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Jack Fractal

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Everything posted by Jack Fractal

  1. That's fair, but in general, SS13 has been built entirely off of 'it's just more stuff you can do!', which has worked out all right. I support this idea, but all the alien races should have nonsense organs like 'squiddlysplooch' or 'fruuuneparple' rather then livers and lungs and things.
  2. Hi everyone! I've been considering upgrading the security records system to provide more accountability and organization for security, but I plan on putting most of that functionality into the PDA and the PDA code right now is badly in need of a re-factoring. Before I do anything with the records I need to re-factor the PDAs. So I want to hear what people think about PDAs. Do you use them? How often? What do you use them for? Do you use the abilities available on your PDA for your role in the crew? Do you ever scan people with one as a doctor? Check people's rad-levels as an engineer? Do you ever use it to check medical or security records? Do you send text messages? If so, how many per round? They're a staple of SS13, but how well do you think they fit in with the rest of the game? Are they nicely anachronistic with their cartridge-based design? Are they too futuristic with their text-message functionality and multi-page ui? Do you use the flashlight? Scan paperwork? Use the pen? Do you ever install a potato uplink in one? Have you ever removed a cartridge? Replaced one? Stolen one? Is there something that you've always wished you could do? Is there something that just drives you nuts? Do you like what they look like? I'm also wondering what's the procedure for getting access to server logs. If I added logging functions to the existing PDA code before I re-factored them, I could pull out real information about how often they're used, and what they're used for, but only if people are ok with me getting those logs.
  3. So this is happening. I don't play chemist, I don't know the chemistry system, but I read through about three dozen threads complaining about this update over on the TG-station forums when it was implemented over there. This change-list is also going to include changes to the IPC character race to make them metabolize chemicals like organics do, with the ultimate goal of making all chems effect all races the same way. The expressed reason for doing this is because of 'balance', a thing I've heard of, but I've never seen in any part of the SS13 code-base. The most exhaustive thread about this over on TG that I've found was this one, and I believe the most recent poll on the topic was this one. It was a 2-1 vote for a rollback. You'll also notice, if you check out either of those threads, the enormous banner across the top of the entire feedback forum, ordering people to stop making threads complaining about it, as the place was flooded with threads of people complaining about it. The reason it remains in TG is apparently that, because it is so all encompassing and so massive a change, removing it would be as much work as integrating it in the first place. This server isn't TG, and it has a different play culture, maybe everyone here will love it, but I thought I should bring up what I know about it from the other server where it was implemented. It might be a better system, I don't know, but it should probably be talked about before it gets pulled.
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