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Everything posted by MrFinnT
also an antagonist reminder would help players who forgot their objective.
adding a point of roleplaying a scientist is not a hard worker. why would a scientist, who studied half his/her lifetime go into the dirt and mine. thats really bad Roleplay! sure this is medium to light roleplay, but would you consider it ok for a chemist to perform any kind of surgery? or the warden to do detective work?
there is a room between medbay and mechbay that is fuck up by the changes the station went through. 3 doors say it is a maintenance tunnel, but one door says it is the starboard emergency storage. it stores an air canister, a water tank and a Multitool. either all maintenances doors get changed to storage doors or the room gets change to a maintenance tunnel. it is not shielding against radiation, which would need to change as well.
or a traiter with the objectives: #dont let anyone escape (or any murder objective) #die a clorius death
$race is sadly not working. tried it can we make this happen so an AI canbasicly give out all kinds of information of a person?
all of oyu are scared of griefers. but if someone with AI acces starts grieving an adim will see that very soon and jobban/timeout the person. problem solved. every griefer in atmos can do shit if he wants to. but admins have an eye out for such things to prevent it. I cant see why a AI node recruited from ghost would be any more problematic than a ghost entering a positronic brain (becoming a cyborg)
$name, $rank has arrived . . . everyone who ever looked at the welcome messege as AI knews this two. but i would like to see stuff like $gender, $age, $Pronomen (?) als this kind of words so the ai could say stuff like An IPC with the name C.L.O.W.N. has arrived on the Station. It will work as a Chemist. any questions left? I do; is it possible?
i have not the same experince iwth hight populated servers as AI. in other words i can handel all task an AI gets even with many players online. i like the Cyborg plug in idea. but AI should not get their own superborg. AIs have to be defensles. otherwise its no fun if an AI can hunt Antags and as the same time stun, cuff and brig them.
you dont need this weapons. 1. building them as non antag is considerd powerplay and forbidden 2. Antags have acces to way better weapons 3. if antags dont have acces to better weapons it could unbalance the telecrystel system
i think only atagonist should be able to suicide, and it should not count as glorius death. as agent of a criminal organisatino oyu know you fuck up if you get cought, so you might as well end it. but if you are technicly inocent or just a minor criminal you would not go so far. suicide would be the "yes i am an antag and you got me" verb.
nooooooo. everyone should have access to the console. thats why there are door restrictions. to prevent everyone from walking in and use it. thats why you can't use medical-vendors in medbay because everyone once in a while enters that. but if someone going into RnD security is called immediately. remove door acces is fine. there is a window on the inside for the researcher to give out items to robotics. RnD is full of "joblocks" or how i prefer to call it teamplay if Mining isnt working properly, RnD and Robotics run out of meterials really fast. (way to often) if Scinece level are at 2 and 3 after 20 minutes robotics loose their shit. (happend to me) if the Scientist who wants to cheat the slow progress afk Robotics for parts and they dont hand them out (happend to me) scientist gets angry. [spoiler2]HULK SMASH[/spoiler2] nothing should be able to do a one man show, if your station crew is stupid, you either blend in or go crazy over it. (except antagonist)
exactly my thoughts. yello black lines marking a space where random EMPs can occur. it is the same with the Singularity, no sane crew with robotic body parts would go there. although the singularity is on a remote place where nobody can accidently run into it. maybe swap bomb testing with the E.X.P.E.R.I.-MENTOR so it is not in the middle of the station but at the edge
funny idea. as already said, should be an adim event because they would be protagonists, but the crew already fill into this role. the CERT/VHS would play the game with the antagonists and station and crew would become a battelfield filled with dummys.
color blind. . . so the game is set to Black/white or how am i supposed to imagine it?
i see selfantaging on the horizend
how about a light replacing robot, just like bebskys or medibots ect you connect sensor and arm to a light replacer and it walks around replacing lights anyway to topic, how about a Advanced light replacer from research that is recycling lightbulbs by the effectivity of 50%
other lore idea As result of a massive cloning malfunction this race started to take over small colonies far way from important trade routes. The time somebody noticed they already grew too big to "simply reset the system" so they where accepted into the galactic society - - after all this are alternative humans, hardly to belive they completly evolved on their own, than again, this is just SiFi
i like the supper matter, but i sounds pretty stupid that you can shot 10 minutes at it with an emitter without reaction. if nukeOps want to prepare the station for a charge, going after the power suplies sounds like a good start. but if you had to maintainc the Sabotage for such a long time everyone will notice. anyway if you need to make hte SM so strong against "atacks" to prevent unfair power play im fine with it
attach FTL minigamemode to early escape shuttles
MrFinnT replied to johannhawk's topic in Suggestions
NOPE someone (probably more than one) would simply sit in the chair without buckling and laugh at how everyone is raging otherwise cool idea but it should be a own gamemode with no antags and everyone on the same side. well no antags on the crew side. i can imagin a crew of 40 to 80 people would step on each other feed all the time. so maybe spliting up the players in two teams: the shuttel crew and the enemys/NPCs. the crew can only go a dangerous route. the crew has to maintain and operate the ship like in every SS13 round and the enemys/NPCs have to play the pirates, aliens or helples colonists. after all you want a Faster Than Light like gamemode/event we should take it a bit more than just a littel picture of a ship flying on GIFs from one spot to another -
i can only agree to dinarzad. you asking for 305 to 315 rounds to play before you can play as captain. that means we either have a competent captain who knows every single spiderweb on the station, or no captain at all. and as you said around 1 and 1/2 hour is the average round. that means over 500 hours of SS13 gameplay to unlock every normal job. i can remember when i was playing this game for the first time and I really goofed around. i can understand why you want some rules to prevent noobs to play round-important roles. but in my mind a "cold start" is the best way to learn a role. when i did a job for the first time i had the wiki to that job or a guide open all the time and sometimes even read it before the round started. (i was hoping for that job and prepared myself). the mentor system you speaking of is helpful. adding to that i would suggest a wiki link being send to every player every round for their specific job. so now to a counter suggestion: you replace "played that amount of rounds" with "played that amount of time" - so someone has to play 10 hours in the support/service department to get the HOP job. just an example.
The great syndicate needs great Screwdrivers. a stealth item for antagonists. it appears as a normal screwdriver in any color. but it does more damage it also applies a 1 second (longer?) taser effect. but only once (maybe it can be recharged or recharges on its own). so you can stab someone in the eye, he gets shocked. you spam attack and brake his skull and destroy his brain. since it is bigger it directly deals brute damage to the brain with every attacking. (brain does not acutly gets destroyd but the person dies) and since everyone is stupid, noone sees it is way bigger than it should be it works like a screw driver if used like a screwdriver. 1 TC should be a good price Damage; somewhere between Sword and screwdriver - i actually have no idea about damage values, but i guess you guys can figure something out that is fair. it leaves a regular trail like a screwdriver would for forensic.
i read the rules. anyway. the awaystation would be pointless. if the station is on fir, infested with aliens or a ascended shadowling is bloodbathed you can't join either. you just wait at the secondary station and wait, and wait and wait.
ok, i will be serius now you want another hallway, right? at the location of the holodeck, fine but where should it lead? to security, well there is a maintenance tunnel that is quite frequently used in some situations. or should it lead it the chapel... see above answer. the Droms/holodeck area is a Roleplay area, you cant get weapons or medicine in there. there is nothing of importants. if Nar'Si would be come to existance in that area, It would be bored to hell and leave the dimension again.
AHAHAHAHA in what of a world do you live in? 2 karma per roundis total bullshit. it depens on so many factors. primarily the one that every player can spend one karma. so most of the people cant get 2 or more karma. thats mathematically impossible. also barly any Archaeologist ever received karma. Surgeons get karma once in a while if they have luck with the patient. getting karma as security officer is also a hard thing to pull off. since all people you interact with are at the other end of your baton. beside that. some of the karma rolls coast 35 Karma points. even if i get 2 karma each round. it takes 17 or 18 rounds to get the karma. every round can least up to 2 hours. DO NOT PLAY FOR KARMA, you will be disappointed. Karma isa reward for [spoiler2]luck and Fame rather than[/spoiler2] Roleplaying
well i gave an option. humans are the only race that could really use brass knuckles. all other races have something special about their arms and bodys. ever saw a cat, bird or snake with brass knuckles? me neither what about Skrell? maybe a telekinesis implant for their already advanced mind diona gets a mutated vine seed. so it can create a distraction for what ever he wants to do