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Everything posted by LightFire53

  1. The hard life of a Comms Officer.
  2. I am also going to jump on the nope boat here. Seems like it will become the next service channel, and it will pretty much spam the service workers on a new level. PDA works just fine for me.
  3. How many space bears does it take to kill an AI during Admin Bus? At least that many.
  4. Found the shadowling ten minutes in when it tried to pop, and yelled about it. Shadowling almost got seriously robusted by an army of greytide immediately after. Said Shadowling was also a shadownerd called Tully Well done. Piss off the all power immortal beings. You can cross that off of Garoon's bucket list.
  5. God damn it Earth. Summoning the undead to haunt the station.
  6. And now to see if we can get the admin-senpai's to notice us
  7. I have always disliked rude people, and would totally agree that people need to be nicer to each other.
  8. I agree that science is can be too powerful, but let us not forget that lore wise, the station focuses on science. I agree with taking out mining ability for science, because as pointed out, it can easily make cargo null and void. That being said, even if some of the science department was shunted down into the outpost, it could be more balanced. Xenobio realistically shouldn't be able to breed potentially violent monsters on the station when a perfectly viable option is much safer. Same with toxins and science chem. E.X.P.E.R.I.-Mentor could also probably use a reworking/buff. It is useless unless you want machines that go pop and produce junk and/or corgis.
  9. Lore. Well written. Powered by the people. Meets basic standards expected. Covers most bases.
  10. If we want to be technical here, Lamar is the Science Mascot, and EN is the Robotics one. Lamar does just fine in his display case of solitude, and we have already determined EN is a jerk who needs to die and go away fine. No monkeys.
  11. While the proposition is... interesting... I don't think it would really work out well.
  12. I would think about getting slime people if they could do this.
  13. The NT Rep has the same stamp as Central Command. While they are an agent of Central, I don't think that they should have the same, all powerful stamp. New design, same central green, maybe?
  14. The title really says it all. The logic here is that the Brig Physician is specially for the brig, but isn't a required job. They also usually don't see a ton of action. While the suggested position here isn't also a required job, Miners are far more likely to get injured badly, and having a doctor on hand who will actually respond to calls for help would be helpful. Not sure what kind of perks you can give them, but I also assume it wouldn't need to be a karma position.
  15. And this is why you don't let Hyperion have command posts during a breakdown of civilization and or funds, as he makes poor life choices. Rest in Pieces those who died.
  16. No, they are not the same page. Yes, I was bored, and I looked to see what pages are missing. Yes, I know these pages are non essential. Yes, I know the formatting is kinda eh. Give me a way to format and I will attempt to make it so. Glory to Synthetica. http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Shitcurity http://nanotrasen.se/wiki/index.php/Brain
  17. But I still won't have the tail! Whats the point of being a cat when you lack a tail!
  18. Oh, see, I see the security thing more often. Especially if they are going for the HoS locker for the gun that THEY NEVER KEEP IN THERE. I think the doors would cost one, while lockers two, consoles 3, cyborgs 3 (for a complete emagging), just that kind of thing. Importants 3, semi important/special 2 and regular/common 1
  19. NanoTrasen lost funding. Medical is one of those "can truly be neutral" departments in nations. The first time we ran the new nations code, Jonah/Tully and myself managed to prevent medical from going solo, and declared it neutral, and fighting had to stay outside. We had threatened to slip people out the door if they refused to obey our one rule. Oddly enough, that was the round where we overthrew the old CMO because they wanted to go break Space Geneva and voted Jonah to the CMO/PR person.
  20. You mean security, with lockers busted open, right? Cue greytide/syndi with stun gear AND syndi gear. I really, truly do like the idea we have going on. That being said, it even says in the suggestions rules/reminders that not everything is meant to be balanced. I think this is more viable, and requires more tact than Ermergerg, Emag everything!
  21. When Johannhawk gets on and decides to cookie OOC
  22. And this shall get bumped from the abyss into the light, in hopes of implementation
  23. This is true, command all access is OP against the borgs that are supposed to be the peacekeepers/UN. But note that Robotics and RD can do this too. In general, I prefer this new version of nations over the CTF one, mainly because I easily grew tired of the fact that Engi, Science and Sec murderboned because they had the cool toys, while the other departments could really only cry trying to stay alive.
  24. Ontopic: I think an acceptable idea is different species sprites for IPC to choose from. So, like the Tarjaran IPC spite I have been pushing for, and Vulpkanin, Vox, etc... Off topic: Wut
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