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Everything posted by davidchan

  1. Id be fine with this being optional or something like ghost medihud that can be set on or off by default in the game preferences of character set up. But as a counter argument that real life doesn't have progress bars... a person digging a hole, building a support frame or girders, making an incision for surgery or just mopping up a puddle would have SOME visual indication on the progress of their current task. 2d spessmens doesn't have animations or custom sprites to reflect this, and progress bars as a universal indicator is a hell of a lot easier to impliment than making 101 custom animations and sprites for the various time delayed actions we have. If you don't like the idea, fine, but shooting down a game mechanic for 'muh immurshions' is a pretty poor excuse to not want it without giving an alternative idea that would be equally easy to impliment and for new players to understand.
  2. Odds are if Meth is being pushed out of the scrubbers its in contact form too, very things that come in gas form are only lethal if inhaled. I'd have to test it more, but I've never expierenced anything but coughing from scrubber back pressure, though I generally stay out of the smoke till it passes where possible.
  3. It's been almost two months, why do we not have this beautiful feature?
  4. Our PDAs use ROM cartridges that maybe have 128kb memory doing the things they do. Everything about this game is pseudo-future of the late 80s Gas masks don't do much of anything anyways, Toxic gasses like Plasma will still damage you if you aren't wearing a hardsuit + internals, N2O and CO2 are basically the only thing a gas mask will protect against.
  5. Robustness knows no bounds. Though cmon, we can turn a soda can into a bomb, but that bag of chips gets left out?
  6. I think pretty much any wiki page that had some relation to goonchem is out of date save for Chemistry itself. Food and Drink still lists Warm Donk Pockets as having Tricord, when they have Omnizine, I'm sure there is at least one or two outdated recipies still on the list, it was only recently that Neurotoxin was correctly stated to require Ether instead of Morphine. Also most of the special effects and values of the food were all removed, by whom or why I don't know but it strikes me as a sekrit elitism thing again.
  7. +1 to all of these, ghetto chemistry is something that gets no love here (well, ghetto anything to be honest, Ghetto surgery has been broken for months) I don't know what brand of Jerkey you get, but pretty much any preserved or dried meat is going to have tons of Salt in it too. Would also like to see methods to somehow make hobo-oil, since there really is no way to get carbon and hydrogen outside of a dispenser to make welding fuel into oil.
  8. TG has implants that do this. Just saying.
  9. Honestly I'd just be happy if you could crawl if you were still conscious.
  10. Slitting your wrists is a form of suicide, biting or disfiguring your hand to the point of mutilation to escape cuffs seems... wrong. It should make you bleed out in a few minutes with healing the wound to stop the bleeding. Changing this to breaking the thumb and/or a few fingers makes a bit more sense. Cuffing mechanic in general drives me nuts, it serves its purpose but the complete inability to fight back or at least use cuffs as a garotte just seems like a missed opporunity. TL;DR remove the mechanic or have it come at a severe consquence to your health, not just 'lol 1 good hand'
  11. Heat generation of the PACMANs are finicky, in my experience. If you set it up outside by the emitters, I don't think generators can transfer heat into the environment if there is no air/gasses to do so. If the PACMAN was close enough to destroy an emitter or field emitter, it sounds like you had it out in space. Keep it inside where air can cool it. I honestly don't know if the default PACMAN can run at full strength without overheating, but once you get uranium lasers inside them LINDA will suck the heat out fast enough to prevent them going critical, I once ran 5 of them at once in mining dock when engineering refused to do their jobs once.
  12. 1. There are countless areas where holopads have been forgotten to be mapped in, we should add them. Not related but disposal chutes too. Seems every recently added area of the ship only has atmos and power hook ups, everything else is missing.
  13. Player controlled face huggers were basically instant death for crew not wearing protection. THey could hide under tables and move like (old) drones. And that leap ability had longer range than flamethrowers, I remember laying down some heat only for the hugger to jump through the flames at me.
  14. The only thing I like in this thread. Honk.
  15. Those are unfortunate, if humorous, results of alien testing. The abductors are pretty apathetic as to how their subject interacts with the environment post-experimentation, and I seem to recall medical is able to remove organs that are deemed dangerous, otherwise cloning is always an option. EMPs, Viral infections, Mindblasts, blood sprays are some of the organs, if we really deemed these dangerous or overpowered, we can always swap them out with something different. Currently, only 1 organ will actually kill the subject, and thats the plasma cloud, all of the rest can inhibit or make them lynch targets by the crew, but they still get a rather interesting new quirk to try and RP with and around. Where as stated above, Revenants are intentionally draining and killing people, thus removing them from the round prematurely, Revenants just hover around medical waiting for crit patients to be brought in. Revenant victims get no consolation prize, and if malpractice bay isn't feeling up to the challenge of defibbing/cloning people, you died so that a character/antag who gives no incentive to roleplay can taunt the crew or launch lighting strikes at random people in hopes of getting another victim into crit. Vegan stated he's 'Something like 70%' done with Abductors actually, and has been working on it for some time. So, hopefully that means before Halloween we can get our ayys
  16. To be entirely honest I'm not even sure why we ported Revenants in the first place, they aren't done and they make a shoddy side-antag given that their entire goal is to kill as many people as possible. And it's impossible to make them fully-fledged antags and give them a centeral role in a round given how passive their playstyle is. Scrap them and port abductors. Abductors don't kill people. They can be countered in much the sames ways you counter an AI (they use cameras to find targets), and their victims get a random organ that does something interesting AS WELL as getting a non-antag objective. Their entire purpose basically is give people not involved in the round or interacting with the main antagonists something interesting, where as Revenants entire existence is to shit on someone who already is already having a bad round. Hell, I've seen Revenants taking internals off of unconscious Vox (somehow) to let them slip further into crit for soul sucking. How much more dickery does this server really need?
  17. Can't RECEIVE a centcomm fax because you are out of toner, which is even worse. Plus nobody at cencomm can change a toner cartridge without calling an ERT.
  18. Yeah this is just a slightly more powerful jaunter. Being able to get a free/discounted jaunter early would be nice, but they are otherwise balanced if somewhat useless imo.
  19. Yes please. Plus AI/borg/drone laws. Bonus points if uploaded laws are labeled to who uploaded them.
  20. Well, a good guide, but not perfect. Your setup irks me. Especially when it comes to the SMES. If the round just started? Yeah leave the SMES on. If no engineers know how to set up the engine, the first thing the AI should do is turn off output to conserve power till someone can set up a power source. Setting up a PACMAN is doable, but its easily avoidable and the sooner the crew is aware that they are losing power/not generating it, the sooner the Heads will find a means to rectify this, who cares if they run out of power 10 minutes early if it means you can set up the Engine faster. My setup would be 1) PA, 2) Collectors, 3) SMES, 4) Field/Emitters, 5) Fire PA. Wait for stage 3, lower to 0 and lock the PA. As for optimiziation, I'm guessing you are not familar with atmos, because if you REALLY want power, you freeze the Plasma. Go to atmos, rig the the space loop and freezers together, let it cycle till the tempature is below 100k (-173c), run 6 plasma tanks through a scrubber to get the room temp gasses out and fill them with your freezing plasma. Hook these babies into the Singulo and giggle happily as you are generating 3 times as much power. 6 Collectors at default Plasma generation= Roughly 800kW at stage 3. 6 Collectors at 1013 kpa (tank max) = Roughly 1.3MW (1300kW) at stage 3 6 Collectors at 1013 kpa @-173c = Roughly 4.2 MW at stage 3. It's also worth noting that you can lock the Emitters and Collectors by swiping them with your ID, as well as unscrew the PA computer screen to prevent immediate chucklefuckery from turning the PA. This will how ever make it take slightly longer to fix and power down the PA incase of a potential breach.
  21. Coroner really isn't a vanilla job anymore, the IAA and Magistrate have more in common than a doctor and coroner. (Course, I'm in the mindset that IAA should be a karma job too.) Dedicated coroner slot would allow us to reduce the size of the morgue, with the coroner doing autospies on bodies, returning items to their rightful department and informing the chef/chaplain of bodies ready for destruction, the morgue would only need four to six slabs, the rest ccould be converted into a small office to do paperwork, give it windoors on the north and south side of the office would allow for items to be reclaimed or people to make requests, the windoor allowing people to see if the coroner is in rather than hoping they respond to radio calls or pda messagees
  22. Robotics has a terrible habit of hoarding materials, more than once I've nearly come to blows with a roboticist who waltz into RnD, takes ALL of the material, and goes and tries to hide in their robobunker. If robotics gets Ore Redepmtion rights, revoke RnD rights too. Edit: And on the topic of access. Why does Robotics get access to tech storage but Scientists do not? Far more useful things in Tech Storage for someone doing RnD or upgrading the station than the 2 flashes and gloves that have basically become the Roboticist's standard uniform. Seems rather reversed on who should be be a be able to enter this room. I would how ever be just fine with Robo having SciChem access, if only to stop them from harassing me for Sulf Acid.
  23. The Ambulance itself is an abomination, I'd rather the Paramedic starts with the materials to build an Odysseus. Ody parts + Cards + mounted sleeper. Can get extra sleeper(s) or syringe gun from robotics, as well as power cell upgrades. Though, the ability for Request consoles to ping/summon medical services would be nice, I know nobody outside of Cargo ever uses them, but having some kind of panic button that sends an SOS over the medical radio channel would be nifty.
  24. IIRC you can punch someones head till it explodes, doesn't take much. Isn't the damage threshold 100-150 or something to a single limb before it blows up/off?
  25. Alternate Job title of Josiah's Maid?
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