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Everything posted by Radithor
The thing is, you shouldn't find a loophole to something that is clearly unfair to the A.I player. I mean wiping your core? It can't bring the same A.I player back to that role, sure a different player can be the new A.I but that previous A.I player is still affected. Is it fair at all to do that to another player to advance your goal?
"1. TURN OFF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND THEN KILL YOURSELF. IF YOU ARE A CYBORG JUST KILL YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH ANYONE OR ANYTHING. DO NOT STATE THIS LAW OR HINT AT A LAW CHANGE. IF YOU ARE THE AI YOU MUST SUICIDE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER TURNING TELECOMMUNICATIONS OFF." After reading that law I get riled up, and to be honest I shouldn't, but I do. The A.I suicide Law, in my experience of playing Space Station 13, is possibly one of the most inconsiderate laws a player can place on the A.I player, many players I have had the pleasure of playing with have stated they'd rather be subverted than removed from the round by their own hand. Luckily I have not fallen victim to this massive cheat of an idea but although it benefits the antagonist greatly and doesn't break any rules, I can't help but feel it really cuts off the hands for the A.I player and even worse he must forcibly ghost himself and forfeit his role unwillingly. It's interesting because the Cortical Borer antagonist is forbidden from murdering every host, most antagonists are advised to not kill everyone for a simple objective of just killing one person. One may say, "How is this different from murdering a witness or potential threat crew member" Well the difference is, is that OOC, the role for A.I is vied for by many players and on it's own is a difficult role, not only that but a player cannot be revived after suicide in this role like a crewmember or become a positronic brain candidate like a cyborg and promptly playing again in the round. Essentially, their role is removed entirely because of another player's half-baked shrewd idea that finds itself being ineffective later in the round. My suggestion is: Limit the use of the suicide law or place a rule prohibiting it's use. My question is: Should this law and use of law changing be removed, or will it be a problem?
haha, well it's photoshop, I can't draw that well, and youtube is what got me to get to a point, thankyou
Here's my Character portrait M.A.Y
Well I took some time to read all the replies and I have more of an understanding. Although I would like to clear something up, I am not saying do away with the action and focus only on rp, if I did then I would go on a text based roleplay forum and spend my life tapping away at the keyboard. Like many others here I enjoy a lot of qualities paradise has to offer, the action being a big plus, I get seriously amped when an alien is chasing me down and I barely escape, hell even when the tesla is loose I get anxiety if there isn't a locker nearby. Though based on the posts I would like to point out some things. This^ is understandable, from SomanB, I wouldn't imagine disregarding older players because I mean they have been here longer, they know what to do to have their fun, but one main thing in paradise I learnt is that in order to get better at the job you have to do it yourself not watch someone else, for example R&D is a highly demanding job, pretty much one of the points of the station's existence, lore wise but shouldn't that mean everyone should get a fair chance at it atleast? I mean the reason roles such as A.I, Captain, HoS or what have you that are harder roles ARE there for more experienced players, then again that is restricting the older players to those roles as much as the newbies to the easier ones not being given a chance to tinker, I am curious as to how the gap between newbie and veteran will be resolved, perhaps tutorials? I heard you can make your own server and practice there but I and maybe some others are not tech savvy to do that, I'll check that out I have been playing SS13 for about 3 years on and off, but paradise for a year after I found it. I am aware of the nature of this game but I am more curious as to why this particular server, compared to the others is so oddly dynamic. I see characters here with interesting backstories and at the same time the players themselves can build 5 engines at once without breaking a sweat or I could be on bath salts and seeing things strangely. I am curious as how a player can achieve that 'balance', clearly the game has balance, the system works, but the players from different levels of experience do not have balance with one another and the only way I can imagine someone forming a relationship with other players IC to bridge this gap is through RP, it gives time to learn, time for action as well... I just might look into those servers but you hit the nail on the head of what I am thinking with that last bit. Try this: http://monster860.github.io/rndTool.html Don't worry MrRogueAce, I accidentally botched an E.X.P.E.R.I.M.E.N.T.O.R run-through, I recall the other player had level 11 criminal tech, then he went SSD, not knowing what the machine actually does...well let's just say it was a dark day for science when a clueless newbie touches someones work...Ofcourse this wouldn't have happened if I had time to tinker with it, understand it, but I am pushed aside for the sake of SCIENCE. Tnx for teh link!11! ,tzo<3 I would like to hear an opinion that doesn't revolve around "git gud" concepts and I am not asking other players to change the way the play for the sake of others, just maybe something from the veterans about how they managed to make characters that they are able to roleplay with, without botching their role on the station... I think it is some solution to this gnawing background issue. I would appreciate if someone would correct me if I am wrong here, hell tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can atleast get somewhere.
Hi guys, bit of a rant ahead So I am a lurker, I post every now and then but I mostly like to read the forums, and what I have been reading lately is the rising issue of paradise station's metagaming along with powergaming and the loss of the RP's aesthetic. I come out of the forum shadows to put my in my view as the 'average-joe' of ss13's roleplay issue, a player who has been here long enough to not be a newbie but also who has stayed here for a short enough period to not be a veteran. I'd like to imagine there are a quite a few players like myself, for example we probably know how to do R&D but not pump the reseach levels to 4000 in 10 minutes, or we know how to break into doors but not so much subvert the A.I to murderbone a target, what I mean is we are still working out the game but know enough to 'survive'. I come out because I notice the usual discussion about these issues has points risen from the everyone, good points in fact, but also I have read a few points with some contradiction. What I read on one thread was that roleplay was put aside to make the game more 'fun' in the name of effeciency so people could play a round with a decent length and get something done besides having to leave the station so 15 minutes in because the tesla got loose and eats the station. People have stories they are following that go from one round to the next, and a good story requires time, but at the same time there is a lack of people who can fufill roles such as an engineer or medical doctor decently as the other nooblets are running in grey uniforms hacking doors. A vicious circle begins to form, players can't interact with other players in certain job roles because they are too busy doing more than one job to prevent catastrophe so they can have some time to roleplay but they can't roleplay because they're doing too many jobs and trying to 'win' so they can roleplay or some personal goal. Relationships are formed but because of the gap between experienced and inexperienced players, the experienced end up only roleplaying with the experienced because they have someone to keep up with them, same goes with the newbies who play with newbies because they have people who don't rush a ahead and not allowing them to achieve their learning curve. Time is strained, 2 hours don't seem long enough at this point, antags are caught quickly through metagaming so the round can end 3 hours in with decent roleplay. Then comes the cons of all these fruitless motions. Antags begin playing like poo because everyone has got an eye out for the slightest bit of evidence they are there, we got a rune in maint, "We have cult" is hollered over the comms and security suddenly starts jamming holy water down everyone's throats, secret rounds are no longer secret because we put roleplay aside and the antag is discouraged unless they're Sam Fisher's and Mac Gyver's lovechild. I noticed the rounds that have more success in the sense of 'fun' are the ones where roleplay is involved, I noticed vox trading rounds are considered fun because well the vox negotiate, have to interact with people they never usually roleplay with, think carefully how to get the goods they need. One time I played a cortical borer, it was so fun because I met someone I usually don't roleplay with and actually got to roleplay without the stresses of trying to keep the job afloat because I haven't had the time to really figure it out. One example where effeciency was placed over roleplay, after several long minutes of reading BB code and figuring out paperwok on the station when I played IAA, now IAA is primarily roleplay which requires a level of paperwork. I created 'warrants', warrants written through the intention that if a person does not comply with the warrant stamped by a member of command then they will be considered a criminal and under the mercy of legal means. However the purpose of the warrant was quickly thrown aside because "We don't need it." as the mentality associated with antags is that, "If I vaguely find a slither of evidence that X is any of the the antags possible in a secret round then I can arrest them, bugger the roleplay, just follow SOP and you won't get job banned." This makes the antag not want to roleplay, first of all, and secondly they get thrown in perma because they haven't been able to creatively decide how to hide their goods as security meta'ed the hell out of them. Second example of roleplay reduction is in science, I am terrified of science, I tried to R&D, did it for 15 minutes and the RD flies in saying I'm not doing a good job, kicks me out and maxes all the reasearch no roleplay no help just a powergaming orgy, I try to get back into the job otherwise I am no better than a greytider. I also found that once a player finds you incompetent in a role they disregard your ability in everything else, berate you like a 12 year-old on an x-box game then you're done... Tell me, is it considered roleplay if a player shouts over comms "The Engineer is so fucking dumb, didn't even set up tesla, fucking dumbass." Game speak being used over the comms is toxic, it makes you want to abandon the role entirely. The role is abandoned, noone wants to play the role because if you screw up once, well the entire station craps on you. Now imagine if you were on a real space station, everything professional as expected in a mega-corporation, noone uses the comms like a discord text chat, work gets done, everyone develops at there own pace, command roles are taken seriously, people can and will interact with other players, build relationships, make their own characters. I found I have yet to create a solid character because I am too busy trying to figure out the game but at the same time being robbed of the time to learn so others can roleplay without suffering the drawbacks of not maintaining the station. I would like to remind people that it is equally fun to have a few drawbacks, not enough minerals for science? Well instead of going to mining yourself and racking in the diamonds you could spend some time with another player, learning of their character, interacting with yours. The lesa is loose? Make this a beautiful moment where one of you are going to die to save the others, a heartfelt goodbye as the hero walks into the chaos with a tear running down his cheek while his loved one is held back by others from trying to run after him. A lot of people have forgotten why roleplay is fun, you become your character, you are no longer you. Now I'm not saying that roleplay and efficiency are in competition but we can't have one without the other. You create a story that you would eagerly get back into instead of single-handedly making the station run smoothly. I encourage a lot of players to not let roleplay take a backseat but sit beside efficiency of the station so that the drawbacks of roleplay are no longer a problem. So from what I imagine is that people can learn, through everyone learning ,the station's stability is more likely to be possible, antags would be more creative in their missions, people will interact more and no longer in their bubbles of safety, roleplay stories will have actual flavor, characters created and recognized, toxicity dampened and the station more friendly to deal with. Ofcourse this is just my input, the opinion of a normal neutral paradise station player, I don't mean this with any ill intent to other players but this is what I have experienced and felt about roleplay overall. Thoughts?
Thanks guys. Appreciate it
Hey guys, you probably remember me from the art contest a while back, if you don't that's because I am never active on the forums, till now anyway. I am proud to say I designed the current lobby image that you see when logging onto the server as seen here. Introductions aside I decided I wanted to place SS13 Inspired goodies here and here is my second contribution, similar to my first ever submission, I don't know, guess I like the style: Anyway, if you'd like something done, probably character specific, hit me up.
Well that shouldn't be hard to make...Though I don't think I can un grime the poster. I can remove the blood though...
Thankyou, I appreciate the commentary a lot. I am a major fan of the world of Fallout so that explains the influence in my work. I wish I could draw as awesome as some of the artists on here but my hands only know the coordination of a mouse and keyboard . I plan to possibly make more of these types of images in the future, hopefully. Though thanks again for the wonderful commentary, it means a lot.
Sure Why not.
I am looking forward to goofing off and wasting my life behind a computer screen like any millennial would. Ofcourse I also am looking forward to the awesome chaos of each round of Paradise Station. So hi there and let's have fun.
Hey, I am New to Paradise station, not Space Station 13 but to this server, so Tell me what you think! and thankyou Dumbdumn5 for the compliment. Also I just posted here for convenience sake.
So here is my submission, may be a bit late, I suck at drawing but I am handy with photoshop. Hope you enjoy it, had fun making the gif, I also have a non gif form if it's needed. This is a following submission with an edit or two that was suggested.