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Everything posted by Gegto

  1. So, I once was just a simple monkey, when I noticed that they could not resist, they could only put on a hat and backpack, and even that was glitched! It would only appear on the sprite. So, I suggest that the monkeys should be able to wear helmets, masks, gloves, shoes, and radios (even though they cannot speak English). Also, I wish that monkeys are like the ones on Goonstation! Fair game, that they do not have to follow the rules! Thank you for your time
  2. I have noticed much to well that if you go into the cryogenic area in the dormitory, that there will be at least one head in there, and it is insanely easy to steal his id! I feel that there should be an area in security where the heads can rest without being robbed and probably murdered. I know this from experience. On both sides. Though it will protect the heads more, I am probably screwing myself over by pretty much protecting them more, but it is a good idea in my opinion
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