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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. Name: Kaiser Walker Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): - Nanotransen Representative - Captain - Head of Security - Blueshield Biography: Kaiser Walker was born at an unknown date to unknown parents. It was not until he was already 2 that he was found by a Head of Security at the time going by the name of Markus Walker onboard Station [] the station had recently undergone an attack by xenos and his parents presumed dead, they had failed to register their child for one reason or another and as such he might as well have not existed. Markus Walker, taking pity on the boy took him as his own, naming him Kaiser Walker in stead of his unknown birth name. Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes:
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