Hi there, first post of as i hope a long and annoying history of suggestion.
Victory Points
Victory points are earned at the end of the round for fulfilling objectives.
Of an antagonist accomplished all the objectives he gains one victory point
if the crew has a score over 10.000 Points every surviving and escaping crew member, means not cult, not rev, not any form of evil creature or antagonist, survives and escapes, they gain one victory point.
With 3 victory points you get 1 Karma point to spend.
If you fail to survive or escape or any of your objectives as antagonist you lose one victory point
You Could also lose one victory point for every faild objective as antagonist. (Discussable)
you can not go below 0 victory points, so 3 victory points are automatically set to one karma point and that cannot be lost except admin intervention or KarmaShop
To set in in perspective. if you play 1 game and earn one victory point you have nothing, if you play 15 games and earn one victory point each round you can buy the Barber for 5 Karma points and most of the Rounds are 1 hour or longer.
So only people who play much on this server can earch this points, no troll or griefer would easly earch 45 points for Blueshield to fuck up shit.
But it would provice some kind of reward for everyone who plays his roule (and punish bad cultist who dont even make notice of them untill the game says The crew managed to stop the Cult)