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Everything posted by Toastadder
I feel that the not being able to set fire to books certainly doesn't feel right. Book burning has been part of human culture since the dawn of reading; NSS Cyberiad, being set in a future based on a projection of our own future would imply that books might still be burnt. On station there are a range of things that burn including food, cigarettes, antags and incompetent scientists; why not also have burning books? Books can be burnt in many ways in real life which could be reflected in-game such as burning in piles, burning with fuel, burning with cheap lighters and throwing into fires. I occasionally play librarian and each time I find a book so terrible it needs to be destroyed I can never find a fitting way of destroying it apart from convincing the chaplain to let me put it in his crematoria. I realise that there are some difficulties around book burning in game including burning religious books but I'll leave these problems to be explored by somebody more intelligent than me.
I feel there is a bit of a problem on nations rounds. When cargo are frantically ordering crates, science equally working away to get an advantage and everyone else rushing to get things. Everyone but command, they can sit and wait because they know that at the end of the day they have the power to enlist as many members as they want and can prevent anybody from joining different factions/departments. This feels hugely unbalanced as they begin with the power to give all their members all access, they can go anywhere and do anything; something nobody else can do. Obviously this requires some communication between the command crew but there is nothing the other factions can do if the enemy can walk into their 'base' and do what they like; be it kill, conquer or enslave. I don't want to name names, this isn't a complaint, but I do feel that something could be done to prevent this, it really does break the gamemode balance. There is also a problem that might just be something personal, but I feel that past friendships and grudges on previous rounds can be seen on the station. I must point out that this doesn't mean everybody, the gamemode is a great idea and it's nice to see characters put in different situations and interacting with different crew members. But on the gamemode there are still people who stick together, do the same thing every nations round; it doesn't make the gamemode feel different and exciting. Instead it feels stale already, when you can join a nations round and can instantly predict what the situation is on the station. Groups like the 'NCR' have been set up roundly and this already causes loyalties and rivalries, it can really limit the originality that could be seen on nations. One last point (sorry), the A.I drones didn't work, they didn't "Subdue and detain crewmembers who use lethal force against each other. Kill crew members who use lethal force against you or your borgs.", and there was, in the last nations round at least, griefing and RDMing. This didn't get picked up and continued until round end, as an RP gamemode, there was a lot of RP but a lot of unnecessary killing and fighting. More could be done to make it a little more role play and a little lest postal. I'm sorry if this is long or if you disagree with my points but I just really want to see this gamemode develop into so much more. Obviously I can't speak for everybody (and I certainly don't) but as one guy, I just wanted to put this out there. I hope to hear back from you soon.
Name: Joanne Paige Age: 23 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Scientist, Virologist, Geneticist, Roboticist , RD, Chaplain and Librarian Biography: Joanne was born into a loving family on Luna in 2536 AD. Her father was a Research Director on a Einstein Engines Inc station orbiting Epsilon Eridani. It was noted that he was on his way to lead his research team into making a new breakthrough in Plasma Research. He met Joanne's mother in 2529 AD when on a R&R visit to his home planet Luna. She had grown up on a ranch on a tiny moon on the Outer Rim of the Sol System. There she developed a love for nature and at the age of 21 left to study botany. After 3 years studying she returned to the ranch and using her knowledge of advance hydroponics; she made the planet a haven for beautiful gardens and luscious crops. The planet prospered and she made her family rich and moved to Luna to a life of luxuries. In 2529 AD she was at the Luna Private Pool Garden when she knocked over Joanne's father. The began talking and in 2530 AD they moved in together on Luna. Joanne's father spent many months away from Luna so in 2532 AD they were engaged and married later that year in the one of the gardens on the Outer Rim planet. Joanne was born in her parent's house when her father was off station, she was born 2 weeks prematurely and required a short term in a private medical establishment. She was raised by her Mother who now found more time to spend at home. Just before Joanne's first birthday she met her father for the first time, these next few months before he returned back to Epsilon Eridani was when Joanne was first part of a complete full family. At the age of 4 she was moved to Luna Private School for Girls, there she was taught the basics of life until the age of 12 when she enrolled to the Luna Academy of Science. She wall well liked by her fellows from a young age due to her easy going attitude and open ideas about acceptance of other species and scientific advancements. When she was 8 she was taken out of class and informed that her father was missing in action. He was on the station orbiting Epsilon Eridani researching {LEVEL 4 SECURITY CLEARANCE NEEDED] when her father was reported for not attending duty. His quarters were searched and was declared missing in action 2 days later. His remains were never found. The station was raided later that month by {LEVEL 6 SECURITY CLEARANCE NEEDED] and all his research was lost. The remaining crew and station were found by a rescue shuttle but there were no survivors. It is believed that they were killed by a [classified] fire. Joanne took the news badly and her grades suffered but raised again after she spent a year back at the family home with her mother. When she returned to school she began studying for her exams. She excelled in her studies and gained an enrollment for Luna Academy of Science. She remained there until she was 19, after which she was given a job by BioTech Solutions in 2555 AD. It was at the Luna Academy of Science where Joanne met her first love, [CONTENT REDACTED] who was a human raised on New Magnitka. They remained in an a relationship for a short time before he returned to fight against the violent oppression back on New Magnitka. In this civil war many lives were lost including the life of [CONTENT REDACTED]. His body was never found. This news came as a terror to Joanne and led her into a depression, during which she began to use recreational drugs to attempt to stay herself. She graduated from Luna Academy of Science and gained a job from BioTech Solutions. She was fired from this job because she was caught smoking psychedelic drugs while on shift. [uPDATE] Joanne has settled in on the NSS Cyberiad and is getting acquainted with other crew members and the comings and goings of station life. However, she still remains quiet and withdrawn when in large crowds. She has listed her desires for continued NT employment as taking on the job of Research Director and to make the next big breakthrough. Qualifications: English Standard First ClassMath Standard First Class Science Standard First Class Science Extended First Class Religious, Ethical and Philosophic Understanding Standard First Class LAS Chemistry Honors LAS Physics Honors LAS Biology Honors LAS Mechanical Design and Research Honors Employment Records: BioTech Solutions- Laboratory AssistantNanoTrasen- Continued contract Security Records: 104/ Drug Possession- In ownership of Ambrosia Deus203/ Narcotics Distribution- includes dealing of ambrosia, mindbreaker, and space drugs Medical Records: [REDACTED UNDER THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY LAW] Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Joanne stands 5ft 3in tall (161.6cm) and has bright pink hair in a beehive, this hair falls just above her shoulders. Her eyes, bright blue and gleaming, are evenly spaced apart from her petite nose. She has naturally pink lips and light purple eye shadow. Her light skin has been made up to hide the freckles on her cheeks. Her natural hair color is beginning to show, light brown roots are showing giving her hair a layered look. Her body is petite and bares the signs of a slight tan. She smells like roses and speaks with a well defined accent. Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes:
Hi, I'm Toastadder and I've been on Paradise for a while now but it's only now that I've started playing more often. I have gone by many different names including 'James Pesto', 'PHO-BOT' and more recently Joanne Paige. James and Pho weren't very interesting and didn't see them as individuals which others would find approachable. I will admit, I have made stupid mistakes before on the server yet, I feel those days are a long time behind me. So, if you decide that I don't sound completely repulsive; you can probably find me on the station in science mixing chemicals, in virology twiddling my thumbs or making monkeys act like Elvis or walking around as a civilian. Hope to see you around, With love... Toastadder (don't ask about the name)