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Everything posted by Dinarzad

  1. /tg/ does yes, but we're missing some backend pieces that would be sorta required for it. I think it's a Scheduler of a sort (if someone more knowledge could elaborate/correct me here would be tops.)
  2. Nah, LINDA is the system we use now that's more tile based. The old system we had is ZAS which is Zone/room based. Linda goes bit by bit, and is super slow. Less likely to destroy the server's resources though. ZAS is pretty much "One window broke, entire room vented in .5 seconds" but is a fucking glutton on resources (To my understanding anyway) (LINDA can be made to go much faster then it does now, but to my knowledge that requires some back-end ports of TG that we do not have yet and is one of those things that won't be a small or simple project to port over.)
  3. Perhaps the AI detector item could have a second use to check for a pAI? Like if one is on screen it turns a blue color instead of red or ... somethin, iunno. In any case. I would love if pAI got some tweaks. There's so many ways for ghosts to get back into a round and almost all of them are universally better then a pAI.
  4. While I more or less agree with everything else... I question this statement. Why precisely should it be a bus only event instead of a legitimate antagonist? It's one of the few antags not out to stab everyone in the liver and turn the world into a murderboner festival.
  5. I don't see why this is being so intensely argued. Antags can and do already ignore objectives they dislike or can Ahelp and ask admins for new objectives if they do all of theirs super early or if they don;t feel comfortable doing some of them. Isn't this... just making a preference option version of that, more or less? It;s the exact same feature that can be and IS doen right now, just a version that doesn't take admin intervention...?
  6. That assumes theft can't cause a stir and assumes someone is trying to greentext super hard. If you have to steal the captain's laser gun, do it in a fun or interesting way and leave just enough evidence to spark a hunt. Congrats, the round is now interesting. 's more ways to make a round interesting and hectic then just killing people.
  7. What Mediborgs ACTUALLY need is for their hypo to be less of a shit when it comes to refilling it's chems. It only refills the chem currently selected which is weird. You'd think it'd refill everything or everything BUT the one selected.
  8. Flattest is da real MVP here.
  9. Miners can mine so much metal and glass, why do you need to order it? The same reason as you can metal, glass and plasteel. Because sometimes you don't have botanists on hand. Probably similar point amounts as metal is, since it's mostly for construction and a few odds and ends.
  10. Trials are hard to put together, difficult to manage and more often then not get interrupted by a riot of greytide or bombed by an antag as a lot of high-profile people have to be present for them. Trials also take forever and divert a lot of manpower. Spending an entire round to prove Spud McNugget didn't steal a mech, only to show he DID steal a mech cuz his fuckin prints were on the thing, as was his passed out meth addicted ass half hanging out of it, meanwhile across the station 3-4 people just got killed or dragged screaming into maintenance, is really just not worth it. Trials are generally only called in a case where evidence isn't 100%, but high indicative, and it's for something super serious like being an enemy of the corporation, because only then is it really worth the time.
  11. Bear in mind, so far (Still bein coded/argued over) Grey will be able to make illusions an shit. So while you might be a frail piece of shit, the intent is you can make it look like you have a double e-sword or soemthing and play mind games/bluff people to do dumb things to win, cuz they think you're way more then you really are.
  12. Pedantic mode aaaaaactivaaaaate: Vampire's jaunt ability is called "Mist Form" cuz in certain Vampire or Dracula mythos, they can turn into a cloud of mist to get into otherwise impossible cases. Going through walls is, however, weird and it might be more interesting to make Mist Form a temporary ability to Vent-crawl or pass through airlocks or windows something, instead of solid metal bulkheads. Would at least fir the flavor a little more. If that's suppose to be their mist and/or bat form its way of the source material. Mist form was slow and only really used when they were lethally wounded. It was also supposed to be slow method of travel. Makes them invisible, no clip and stupidly fast travel speed, can be used as long as the vamp is concious, a which combined with their stun removal and X-ray means they can gg-nore situations they shouldn't be able to. Oh yea no, it's pretty bullshit. Just that it's SUPPOSED to be a mist form.
  13. Pedantic mode aaaaaactivaaaaate: Vampire's jaunt ability is called "Mist Form" cuz in certain Vampire or Dracula mythos, they can turn into a cloud of mist to get into otherwise impossible cases. Going through walls is, however, weird and it might be more interesting to make Mist Form a temporary ability to Vent-crawl or pass through airlocks or windows something, instead of solid metal bulkheads. Would at least fir the flavor a little more.
  14. Dinarzad


    ^ Cloning is less of a problem then people think. It's the fact we have like three other ways to do Cloning's job, better then cloning.
  15. I feel plenty of IAA know they're involved in other departments as well, it's on their wiki page after all. The problem is, when it comes to inspecting those departments, they're rather limited. Unless someone LETS you inside, you usually can't tell the fuck is going on unless someone lodges a complaint. Security, they can walk into the brig and be there to be oversight during prisoner processing/sentencing. For something like Medical, they can't exactly just walk inside for an inspection to make sure shit is being done right/by the book. Not that they necessarily SHOULD have all department access, but that is the primary inhibitor on them dealing with other department's breach of proceadures and having to wait for people to come to them, rather then them being more proactive outside of Sec.
  16. I think the point being made is that they both have the same general purpose/job so the IAA would fit better under the Representative's control then the magistrate who focuses primarily on Legal issues. It's like the CMO and a standard MD. They both arguably have the same job, the well-being and health of the Crew. But the MD does the grunt work, the hands and legs of medical, while the CMO is the brains that (Ideally) keeps it on task and running smoothly giving those doctors direction when needed. Not so disimilar from the NT Rep being the "Command Advisor" and general guy to make sure command is taking shit seriously, while the IAA are the ones filing reports, obtaining evidence, etc. Least that's what I got out of it. Personally speaking, I think they'd do better under joint control. They DO handle some legal shit and (try to) keep Security honest so reporting to the magistrate makes sense, but they also handle non-security related issues and SOP Violations so reporting to the NT Rep -also- makes sense.
  17. Then we better remove HONKS and Recitence mechs, plus the ability to Superfart, also toilet water/greenvomit, also fat people exploding with the thin mints. There's a lot of stupid silly things in SS13. If we're gonna start axeing silly things, a 'Growth serum' is one of the lesser of the silly objects we have.
  18. I would personally be in favor of this. Firelocks, one would think, are there specifically so people DON'T open them with their bare hands and spread a raging fire. Better to lose only three people in Science then two people andn ow have Science and the entire primary hallway hotter then the surface of the sun. It's more Logical in terms of RP, and it ups the deadliness factor of fires, so tops all around from me. Crowbars are enough to get and keep for a rainy day anyway, or shouting at the AI. I'd suggest also that a pAI's door jack also be able to do it, with relative speed. But that's just me getting off track. +1 to the idea.
  19. Well I guess we should make a distinction between Psionic Communication and Telepathy. Grey have both. Psionic Communication is a Grey's "Racial language" that you use with :^ It is a non-spoken Psuedo-hivemind chat that any Grey within a screen's radius can hear. Telepathy the genetic power, requires a target, and you can only select targets that you can physically see within your screen. If the Target does NOT have the Telepathy power as well, they have no idea -who- is in their head, they just hear what was said. If they DO have Telepathy they also know who it was that spoke to them in their noggin. Most people ignore Telepathic messages cuz frankly, they're hard to see on top of being rarely used. They use the same blue text as everything else (Could seriously use some readability tweaks) Anyway uhhh... proceed back with talking, just felt those two things needed to be clearly defined a bit.
  20. I think we sort of need to erstablish the difference between "Easy to heal" and "Easy to get supplies to heal" It is extremely easy to find cable coils and usually welders. Welders are slightly harder then cables, sometimes Cargo can be real stuck up about passing those out. It is -not- easy for an IPC to heal themselves, downright impossible for them to do so in some cases (Just like humans). An IPC has to click cables/Welder on every single individual body part one at a time, and if he is self-healing each heal also takes a few seconds to get off. So for an IPC to fully repair himself takes a decent time investment, not something he can do under the gun. And this assumes -minor- damage, past a certain threshold, IPC can no longer repair a limb themselves at -all-. They then need someone else to do synthetic surgery on them and repair the internal structure, something they literally cannot do themselves and is roughly analogous to having a broken bone, because damaged robo-limbs have a chance to go haywire and drop what they're holding, similar to broken bones and the "You wince in pain and are a butterfingers" This is in addition to the increased fragility of being an IPC, meaning that damage gets to those points far faster then it ever will on a hiuman, and they don't have the luxury of synthflesh or Cryotubes. Any injury they take, is taken easily and is not treated with a "Here's your medical patch, on you go." So, It is super easy to get cables/welders. That does not make it quick and easy to heal yourself as an IPC and it STILL is not always possible to do so, if you have internal structure damage/charred wires.
  21. A Quickie reference for all the radio codes: :C is command :M is Medical :U is Supply :N is Science is Security :E is Engineering :Z is Service And :b is Binary speak, the non-radio way Cyborgs and the AI all talk to each other without meatbags able to hear.
  22. Ahoy there. I'm gonna take this more piece by piece to try and keep things more on point, otherwise I tend to ramble. Here's the thing here. You told them you both didn't wanna be the AI in both IC and OOC and didn't know HOW to be the AI. At that point, ghosting out of your brain is understandable, and it's on them if they wanna ignore that. In the event you're even slightly unsure if it'd be some kind of breach in the rules, you can always put in an admin-help or mentor-help to clarify with the staff that "Hey, Iunno how to do this super important job is it a problem if I ghost or opt out?" In fact that's pretty frequently done anyway, if you are a Head of Staff and have to log out, you're supposed to ping the admins an let them know. The wiki is your best friend. Aside using the Wiki as a holy SS13 Bible, this was sort of an exceptional circumstance from the sounds of it. Mostly because unless you're an antagonist, you should not be debrained without either consent or if medical absolutely, dabsolutely cannot clone/revive your body (Very rarely). If you did not give consent and the roboticist was not an antagonist, he broke space law and SoP and could have (And should have) been fired post-haste. You can always ghost out of your body, the downside to that is, if you ghost while your body is not dead, you cannot be rejoin the round. At least not through normal means. And, as before, if you are ever unsure, the admin help button is there for that very reason and mentors exist solely to be asked questions. It fules them. Questions give them sustenance and power beyond the ken of mortal man. Most of the problem you're having here is not really ONE problem of "I got forced into a job I had no idea how to do." It was actually a compounded result of shitty Roboticists/CE illegally jamming someone into a new AI core without consent. I imagine if you had A-helped your situation, an admin would have todl you to go ahead and ghost and either pinged ghosts to ask for a replacement or to just let the crew solve the mess they made themselves of jamming na unwilling cyberbrain into an AI core.
  23. There's an OOC Mute button if it is getting salty or vitriolic. There's also a world of difference between Salty IC in OOC ("FUCK YOU HOS, I WAS INOCENT!") and IC in OOC from someoen that is clueless ("im vampire pls halp" who simply don't know mentors and mentor help even exists. It's not something many servers have in the same way we do, at least nto that I've ever seen. IF Mentors got their own dedicated 'mentorhelp' button I'd be swayed into indifference or possible support, but right now it being part of adminhelp, it's sort of a hard to find feature unless you already know it exists, the name implies you're contacting an admin not that you have a choice of who to talk to.
  24. The null rod exists primarily to fuck with the Cult and their runes. The Bible reveals them but the Rod erases them. Personal opinion time: It's damage should be lowered on most everything EXCEPT Cultists and Vampires. The Chaplain absolutely -should- be a force to reckon with if you are a a member of a Cthulhu cult or an undead abomination. Holy magic versus Unholy magic. Chappy's importance -should- be at an all time high when unholy hell magics enter the equation. Given his entire schtick is the wellbeing of the crew in a not so physical sense. Their mental and spiritual state. He should be significantly LESS important if it's just some asshole with a gun. That's what Sec is for. Shadowlings... ehh... could go either way on it, really.
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