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Posts posted by Dinarzad


    Why take suicide so seriously? If they suicide over a brig sentence / some other trivial thing, let them kill themself, laugh it off, and send them to the morgue or crematorium.


    Because, unfortunately, people like to make Security's time as hard and as terrible as possible. The moment someone dies in the brig it turns into a cacophony of "SHITCURITY LYNCH SEC!" with some people outright lying that Sec killed the guy instead of suicide.


    And if you think that's me exaggerating, it honestly and truly is not, I had personal experience with that when I used to play Warden. I see people punch themselves into crit in their cell and scream the warden or HoS is beating them all the time.

    It's not just them killing themselves an leaving the round, it's heaping a giant mess onto someone ELSE an giving the Greytide the riot excuse they look for.



    If I had a pound for every time a thread like this is made and all of the sec players come out of the woodwork and cry about shitters suiciding after being brigged, I'd have roughly give pounds. Personally, I quite enjoy having the ability to show my dissatisfaction (in a totally victimless way) with command/sec/the crew in general which is more dramatic than just screaming at them over comms.

    EDIT: although I can imagine why its frustrating to have prisoners suciciding as a sec officer, as the sec officer no longer gets to an opportunity to gloat and grandstand to their captive audience.


    That's totally what it is.

    I mean who WOULDN'T slit their throat over a vandalism charge.



    what would surgery equipment be considered? because I like the idea of being a grey that did surgery without using his hands.

    Also back to my main point, I think the illusion would be something good for RP, and I think it could have some fun actual uses, while the sulfuric acid things is kind of useless :/


    To my knowledge, most surgical items are Small items. The Surgical drill might be a little larger.

    Don't quote me on this, I am going almost purely on the fact I have stuffed a Scalpel and such into my pockets before, which can only hold certain sized items.



    If I want to prevent departments from doing certain things (like genetics carelessly giving themselves superpowers and not cleaning themselves after every test, or science spamming xeno with animals to the point of overflowing for instance), how do I enforce it without being an ass about it and convince them to go along with it for the shift? Should I even bother trying to stop bad habits?


    You don't and you let them do their job.

    That's very much micromanaging, Geneticists not cleaning their mutations on themselves is nothing. That's part an parcel of them having that job that's the perk.


    The MOMENT they start to freely give out gene mods without RD/CMO/Captain authority however (Provided there's no major crises that they're trying to help with by giving Security hulk mods), that's a breach of SoP and in my personal opinion, perfectly good grounds to demote the SHIT out of them for creating a workspace hazard depending on what exactly is being given out.


    Other then that though, if someone is not actively imposing some kind of harm onto someone else, it's probably not worth your attention as Captain. Let the CMO handle it, if the CMO doesn't know, maybe inform him and let the CMO decides if he wants that to be okay or not okay. If there is no CMO, then yeah it does kinda fall to you as a judgement call.



    Give it the "Medical" treatment.


    That is to say, A Medical Doctor does not do everything in Medical. A Medical Doctor cannot just go do Virology or go into Chemistry or make a Clean SE from Genetics, those are specific jobs/access.


    A Station Engineer cannot just bee bop into Atmosia and do what they want.

    Science shouldn't be different. Differentiate Scientists, Xenobiologists and Toxins Testing and maybe Chemical Research (That might be stripping it down a little TOO much, I don't know.)

    So you have Scientists, Xenobiologists, Roboticists, Toxins and MAYBE chem specific science nerds.

    This also encourages Science nerds to go do upgrades, because it focuses that as their job, manning RnD.



    Minor TK is a smaller counterpart of a genetics power, sure, but at the same time, it's quite a rare one. The illusion thing is definitely a cool and unique psychic ability, and as for fleshing out, it really needs some discussion as to how you'd choose something to create, and how you'd place it. Any ideas for either, particularly from those who know the coding behind it?


    Maybe like a psychic Chameleon projector-ish effect?

    As in you use the ability and then click an item to "Scan" it, and then when you use the ability on a tile, it makes the illusion of that object there?



    Only thing I've ever wanted changed EMP-wise for IPCs

    Is to make it work the sameway as Plant-B-Gone works for Diona.


    That is. EMP the first: Hard-crit, laying unconscious on the ground silently/internally going "god pls why"

    EMP the second: u ded. very ded.

    Effectively the same thing, since IPCs cannot get out of hard-crit without outside aid, given they don't regen.

    But feels nicer as a player then just the immediate ghosting.


    That. Or. Making the EMP flashlight at least have an indictor to everyone else that they just fucking murdered you, cuz atm it is just the no brainer "EZ PZ" any time your Assassination is an IPC.

    But not both though, cuz then it'd devalue EMP as a murder tool too much, and IPCs need the hard counter.

    's just not an interesting death just 'I klik mai lite at u n u die'



    thing is, they couldn't even do that

    any antags that start off station (IE vox and nukeops) didn't show up on the telepathy list

    still nerfed for some reason

    I recall at least one wizard round being discovered right away because of super mind powers, it was still a bit much.

    It'd be nice if they could have a greater range since it's the only upside for greys right now.


    Old Telepathy was Z-level based. so if the Wizard had JUST poofed to station and a Grey was using Telepathy just at that point, it may have been the wizard showed up on his list, but I wouldn't know, that was not a personal experience of mine.



    I'd like water weakness re-added, so I have an IC justification for always using telepathy, other than 'lol im mute probably.'

    Oh, yeah, and the interesting gameplay that adds. That's cool, too.


    I feel like if Greys had other interesting telepathic abilities, it'd be great. Make a lesser telekinesis that only works on small items? I dunno.

    Right now, they don't feel as alien as they should.


    I agree fully.

    A drastically weaker telekinesis would be cool, even if it's just like. Pulling small items directly into your hand from afar.

    Imagine a Grey Surgeon with that, that'd be legit.

    A lot of it was kinda hurt when Telepathy was changed to be on-screen only. Before you could telepathically speak to anyone on the Z-level. While this may or may not be "2 gud" to have for free, it did fit in with Grey lore and in a way it WAS their racial language, they talk to each other via telepathy, they don't really HAVE a language in the sense of Vulpkanin or IPC.


    They definately feel like a more 'psionic' race, but I don't fully know how we could express that without making them crazy OP



    No, they don't need any more or less features outside of cosmetics.

    And even then I think we're reaching a good point where we've got lots of cosmetics.


    Time to move on and work on other races like the Grey or Plasmamen an stuff.



    It's a neat idea, to be sure.

    But it's also been suggested multiple times, not just here but on several server bases, and it has never been implemented into any of them, even on more Lore intensive ones like Baystation.

    It would require such a huge scale of coding, an INCREDIBLY huge scale of coding that I don't think any coders presently would have the time or energy to put into, even if the desire were there.



    Well. Copy-pasta time.


    Make lightbulbs not burn your hand. I can't think of any other way to accidentally hurt yourself. Even cutting with glass shards, you would have to purposely click your sprite.


    Alternatively, put in those grates that are generally suppose to be around lights in the first place.




    At least for security; it's annoying as hell when unruly prisoners just keep touching their light bulbs in order to get attention/kill themselves. And when you attempt to move them into solitary confinement, HEY ANOTHER LIGHT BULB!


    Granted, you could argue that if prisoners wanted to kill themselves anyways, there's a suicide verb. So hey, there's that.


    I really like this idea for the Brig cell lightbulbs, because, let's be real here, Brig Cells are where 90% of this happens and it's usually a way for people to commit suicide, without using the suicide verb or ghosting to circumvent the downsides those commands usually have entailed.



    It should be noted "Paperwork" and "Stamps" do not necessarily need to be together, and stamps are the hardest part (Because it means you have to go directly bother whoever to get it.)


    At best all I ask is for people to sign their name on a form to create a paper trail and that's... dependent on stuff.

    As QM, if an assistant asks me to print him a Welder and flash lights and shit, sure man. You go have a Welder and Flashlight marriage. Fuck, make it an industrial welder because normal welders are for squares and you came to cargo, so you're no square.


    But if Bob the Assistant asks for a multi-tool and insulated gloves, you bet your ass Imma ask you to sign this little waiver, so when the eventual cry of "SOMEONE HACKED INTO CHEMISTRY" goes out, and Sec comes to me, seeing I have insulated gloves in my cargo bay, I can point them RIGHT to that form. But that's it. He puts his own name on the paper and he has his stuff. No Captain's sig and stamps.

    Just his own name.

    If you cannot or will not pull the pen from your PDA and just type [sign] on a paper to get your items (Which takes all of seconds to do.). Then It was clearly not that important to you or you were gonna tator with it and don't wanna leave a trail.


    A smart bureaucrat does not paperwork everything and not always to the maximum degree. But he does do paperwork for the things that have potential to cause an abnormally large amount of harm/problems.



    What the fuck


    Are you the guys thats responsible of the "warning, contains hot" label on my coffee?


    Here's an easy fix, don't touch the lightbulb until you die


    I can fuck up and accidentally touch one as well, especially in RnD, but that doesn't kill me, not even close, you'd have to have the intent of killing yourself in mind to even get close to serious injury.


    "Guys let's remove glass shards because you can kill yourself with them"


    Except it adds literally nothing to gameplay.

    Not even nothing, it adds negative gameplay. Iunno about you, but I have touched lightbulbs before and changed them almost immediately after power was turned off and they don't fucking burn my hand as if I decided to shove my fingers into an electrical socket. If you REALLY wanna keep it as a method of brig suicide (Not... sure why.), just make it so clicking on an empty light socket puts your fingers into it an electrocutes you.


    It's not about "please baby proof this because I dun wanna be ded :<"

    It's "This is a retarded mechanic that benefits no one, no one cares about and is utter useless to existence, so let's remove it."



    Oh. Also worth noting:

    By default, in Goon Genetics, the Hulk mutation is not permanent.

    It lasts a short time before wearing off, it takes some special fuckery to change it's duration.

    So it'd also solve a sizable portion of "Genetics gets hulk, fucks off for rest of round" nonsense.



    To be honest, I'd be happy if we threw out our current genetics system and grabbed Goon's from the open-source.

    How does their system work?



    It may be a TL;DR, but I encourage a full read of the guide, because Goon genetics is VERY different.

    You don't have DNA injectors by default for one.

    And DNA Injectors once researched, cost materials to even produce, so they don't just poop them out infinitely, meaning to spread mutations out via simple injectors, Geneticists have to continue doing work to accrue resources to make those injectors, etc.

    Otherwise you gotta go the long way an splice it manually.


    Also, everyone has randomized potential mutations innately, and these don't effect your Genetic Stability at all to have activated. (This is both positive and negative mutations)

    The only time stability comes into play is when using injectors to give powers not already latent in their genetic code.

    If Stability gets too low, bad things can happen. Such as randomly gibbing yourself.

    Negative mutations like obeisty and blindness and the sort, typically make your genes more stable, while beneficial ones typically make them less stable. So you can only have so many powers without also giving a few negatives to balance out.


    The guide will explain a fuckload better then me, so don't take my word on shit.



    I really like how goon handles this, that is to say that each power gives negative or positive stability, and if your genes are too unstable, you mutate into a mindless mob for your hubris in taking too many.





    I whole-heartedly agree Genetics needs some limitations, but for the love of God, please.


    Do not give the RNG job RNG restrictions on how much they can RNG their RNG before the RNG kills/harms them due to RNG. A chance to randomly mutate some other gene wouldn't really solve the problem, it would just be a gigantic kick to the dick in terms of enjoyability.



    It's worth noting on other servers, the Tesla is not an infinite power source either. If the PA is turned off the Lightning ball -will- slowly dissipate into non-existance. Compared to ours that never decreases in size ever. Even if you turn it off, it will forever exist.


    So it seems to me, personally that one step of the solution would be to make the Tesla much weaker initially but have a build up time more or less. Then if the engine is sabotaged, it's more impactful because it'll take several minutes to get the engine back up to full output, which would make power sinks all that much more effective, because now your Tesla engine isn't gonna just fart out stupid amounts of voltage to fully charge things again.


    And Singularity has no build up time (Aside getting to stage 3), but it's flaw is that it can get loose and devour the entire station.

    It's not an easy fix to all Engineering problems ever, but it's a stepping stone imo.



    Depends highly on the request, to be honest.


    If they're asking for a flashlight from Cargo, that doesn't really need a form. Even Multitools really don't, considering you sorta need Insulated gloves to not murder yourself in hacking.


    If they're asking to be made the Warden... Then yea, you can take the time to go find the HoS and get a signature, if only so he absolutely fuckin knowns who you are and what you're signing up as.


    If you wanna go die in the Gateway, Lemme ask the Captain if he cares of a scientist dies in the gateway, if yes then I'll go open EVA and the Gateway Access for you, then have fun dying in the Gateway.



    Sleepers! About 10-20 minutes into the round, run to RND and demand Rapid parts changer with pico (femto if mining went strait for diamond) manipulators. This will unlock oculine as a chem ye can inject to sleeper vic... occupant. Get large beaker, shove monkey into the sleeper, pump full of oculine and suck it all out again into the beaker. Boom! Care free oculine.


    As a note, someone plays a lot of medical, both doctor and Chemist.

    This is why I make Silver Sulfa and Styptic patches, and not just synthflesh.

    Because you have a magic machine that can literally make most the chems you need, hell it makes OMNIZINE when upgraded which even heals toxins, which is more effective then Synthflesh in terms of convenience at that point.


    If someone is both bashed and burnt, they typically are going to be hurt enough to go into Cryo, because that USUALLY is a result of space exposure (Pressure damage and freeze burn) It doesn't often come up otherwise that I have to swap between burn and brute chems. Plus Synthflesh heals at a lower ratio, it heals I think a 1:1 chem to damage rate, Silver and Styptic heal more overall.


    Basically it all boils down to: Use the Sleepers more, it fixes most the things, for free, without needing the Chem fridge, the Chem fridge is usually more effective (Styptic patches/ silver patches) with specialized medicines or fills in the blank spots of Cryo and the sleepers (Mitocholide, Atropine, Pentetic, yadda yadda.)



    I have to say, it seems to me like the pros and cons are a tad too extreme.


    Good balancing isn't about buffing one area hard and nerfing another into oblivion


    The thermals are way more powerful then people think. They're a perfect way to spy on evildoers in maintenance and would make security much more powerful at roundstart. I think they'd have to go.


    The welding overlay seems like a terrible nuisance and it would probably drive most resomi players to madness.


    I'm pretty sure being cute as hell is enough of a buff to make people play them, believe me.



    I don't need Thermal vision to play them.

    They are tiny, adorable floofs and that's all I fuckin need.



    An alternative solution to this would just be "Give Atmospheric Technicians access to the engineer equipment room." I played a lot of engineering this weekend, but I'm not exactly sure why Atmos would have access to these gloves.


    Two words, gentlemen, just two words.

    Air Alarms.


    Or, more detail-y and less reference-y: Air Alarm repair, since it involves the dicking of wires that can and will electrocute you.

    Not that people ever e-mag an Air Alarm or whatever, but that would be the presumed reason, same as Engies get them because it is required in APC repair.


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