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Posts posted by PhantasmicDream


    It appears that we've all gotten a head of ourselves with this continues joke..


    But did you hear about the guy who got his arm pulled off by a moving car?

    I heard that the driver is now being charged for arm-robbery.




    Also I just noticed (cue slowpoke) that Dreamy actually successfully managed to ship girly Adam Jensen Jonah and Zeke, even if Tully tried to kill that concept with fire at the beginning....


    Should I be worried...? :V


    You should be because Churchy x Zolt



    That's the thing, you CANT make him any more feminine even if you wanted to


    I guess I'll have to try harder...


    Sax is the best corgi. He's also the result of unholy Bluespace tinkering, so yay!


    He shall also be the cutest of the corgis.



    Jonah and Zeke now have a pet corgi, named Sax.



    Also, during a certain fun round with a bunch of corgis Zeke became a woman and got a comment from Sergey saying "Zeke is pretty princess now"

    Of course because Zeke already looks feminine I wasn't sure how I'd make him look more like a woman...



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