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Of course not. +1
I'm just gonna say that I love how a vote that agrees with the admins is upheld as enshrining their policy, but one that doesn't with almost as much participation is repeatedly dismissed as not being representative when it features at least a quarter of all regulars, and half the average server population. Also I agree with almost everything Icy has said thus far in the thread. Or play as a clown, but yes, as I've said previously it should be more stringent.
The spice of life my friend.
The people must know!
http://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/3 ... ng_ensues/
You said 'This idea is for all electronics (computers, PDAs, even doors) to be programmable and interfaceable in a similar way to Goon' but these features would be nothing like what Goon currently has. It's an interesting idea, but yes, this would be a definite PITA to code.
Wow nice, way to cherry pick the thread to make me look like the bad guy without providing any context or responses; very classy and exactly what I've come to expect from staff that hold a view contrary to my own. Fuck it, I've said my bit on this dumb as shit grief grail, and I don't think there's one replacement I'd propose that would be accepted; I've got better things to do, like polish my Medborg PR so it can be rejected from merging regardless because it makes them 'too good' or some other equally stupid excuse/rationalization.
I thought only chemistry and telecoms had scripting on Goon.
No, not a standard thing, just a psuedodeathsquad of leather clad validhunters modeled after the Tunnel Snakes that are called in for really egregious little shits. Make the leather jackets difficult to remove with stupidly strong defensive properties and call it a day.
@ FalseIncarnate: I'm not confused. You were talking about a black-hole mechanic as a deterrent. In DnD it's not a blackhole, it's an Astral Plane portal so I concluded you were referring to SS13. I'm pretty sure a lot of selective memory is involved here; also aren't there bomb caps that prevent hundreds of tiles of destruction from occurring via toxins? Building, placing and detonating multiple toxin bombs definitely features more risk than minting a couple of BoHs and is certainly much harder to pull off successfully than slamming them together. Under 20 minutes is actually pretty conservative in terms of research completion; you finish the research and wait for mining to drop in; if there's a window of time until you get your shit, go ahead and synthesize a bunch of killchems, or even toxinbombs if you feel like taking a chance you might draw attention to yourself. Speaking of, to create and place multiple toxin bombs in order to circumvent the limits imposed by bomb caps is both potentially more time consuming and has a much higher risk of getting caught (significant as opposed to none). That's one of the biggest comparative problems with Singu griefing; not only is it immensely destructive, it is also pretty much impossible to detect, intercept and stop. Further, yes, incentivizing mining is _definitely_ going to reduce the time until scientists get their diamonds on average; there's absolutely nothing 'magical' about it. If miners are encouraged to do their job, they are more likely to do it, and therefore more likely to get diamonds and do so more quickly. In all of these cases, there are either answers, responses and counters or ways to otherwise prevent or minimize the averse outcome, or the harm is limited in scope (as in the case of getting vamp jumped) as opposed to being wholesale destruction that literally comes out of nowhere without any warning whatsoever. Fighting back against Nuke Ops is fun. Meanwhile, you can literally do nothing to stop singugrief via BoH; it is balanced solely by admins, which means it's not balanced.
Bump, because Valid Hunter Elite Tunnel Snake squad should be a thing, especially now that we've got leather jackets for them: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5042 Also they should be obliged to tell antagonists who they are and that they rule before killing them under penalty of a permanent job ban.
Description better be Tunnel Snakes rule!
Toxin bombs and fuel tank explosions aren't nearly as destructive; hell even traditional singularity sabotage isn't nearly as destructive because this gives you complete control over singu placement. Further, I've yet to see an admin delete a singularity created with this before it caused _massive_ round ending damage. An incentivized new mining means that pulling this off in a timely manner will probably be easier and faster than ever as mining is really the only bottleneck for a Sci griefer; any remotely competent/experienced player can get the requisite research done in well under 20 minutes comfortably. Lastly, antagonistic singu placement is really only fun for the user, and is precisely the opposite for its victims.
Would be useful to have a Jobs Interface for each department; it is effectively a list of jobs for that department. The Captain and the AI would have the authority to add and delete jobs and set their priority, as would heads for their department job list. When a job is added, it can be set to broadcast to the department, or assigned to specific personnel whom it will be PDAed to; the new job will also be timestamped along with the identity of the job creator. The creator can also choose to receive a PDA alert when a job is completed, and assigned (along with the time, name and position of the person that self-assigned the job). A console at the bridge or in the Captain's Office has full access to all job lists. The members of each department would be able to interface with their department jobs list via their PDA, and can set the status of a job they're assigned to to In Progress or Completed (only the Captain, AI and department head can assign people other than the user), or assign an open job to themselves; a timestamp and user ID is added to each such modification. Duly authorized personnel can de-assign personnel and reset a job to Open status. Jobs and their changelogs can be printed.