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Posts posted by improvedname


    you know if you're basing yourself so heavily on a video game character why don't you base the lore off of them, too




    I mean it's the whole point of roleplaying as a specific, already-written and defined individual, isn't it


    Sure give me telephatic abilities at roubdstart and a spear that shoot fireballs







    Blood Type:A-

    General Occupational Role(s):


    Security officer



    Was borned at jupiter and raised by humans never received a last name

    But the humans that raised her were called Jack Oran and Jennifer Oran

    Two researchers that happily raises other species and do research on

    How they react and other things



    Advanced Combat training

    Advanced Medical training

    Advanced chemical knowledge


    Employment Records:

    Was Hired when she was 18 as a security officer 3 years later promoted to

    Blueshield for her knowledge and actions defeated 4 nuke ops teams 3 changelings

    Served 2 times as Hop's PA.


    Security Records:

    Trained in combat approach with caution


    Medical Records:

    Right hand lost by a explosion replaced with a robotic right hand


    Personnel Photo (Appearance text):

    A Blue-purplish vulpakhin with white fluff in her ears and light Blue eyes

    A fluffy tail and a robotic right hand



    Commendations [only to be added by admin]:


    Reprimands [only to be added by admin]:


    Other Notes:



    Oke heres some wizard spells i thought off


    1. Time manipulation field

    It will make a field in the whole area where you are and

    Anyone who enters that field will be slowed down


    Pros:This can slow players down chasing you

    Its a one time use spell but the field will stay the whole game


    Cons:The area where the field is will be marked with cult walls


    2.Ancient field

    The wizard setups a field that disables technology in the area

    Doors consoles will shutdown tasers and other weapon based technology won't work in the field but things like revolvers submachine guns etc still works


    Pros:It creates a field that disables technology it is a one time use spell will stay the whole game


    Cons:It can backfire since you won't be able to use any technology in that area to staff of change etc

    Area is marked with cult walls



    A one time use spell this will switch everyone on the station with eachother

    Has a large cooldown


    Pros:Can get poeple in areas where they can't get out


    Cons:You never know who you switch up can be a civilian to the captain itself!


    4Crystal Orb

    A orb that can be put in your pockets it will glow when anyone alive is near your 4 spaces out of view range


    Pros:You can see who's coming or if anyone is close


    Cons:it also detects mobs like Ian and Coffee


    5.Staff of Temprature

    A staff that can freeze the victim[slowing him down] and also can be changed to burn the victim[setting him on fire]


    Pros:A staff to slow/burn poeple down


    Cons:Can be used against you when your staff is token


    6.Magic shield

    It forms a shield around you that blocks bullets/taser bolts and other shots


    Pros:You can't be shot down


    Cons:Has a large cooldown


    7.Cursed Field

    It curses a area and anyone who enters that area will only act retarded in that area slamming heads against airlocks etc also causes braindamage when your in that area very long


    Pros:Makes the player retarded if that person is long in that area(try cursing medbay ;) )


    Cons:Brain damage can be easily treated by Mannitoll



    You know your limited to disabilities obesity near sighted and seizures and one i can't remember

    We can make the character setup much better


    Like using the speaking disabilities as accent option select swedish? Your swedish at roundstart or thonething isnt right?


    We could make the rp much better like adding things like blindness clumsiness etc

    Like for being blind at roundstart you can start with specialized glasses but if you lose them? YOUR BLIND or you roundstart with deafness? Have a special headset but if ye lose em your deaf


    Just add more disabilities to the disability option



    What about a mission cracking a safe open but theres clues

    Hidden over all the place some place you need to be robust but the other place you need be smart

    I would like to see more puzzles with all factors in it instead of a

    Emitter maze of lov*death*



    What about to add the ore redemption machine board first


    Ore redemption machine board and mining equipment vendor boards already exist, bug RnD or robotics for one if someone manages to break the machines.


    I know but i mean when you deconstruct the machine the board Isnt inside Either the ores doesnt drop


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