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Everything posted by Psyentific

  1. I'd think that the banning admin being unable to issue a verdict on ban appeals would be a very obvious policy to implement, and I'd be surprised if it's not already.
  2. Pen, piece of paper, two minutes. Done. Some knowledge of SS13's quasi-BBcode paper (Who thought [br] was a good idea, anyway?) and a bit more time invested, plus notepad, and you can save a pre-made form as a .txt. Transfer orders, requisition forms, weapon permits, search warrants, suspect/evidence lists.
  3. Make it so the vast majority of hairstyles require a barber.
  4. This sounds like something that would work best implemented alongside Traitor.
  5. It seems pointless to make a thread to tell Ponies that shotgun darts currently have no sprite or some other almost-trivial thing. I figured, why not collect all that in one thread? Rule of thumb: If you can't explain it in two sentences or less, put it in its own thread. If its a minor change, or doesn't require discussion, stick it here. Shotgun darts currently have no sprite. E-Gun in-hand sprite doesn't match E-Gun item sprite. Sec officers start without loyalty implants, which is vastly detrimental to the progression and balance of Cult and Revolution rounds. I've seen the HoS and Captain mobbed by their own officers, which Should Not Happen. Mining Hardsuits cannot mount a Pickaxe (or other mining implements) in the Exosuit slot, only O2/Air tanks and mining satchels. I'd appreciate the option for those of us who prefer an optimized E-O2 tank instead of a fullsize O2 tank. pAIs cannot emote or understand common speech without translation software. Secondhand knowledge, ask Sheakhan for more info. Corgis (And other simple mobs, presumably) can buckle themselves into chairs, but cannot unbuckle. Post and sticky server IP on the forums. TraitorWiz mode, because everything is better with Wizards.
  6. That actually would be nice.
  7. We can spawn with perscription glasses, right? Why can't we spawn with eyepatches? Eyepatches are cool. No, seriously. It's a low-hanging fruit, please code it.
  8. 2/3 nations rounds I've been in were top-notch. Supply strongest, glory to Cargonia.
  9. Nations works under the assumption that all nations start at peace with each other, and follow diplomacy (And the breakdown of it) before engaging in hostilities. In-game, it could easily be fluffed as a social experiment. However, adding Nations as a game mode seems like it wouldn't work well. I'd say follow /tg/s example, and run it every so often as an admin event during Extended rounds.
  10. I'm not going to explain because of semi-secrets. If you really want to find out, I suggest experimenting.
  11. If we're on the subject of pets, the QM should get a "tame" mimic. It likes to snack on paperwork.
  12. Exile implants would be excellent to have for Revolution rounds - It provides an alternative to "Beat their head in" for dealing with Heads on both sides. As for Mind Slave, I'd say make it a high TC cost (7 to pair with emag?) and make the target an antagonist, with objectives similar to "Obey N" and "Ensure N escapes the station alive and free". Loyalty implant negates. Effectively, it's subverting borgs but for people.
  13. A week sounds about right - Enough time to know the department from scratch with semi-serious play, enough time to weed out the casuals, and low enough for veterans like me to slum it. I still say that round-locking within department would be optimal, but if that's not feasible, timelocking is already implemented.
  14. Low hanging fruit? Yes please and thank you.
  15. The more you say, the more carrying a bucket, a piece of uranium, and a piece of iron becomes attractive.
  16. I thought of that, then I realized "Serve Humans" was in the default lawset.
  17. So, what, a pre-made "Subverted" lawset? Don't we already have a bunch of those? Antimov, notably, but also Oxygen is Toxic. Freeform works perfectly fine for purposes of a one-human style subversion.
  18. I'd say either low-karma (5kp for Head, 10kp for Captain?), or time-based whitelisting. If there's a way to track the number of rounds played as a role, that would be optimal. Use that to unlock departmental heads based on the number of rounds played as a member of that department. For example, five rounds played as any of Chemist/Geneticist/Doctor/Paramedic/Virologist will unlock CMO, and five rounds played as Non-Assistant Civilian will unlock HoP. Five to ten rounds played as any Command unlocks Captain. Five rounds played as Borg unlocks AI.
  19. If it's player-controlled and acts like shit, treat them like shit.
  20. I didn't know that. If the root cause is inexperienced players in command jobs, have you considered time-whitelisting Command and Silicon jobs?
  21. Point 1) The Secure Armory's default access restrictions are adequate security for its contents. Point 1a) Many rounds (Especially Blob and Nuke) have been lost entirely due to the Red Alert restriction on the secure armory. Point 1b) Red Alert is seldom called when it is needed, due to the heads being too incompetent or too dead. Point 2) The Gamma Armory's security is inadequate for its contents. Point 3) The Gygaxes contained within the Gamma armory start unequipped. In the emergency that the Gamma Armory is intended for, it is unreasonable to expect a Gygax pilot to go from Security to a possibly non-functional, unstaffed, or hostile Robotics Bay to equip his mech before responding to the emergency. Point 4) The standard armory features an exclusively energy weapon loadout, yet has no rechargers. The security force, despite relying on tasers for ranged stuns, has no readily accessible rechargers. Objective 1) Remove Red Alert restriction from standard armory. If augmented security is required, motion cameras may be installed to the exterior of the standard and gamma armories. Objective 1a) To be implemented instead of objective 1, remove dual-head keycard swiping for Red Alert. Allow one head or the AI to call red alert by standard comm. console alert setting. Objective 2) Increase security on the gamma armory by thickening the reinforced walls to harden against breaching with C4 or by installation of motion cameras on the outside. Objective 3) Make the Gamma armory Gygaxes a viable option, either by spawning them with weaponry and modules, or by providing lockboxes of standardized mech-weapon loadouts. Objective 3a) Alongside O3, put Gamma Gygaxes behind locked doors, linked to a button with Command access. Fully equipped Gygaxes and Durands are powerful tools, far beyond the rest of the Gamma armory's contents. Objective 4) Put at least two, preferably four rechargers in the Secure armory. Put at least two, preferably four rechargers in the Security equipment or meeting room. Explanations: P1) The secure armory contains three E-guns, three Lasguns, three sets of riot armor, two ion rifles, one ablative vest, and one bulletproof vest. Taken as a whole, such as in a murderbone loadout, this is an incredibly threatening combination. However, distributed throughout security as intended, it is a marked upgrade over standard kit, and is very necessary in the case of extreme emergencies, such as a Revolution, a Nuclear Emergency, or a Blob. This is counterbalanced by the Armory access restriction - By default, only the Warden, the Head of Security, and the Captain can enter the secure armory. All other entries are break-ins, either through the entirety of Security, or from space. The principle threat here is from space - On other servers, it's not uncommon to see an engineer deconstruct into the armory from space, or a spaceborne traitor C4 into the armory. P1a) Unfortunately, the contents of the armory go unused in most rounds, and go unused even when necessary. In dire emergencies, Security's response times are often hampered by the necessity of having two heads co-ordinate calling Red Alert to open the armory. I've born witness to a fully staffed security department milling around for five minutes awaiting an armory unlock, while nuclear operatives track down and kill the captain. I've also born witness to an engineer deconstructing into the armory to acquire lasers to fight a blob, which took far less time than Command calling Red Alert to unlock the armory, despite the AI being under quarantine lawset. That engineer wound up doing more with his stolen lasers than all of Security combined, mostly because, due to uncalled Red Alerts, Security was forced to fight the blob with welding tools. The solution to this is Objective 1 or Objective 1a - Requiring Red Alert, while a good concept and in-line with RP, does a great deal to hinder emergency responses in many cases, sometimes to the point of station destruction and/or great loss of life. Either remove the Red Alert restriction on the armory, or remove the two-head requirement on Red Alert. P2) The Gamma Armory contains six C4, Six Stun Revolvers, three 9mm SMGs with six 9mm SMG Magazines, one L6 SAW with two magazines, three advanced energy guns, three smoke bombs, and two unequipped Gygax mechs. For organizations sake, I'll address the Gygaxes later. The security measures for the Gamma armory consist of one layer of reinforced walls and a secure airlock. From Space (ie. As Traitor or Nuke Ops), that is one C4 away from having all of the above at my fingertips. Considering the amount and power of the weaponry within, that is abysmal security. The Gamma armory should be ringed with at least two, preferably three layers of reinforced walls, or these walls should take at least one, preferably two or three C4 to destroy. As a corollary to the above, Motion cameras can be placed along the exterior walls of the armory to alert the AI of spaceborne breakins. This is an acceptable alternative to thicker or hardened walls. P3) Speaking as a seasoned robuster, an unequipped Gygax is the worst option I can take from the Gamma armory. Offensively, its only option is a highly lethal melee-only Mechpunch, and in the event of an emergency requiring the use of the Gamma armory's equipment, I wouldn't have the time or inclination to chance equipping my mech at a questionably-functional robotics bay. I'd much rather take the SAW or one of the various small arms. From a roleplaying standpoint, the Gamma Gygaxes are part of security, and are thus expected to have a non-lethal option available and to pursue that non-lethal option if available. Being punched by three tons of angry steel is definitely not non-lethal. O3) The solution to this is to either spawn them with a Pacifier Mech-Taser, or to contain the two Gygaxes within a Gamma Robotics Bay, as a subset of the Gamma armory and have pre-selected loadouts available via lockbox. For convienence's sake, loadouts follow: Standard Non-Lethal: >Mech Mounted taser >Energy Relay >Armor Booster (Melee) Riot Control, Non-Lethal: >Mech Mounted taser >Flashbang Launcher >Armor Booster (Melee) Combat, Non-lethal w/ Lethal: >Mech mounted taser >Mech mounted laser gun >Armor Booster (Ranged) Assault, Very lethal, no non-lethal: >Mech mounted laser cannon >LBX AC/10 Scattershot >Armor Booster (Ranged) Point 4 and Objective 4 are self-explanatory. Security needs rechargers and currently lacks them.
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