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Posts posted by improvedname


    Slips pull/alcohol/nuerotoxin can all be avoided as the stunprod is mostly used as suprise and likely as defender


    ...That's... interesting, I was PRETTY sure a stunprod was a melee weapon, the exact same as the alcohol bottle which ALSO fits in your bag the same a prod. And that you could surprise people with neurotoxin by putting it in someone's food an shit.

    And slips can be thrown to the tile in front of someone as they are walking.


    As i said


    Slips can be avoided likely harder to pull off

    Beer bottles smashing can by avoided by headwear

    Nuerotoxin trough food requires the person eating the certain food

    Stunprod is the most easiest tool to use and the most scaring there is


    Stungloves were removed because it was litteraly a suprise tool midcombat/ambush


    Stunprod is litteraly the same thing just not on your hands even alcohol doesnt have that long of a stun atleast make it backfire or shorten the stun



    Alcohol Bottle targetting the head = stun

    Nuerotoxin + ingest method = stun

    Slips = stun (long enough to cuff too)

    Random combat stuns of a high brute weapon = quite a long stun


    Saying stunprod is the only stun as non sec seems to be ridicilous



    The thing with antag stuns is if you get caught it's GG because you're EoC.

    With a stunprod or equivalent you can usually play it off as just being a greytider, the trade off is less effectiveness and so it should be.


    Excellent point, it could be considered the "stealth" option because it doesn't mark you as an antag.


    It can steall be a stealth option but just with a chance to backfire


    As i said we can use budget to half the backfire chance and insulated gloves to completly remove it



    You should really not care about antags if they use a stunprod they have a whole arsenal of stuns that way better then stunprods

    >poeple spill their blood if the stunprod gets nerfed filthee powergamees

    The thing with antag stuns is if you get caught it's GG because you're EoC.

    With a stunprod or equivalent you can usually play it off as just being a greytider, the trade off is less effectiveness and so it should be.


    Prods aren't really any deadlier than the easily mass producable spears knives or half the things science can print off dozens of.

    Yeah it's really fucking annoying when someone validhunts with them but if you're getting into a position where someone with a makeshift stun stick can get you it's likely you didn't prepare yourself properly.


    That said though I'd be in favour of reducing the stun prods stun to juuuust a fraction above the time it takes to cuff someone, maybe have them make a loud BZZZZT sound as you'd expect from raw electrical contact, they are slightly OP given how easy they are to get a hold of since for stuff like knives you at least have to break into the kitchen somehow.


    Stunprod is the deadliest thing that there is

    What you gonna do if you stunned? Ye cant fight back unless adrenals


    But really forcing the stunprods only fit in belt slot just encourages greytiders carrying secbelts with stunprods and handcuffs/zipties why are poeple making so big deal about a easy stun weapons greytiders arent supposed to have gauranteed stuns so it should backfire if a traitor uses it and it backfires well bad better luck next time if you didnt buy your traitorshit yet


    The thing is just greytiding is so normal gauramteed stuns stunprods became a main thing that just got a big impact on the game even if its 3 stuns its enough for easy ambushing one for one heck traitors can easily get batons and other things they just need stick effort in it instead breaking a window and a grille and some wires and a better the game isnt supposed to be always easy wins


    Poeple nowadays are lazy doing effort look at xenobiology you used to do it by the hand now we have consoles look at virogly now creating a virus is easy now look at chaplain he has a whole weapon arsenal and don't get me started on tesla


    The game isnt really fun if its too easy thats why it needs more effort for what you can reach trough your rp or your combat skills



    I have a idea here liiiiisten

    -remove 8 tiles darksight

    -add chocolate poisoning at 10 units of chocolate

    -moar cold resistance

    -Fire stacks more on you thus harder to make out since fur yo its flammable




    Annnd that would be adding a disadvantage without an advantage.


    The adventage is the more cold resistance



    Let drones wear hats!

    I would adore this.

    From tg experience you can. Basically, any hat including helmets though only applies to biosuits rad suits etc. Not hardsuit helms unless chamleon.


    Solution:Code drones being able to wear hats and give them a chameleon hat since drones can be naughty and steal muh captains space armor hat



    What about just make insulated gloves a full protection from backfires budget gloves a half protection and normal gloves a qaurter protection


    You should really not care about antags if they use a stunprod they have a whole arsenal of stuns that way better then stunprods


    Traitor = ebow

    Vampire = glare/hyptonize

    Shadowling = stare

    Cult = stun talisman

    Changeling = has no stunning ability but they can pretty fuck you over with 3x hallucination sting

    Nuke ops = stun shells from the uplink


    They really dont need anymore stuns plus theres rng based combat stun which is pretty high with sleeping carp esword etc


    >poeple spill their blood if the stunprod gets nerfed filthee powergamees



    You act like Kidan are OP when they are the exact opposite. No sec huds, no flash protection, can't change records without a computer, no medical huds, no night vision, no mesons for mining, no mesons for engineering which makes you vulnerable to radiation, and more.


    The 'armor' is only good for boxing because it doesn't stack well with other armors and really, how often are you going hand-to-hand with low damage weapons or your fists without using stuns?


    Auctally THEY CAN get flash protection or a medical/sec hud all they just need is the implant welding implant gives flash protection btw



    Stunprod can be shoved into any charger. And its charge depends from cell it uses. Ask for bigger power cell from science to negate bigger power consumption.



    A chance to backfire when used make sense because prod handle is made out of metal(!) bar and there is nothing insulating on the handle. So you better get yourself insulated gloves. cheap insulated gloves may either protect from self-stun or make it worser.


    Alright, I guess I been stuck in the old fashion ways of recharging stunprods, nice to know you can just use an auto recharger.

    However, I don't see adding a self stun chance to the stunprod is needed. Sure, traitors and greytiders them use from time to time, but they are not a major problem to the station and definitely aren't overpowered seeing they been in this game for quite some time.


    It's also easy to take down a person who is wielding a stunprod as security because you have a range based taser, flashbangs, and even e-bolas to slow them down.

    Personally, when I catch people with stunprods, it only makes their sentence longer. Most of the time, they never even land a stun on a person or got caught for another crime and when searched, had more time added because of the prod.


    Dealing with stunprods is easy yes but thats not the problem the problem is that anyone can pull out a stunprod at any time without you having time to react


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