>if you can get past the first set of doors, you can get past this second set
lol nope
I've been allowed to enter medbay before as non-medbay personnel, and I can speak from experience: If you can get through the first set of doors, you can't get through a second set. No one has ever opened up another door for me even in an emergency. I have, on multiple times, tried dragging a corpse into Medbay to get them rdefibbed (Yes this often needs someone to open the medical supply room because some idiot never keeps one near the cryo) or cloned, and one of three things happen everytime:
1) They ignore you completely.
2) They ignore you completely.
3) They try dragging the dead body to the Sleepers like a fuckwit even if ITS FUCKING DECOMPOSING.
I honestly think blocking off Cryo will just lead to more people dying from a critical wound because medbay is too idiotic with doors.
Disclaimer: I only see these things happen on lowpop rounds, oddly enough, but yet on lowpop cooperation is key and adding more obstacles is bad. I also wrote this while a bit tired, so sorrt if I screwed up my rant.