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Everything posted by NTSAM

  1. pfft nerd if you can't handle 50 units of pure ethanol you're in the fucking weeb-level of wimp
  2. what kind of assnerd pours 10-20-30u drinks
  3. I assume it's because it comes from /tg/, and /tg/ didn't have to account for instakills as you can't get roundstart prosthetics and you can't choose any synthetic species. (at roundstart anyways, and they don't die of EMP when I played around with them on Local.) And actually we did make a PR to remove EMPs from them but it got closed because fox said "I'd recommend implementing TG's latest round of balancing for revenants and we see how that plays out before we consider just removing this ability." We haven't done that yet. For fuck's sake. The last PR made that even TOUCHED revenants only added them to game preferences. That was done exactly ONE month ago, and not anything has been done to balance revenants. their literal only instakill spell to my knowledge is EMP, give them more instakill spells that effect everyone instead of a small group if you're really wanting to keep that for fuck's sake. If you won't even bother trying to port the balances or work on making the spell less murderkill for those people, then either give them another killing tool and make them what they never were meant to be (a ghostly killing machine) or remove it and turn it back into what it should be, a minor annoyance that sticks around just to pester the crew. Lings have EMP because they're supposed to be murderers. They're supposed to fuck the situation of the station, they are not just an annoyance.
  4. wow rip lmao
  5. Maybe a rev's EMP can be more like "mysterious vibes" instead of straight-up EMP and it'd affect those with mechanical hearts and IPCs only minorly? As in, say, they both only lock up (as in, make unconscious for like 10 seconds or shit) those guys (due to immense pain in the fleshy dude with the mechanical heart and due to a temporary failure in the IPC's systems) to prevent instakills? I mean, yea, they can still get wasted by the thing but it won't be an insteadeath.
  6. they aren't even fit to be a main
  7. revenants were a mistake a nerf is needed
  8. this is becoming a minichat convo in a thread.
  9. say QT out loud
  10. That vox has one piercing glare. ho shit im scare
  11. again NTSAM is single so just ring him up if you need a qt robot waifu for your qt robot
  12. weegee
  13. is downloading more RAM! forgets to thank mr. skeltal!
  14. 10/5 no regrets amirite
  15. A megathread will work, you may wish to rename the thread so it says Bill's Character List or Louie Staggs (And others) or something so you know you keep multiple things in here. It's up to you, though. I just make different threads myself.
  16. I should have screenshotted that time all my words on comms were comic sans and rainbow text lmao
  17. NTSAM is still single
  18. why the hell would you want a xeno infestation not even 15 minutes into the shift????
  19. Maybe some other time, but yyyyeaaah, we wouldn't be able to handle it atm
  20. Relogging also shows you your objectives if I'm not mistaken.
  21. KEK E E KEK
  22. chocolate golems savor the delicious pain
  23. It makes material golems afaik, IE, salt golems. I think you can even make piss golems.
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