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About GuiltyBeans

  • Birthday 09/20/1987

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  1. Man I haven't posted here in a while... And it'd have been 5 if I didn't. Oh well!
  2. Nerd, mew. 

    1. GuiltyBeans


      Ams the best nerd!!!

  3. May not be a good idea, but it's something different. I agree with Fox, there's never a time when I have seen it used and not thought to myself "Well, there they go killing themselves again." Though I am not sure why it would be a bad idea. The objective is to cause chaos. And what better way than to throw the no killing/harming each other rule out the window when guns and magic are summoned to do it? The whole objective is to cause chaos. Not kill as many people as possible, and as it stands most wizards, if they want to do something not incredibly memey, have to go high mobility kill mode. Adding the freedom for the crew to choose how they want to use their newfound magic and weapons would add a lot of spice to it. Not every player is going to go ham and kill everyone. Most that I know would rather band together and defend themselves or organize a party to fight the wizard and whoever turns coat and starts killing. If we wanted to make it legit, fluff it as the spell alters the mental state of everyone on station, barring mind shielded people, somehow? I'd also love to see a wiz op thing!
  4. Alright, I plan to start the server up tomorrow night at around the time I mentioned. I have all DLC, all you need is the base game. Anyone wishing to join should say so here one last time so I can count heads, as well as message me on Discord with your steam named unless you don't mind putting them in public view here.
  5. Wow that's a big 5...... Oh, woops...
  6. And of course I am!
  7. The game would run for about two to three hours each time it's played and can be run any weekday! Except Tuesdays! So really it's just whatever day/days work best for all involved!
  8. So, we've wanted to get the community more involved together for a while now. So here's one way to try! Stellaris! First thing, I want to start a server for a fair amount of players here on Stellaris. It would be ran at night, around the time I am normally on, which is 10 PM PDT. Or, Pacific Time UTC -8:00 / -7:00. It will be on normal speed, depending on how many players we have, and if you really want to toss some RP in there, that will be all good! It's fun when you can RP your entire empire! Races can be whatever you want but bonus points to races based off of the ones from Paradise! ? If this turns out good, or flops, I want to also try some Tabletop Simulator games. Maybe like.. Betrayal at House on the Hill! If you are interested just like.. Reply here and we can get something figured out for this week to start it! Also I have all the DLC for Stellaris, minust the Distant Stars DLC, which I will be getting Thursday anyway!
  9. Removing security will in no way improve anything. At that point you would have antags with free reign over the station, especially robust antags, and constant valid hunting. Security would no longer be security, but science would pick up the slack, as well as cargo. You would have scientists with death chems and memes running around hunting antags, with Cargo ordering weapons and armor to do the same. As it was said, it would become a death match. RP would plummet to all time low, as the whole rule of 'Play the role you chose' is just tossed to the wind. As it is we fight against valid hunters because security plays a vital roll. They're a department meant to keep peace and detain threats that pop up on a space station owned by a enormous company. Of course there are issues. Newer players don't know space law as in depth as the veterans and the veterans are so robust that the newer ones generally don't keep up with them, or if they try, get left behind because the robust one goes off on their own while dragging a Beepsky in tow. Shitcurity is a common word tossed around when people get salty as shit about how they are treated by a security officer, 9 time out of 10. Most of the times it's because they are a new player in security trying to learn the ropes. But people get so upset over some minutes of their round that I honestly feel their RP level drops. Why would you honestly get that pissed at an officer? If you aren't doing anything wrong just go with it... Like.. What is it honestly doing to you to cooperate and maybe help the guy arresting you learn? I have noticed, at times, people doing something, such as breaking into the gateway. That IS against space law, and when someone arrests that person for doing it they are slapped with the label of Shitcurity. Because OOCly yeah, fuck, it's not that big a deal. But RP wise... Why? It makes sense for them to arrest someone breaking space law. There's a lot to go on about here, but I don't want to build a wall for people to read. So basically, Security is important. ERT's are only reliable when admins are able to grant them and even then they are filled with the same players that play security some times, and other rolls. Play your role, don't be a greytide and for god fucking sake, if you get arrested don't be the shitter that starts screaming shitcurity because it takes you out of the round for what, 15 minutes? Sometimes being a nice guy when you get arrested will get your time lowered. I should know, I've done it. God I can go on and on with this, already feel like I got off subject somewhere in there..... >:/
  10. This is a good admin guys, great dude.

  11. The fortune teller would be pretty amazing. Make it so using the ball acts as a prayer and allows the admins/gods to give an answer to whatever the teller asks the ball. If no answer is given then they can always come up with something! The hypnotist would be pretty awesome as well, nice RP job that can work alongside the psychiatrist Could even make a traitor specific item for them, a pocket watch/monocle that can actually hypnotize people!.
  12. After nearly being caught, twice, as a vampire.. I decided to shape-shift and flee. Found Slith, who guessed it was me, and ended up making a place to call home. Several times was this home invaded by people, security and civilians alike, but it turned out magnificent.
  13. Beep. Oh... Woops... Sorry!
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