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Grey Tider

Grey Tider (1/37)



  1. The gamemode would essentially revolve around a prison break, I have two ideas of how it could work: Option 1- Break in- Syndicate agents or some other high value prisoners have been caught on the station and are waiting to be transferred to Central Command, security have to hold them until ERT arrive to extract them and if all goes as planned this would result in a major victory for the crew. However a team of syndicate agents have also been sent. They could have varied objectives, (full extraction of prisoners, destroying evidence, eliminating loose ends .etc) A major victory for the syndicate for example would be achieved if they extracted all prisoners without any casualties. Option 2- Break out- There are a large number of prisoners(3-6) in either the penal colony or the permabrig with the objective of escaping from the prison and eventually the station. Like Nuke Ops one person will be selected to lead the operation with their role being to organise and co-ordinate the escape. This version would rely on some variant of TC which would allow the prisoners to buy items in order to escape. However the items available should be limited (no emagging your way to freedom 2 minutes in), or prisoner specific, for example, (shanks, low level improvised explosives, a box of stolen tools, oil that allows you to slip through vents) Once the prisoners have escaped they have to avoid capture and escape on the shuttle or pods at round end. These both have some issues to be ironed out but it was just an idea I had so I thought I'd share, anyway enjoy.
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