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Everything posted by davidchan

  1. tbh I'm surprised Defibs haven't been nerfed a long time ago, let alone still in the game. They barely take any charge at all to zap someone, can be used to revive 10+ people if the body is found and recovered in a timely manner, and they don't do any permanent damage a could heal synthflesh patches can't immediately go away. The cloner on the other hand takes time to work, requires biomass (with only enough starting biomass for 3 people), removes all augments, implants and powers, can induce brain damage and genetic damage if not properly upgraded. And they get cloning disorder meaning they can't remember events leading to their death, were a defibbed person can spout out the last thing they saw was Assistant McTraitor coming at them with a revolver or esword.
  2. Didn't look very hard then... Link Gibber on /tg/ definitely gets upgrades, but nobody really wants to go into the kitchen plus it's easier to just give the chef a bottle of cryox and a syringe to bleed out his monkeys for tasty tasty synthmeat.
  3. -1 Fucking NO. /tg/ mining went from one of the most enjoyable time sinks this game had into one of the most annoying, unrewarded facets of the game. Ash storms. Remember radiation belts? Now imagine if they happened every 5-10 minutes. Constant burn damage, being in a hardsuit or mech doesn't protect you, even borgs get destroyed. Oh, and the notification for an incoming storm is the same color and text of an attack log. You were cutting your way through a hivelord brood swarm to kill the hivelord? Tough shit, enjoy burning to death. If the regular crew had to put up with crap on the station it'd be nerfed into the ground before testing could be completed. Mining borgs just became obsolete from the get go because they can't create shelters and can't venture more than 15-30 seconds from the airlock without risking total destruction. You liked upgrading the ORM to make mining output yields respectable for even the greenest miners who can survive? Sorry, we added a decimal point to all the upgrades, have an extra .4 sheets per ore. Don't have one of the best 5-10 miners on shift who know what they are doing? Hope you enjoy waiting 90 minutes just to get enough silver to make a durand. Except it doesn't, given how merrily the map will screw you over, so many of the 'fun' to be had is bugged to all with tendrils instakilling anyone near them the moment they die, faithless mazes which are just deathtraps only for the most power gamiest players and gimmick areas that reward the equivalent of "I risked life and limb and all I got was this crumby t-shirt'
  4. Id be fine with large beakers not in standard casings, medchemists don't even have grenade parts any more so its not a huge nerf when they shouldn't be making them anyways. Either that or rename regular beakers to small, rename large beakers to medium and make a new 150u beaker as a go between for bluespace and buckets than can only fit in large casings.
  5. Sigh... +1 Just don't let it be something as dumb as effeciency or birdboat.
  6. You haven't known true pain until you've been attacked by a basalisk and two hivelords at once, especially if you're flanked. Luckily broods despawn after you get far enough away, so digging a tunnel out and waiting a bit is your best option usually. If any of the coders could pinpoint this bug and fix it, it'd be a godsend, as I know carp, spiders and viserators are all effected by it. Vampire bats too.
  7. The problem is 100% the delay on death of all mining mobs. On /tg/ it self attacking a hivebrood will instantly remove it from play and allow you to cut a path right to the hivelord. Here, broods just stick around for another second or so blocking your path and the newly spawned brood will take it's place making progressing to a lord annoying difficult. Not sure why exactly it does this, seems simple mobs don't force update their health when they take damage though.
  8. Only reason to need 2wide is incase it gets stuck/hits someone. Given that Mechbay has maintenance tunnels (or rather, and oversided maintenance closet) to the west, a pair of flaps could be added. I believe the current boxstation map has something similar in RnD for mulebot deliveries.
  9. Still don't know why the qm doesn't have shutters. Really the office should no be connected to the lobby, it should be adjecent to the cargo bay where his supervision is needed, not the lobby.
  10. I like the idea, but if we're gonna go full prison architect, we should go full prison architect and have some kind of set up for Janitor (Tracking collar and a mop that records how many messes it's cleaned up?), some kind of botanical garden for growing tower caps for wood and general produce for food. Not exactly sure how Laundry would work since most people walk around bloodstained or make use of showers to just cleanse themselves all at once, washing machines are only used now days to kill pets and assistants who get out of line.
  11. Infections are annoying but fine, if anything they've toned down from the days of burning your hand on a light bulb and croaking from kidney failure half hour later from the acute infection. Making infections require at least 10-20 damage to the limb would be a start, if looking to make them less common. Rotting is pretty annoying, less so that the brain can degrade but more that said degradation can't be fixed. We'd need a means to GET organs for transplants to be a thing, mechancial ones or even flash cloned ones. Taking an organ from a person/animal should require compatible blood types.
  12. Honestly I'd rather prefer ID swiping a collar would allow you upload access to the collar (pick and choose, not everything) Course, this comes from me wanting to possess Ian or Runtime and run about the station without needing a babysitter to open doors.
  13. It's be a good feature if the refresh rate on the scanners was better, it's pretty damn easy to go blasting through rock with hyper accelerator and hit gibonite that was outside the range of your last scan and trigger the gibonite. Even with an advanced scanner. On /tg/, this isn't an issue since gibonite doesn't immediately explode and you can run or disable it just like anything else.
  14. This isn't about non-antags getting access to guns This is about antags who aren't traitors with emags getting weapons that they rightfully should have access to if they or someone did the work. A Shadowling, a cortial borer, a vampire and a changling all have damn good reasons to want a Laser cannon or AEG, but unless they get lucky and catch 1 of 4 people off guard (or manage to cheese their way into the Cap's office and grab the ID before anyone snagged it on low pop) they have no means to do this. If non-antags are trying to power game and get guns for any reason they shouldn't be. Job-ban them, it's what the system is there for. Under SoP they should be getting permission for them, but antags shouldn't be bound to that. The Idea being that the RnD server will still show the item as locked, so RD can bring point to the server logs and show that there was no authorization from him. Emagging would just override the lockout list. Making the protolathe have some kind of visual or UI indication that it was tampered with would be a decent idea though.
  15. I still say we should abandon the lockboxes and go to a RnD server lock (you know, that one feature the RD is supposed to have that was never used.) RnD schematics that are weapons/dangerous (I.E. anything currently in a lockbox) is locked out from the protolathe by default. When the research is accomplished, the item is just greyed out and can't be built. RD could unlock specific items from the Research Server control room, and would be responsible for anything that happens should he unlock something. Emagging the RnD Console/Protolathe would remove all locks. Non-Traitor antags could still hack into the RnD server and attempt to manually unlock items. In short, antags who would want guns but don't have access to an emag would still have a means to get them without killing a high profile target (Captain, HoS, Warden or HoP) who they probably want the guns to deal with in the first place.
  16. Lockboxes are the cancer of Science, stop trying to add more of them. On that topic remove Toxins access from HoS so he can't print himself guns anymore.
  17. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/issues/3893 Gibonite detonates instantly if struck by a KA blast, even though other more potent explosions can not replicate these, even the singularity going over gibonite tiles triggers the countdown instead of an instant explosions. This is either intentional, as some misguided attempt at balance, or an oversight. In either case, this shouldn't be happening if a max-cap bomb will only cause a chain reaction but a KA can instantly set of the explosions, usually taking a limb from the miner.
  18. As long as the regeneration takes time and has a penalty attached to it (think soft crit speed nerf) I don't see an issue with it, as it would be such an ass pain to deal with Slimes would avoid it where possible. Maybe drinking water could speed the regen up a bit (5u at a time) as the regen time would basically be their membrane reforming and fluid refilling the limb. Though, we'd be talking excessive amounts of water or food, no eating a donk pocket or beef jerky and being back to full. Unlike Diona, this wouldn't be actual damage negation with near constant regeneration, so they wouldn't need any more significant nerfs/debuffs attached to it, a 'broken' limb would be unuseable and with aforementioned pain means that Slimes would be pretty poor in combat/escaping it if they get seriously injured.
  19. This becomes hilarious during traitor ai/MALF rounds when their safeties are hacked.
  20. Well according to Tully's SoP surgeons should be doing it. Robotics are just back ups according to his pos policies.
  21. The blood sacrifice is the only reason for the Experimentor to even exsist, tbh. Don't increase the odds of it happening, but have upgrading the machine remove the chances for the object to get destroyed ('Runtime error' or 'Ian-ized')
  22. Doesn't the Janitor get Wags-His-Tail aka the pet lizard? Pun Pun isn't a pet though. He's emergency meat for the Chef.
  23. Diona give 0 shits about radiation. This would mean the AI core would have to be radiation sealed, as the AI is made from an MMI/Posibrain.
  24. Nobody ever pays attention to Medical Stats. You can set someone to clinically insane and physically unable to do their duty and security would come down hard on your ass for kidnapping by keeping them detained in medical till you can cure them. Especially if it's a security officer beating the shit out of your patients you are trying to calm down.
  25. Depends how exactly we handle 'boneless'. Would the arm/leg be destroyed entirely? Falling off and not being reattachable, requiring several minutes (and tons of nutriment) to regrow? How would this effect cuffing/binding? Being uncuffable by stabbing your arm repeatedly with a screwdriver would be pretty OP. Would it act broken and unusable, causing lots of pain and draining away hunger as the arm slowly refills and reinflates? Would this process be interruptible (break a slimes arm, wait a while and attack it again) or would Slimes just magically be able to shrug off all damage if given long enough to wait (like Diona.) Really kinda shocked how people are saying that giving a Karma race the ability to regenerate wounds would be overpowered when we already have a default race that does this This idea needs to be fleshed out more with details on specifics before anyone can say it's OP or balanced.
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