the belt assemblies almost done, The Holopad I still need to do.
  11. I actually was here for this, The only thing I really liked was the ability to use buttons to make working airlocks.
  12. Do we not have the version that has a chance to burn out after a couple of uses?
  13. Done. Need to do some tweaking though.
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