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About improvedname

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. Then get a legion core before you fight something like that
  2. This sounds like really an issue, because you were a diona. species that are slow by standard, the tickrate isn't really a issue. The tentacles can be easily avoided. you just move whenever it has red eyes(or prepare to atleast) Bone breaking is a really edge case scenario. because you have around you alot of instaheals(or well get them atleast) which is basically a admin heal fixing your bones etc so bone breaking isn't a instant death sentence but its to add to the difficulty of lavaland with baymed, another thing you can (which i always do when fighting megafauna) is bringing stimpaks for some extra speed they just cost 50 points. yes they cause brain damage but better then dying right?
  3. tl:dr, people that has knowledge of telescience (basic math) are the only ones that know how to use it VS the 30 game mechanics that only resolves around clicking stuff without think work
  4. Shame cable cuffs are re-usable they should be more down the line of the zipties security gets, so its fair from both sides and not a big improvement to just making cablecuffs as officer instead of taking zipties.
  5. 4 unregistered voxes detected on the board wanting to trade.
  6. just remove autocloning, problem solved.
  7. 12 syndicates speaking about cola, and some random
  8. 10 doctors performing malpractices
  9. 6 people screaming ARMOURY BREACHED
  10. 4 civilians asking on radio, toxins?
  11. 3 revulutionaries flashing the captain
  12. One personal vendetta against restarting the count.
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