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Everything posted by willthehoss

  1. Name: Mikhail Pforor Age: 50 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Roles: -Captain -Chief Engineer -Paramedic -Head Of Security Biography: Born on a Navy combat ship, to a nurse, and a navigational officer, Mikhail Spent 30 years with the Nanotransen navy as a mechanic's mate, before being promoted to Chief Engineer and then being given his first command as a captain. Mikhail was involved in one of the first encounters with the vox fleet, and was wounded heavily, causing him to have his right arm replaced, and a stray laser shot requires him to maintain a mechanical heart, he harbors little tolerance for the Vox as a species, as they have caused problems beyond losing his ship to their raiders, but at times, even his soul. Qualifications: -Combat Medical Experience -20 years engineering experience -10 years commanding an Nanotransen navy carrier -Extensive training in firearms, both conventional and laser Employment Records: -Served on the NMV Sulaco as a Master mechanic's mate for 20 years, was promoted to Chief from there. -Commanded the carrier "Whale" In the first engagement with the Vox. Security Records: -Likes to pick bar fights when drunk: Keep an eye on him Medical Records: -Mechanical arm, heart. -Extensive facial scarring, laser burns on 75% of his body Personnel Photo : At 5' 10" This gentleman puts you in mind of an immovable mountain. He has deep-set eyes the color of burnished iron. Surrounded by extensive scarring on his face. His luxurious, short, gray, hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a burning fire. He has a Stout build. His skin is light-colored. He has thin lips and a wide chin covered with a thick gray beard. Other Notes: -Alcoholic -3 pack a shift smoker
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