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Everything posted by NTSAM

  1. tasty
  2. holy shit thats some spooky stuff right there
  3. No. Fucking no. I thought this shitty game died. Don't shove that garbage in here, christ What made you think this is a good idea I come here to avoid that cancer, not to be exposed to it even more I want more frightening antags like what Ling was meant to be, but I don't want this. Anything but THIS. I plead you, anything but this wretched shit.
  4. Four cute IPCs wearing fully animated rainbow clothes and sporting a majestic rainbow screen
  5. what does the foxbeast say
  6. I think OP just wants more things to kill violently.
  7. Language is Caniluntz, if that helps.
  8. Mason's the only human that has successfully repaired me ever
  9. Alistair makes me "horn"y
  10. Mason is a 10/10 guy, first non-IPC in a while that knew how to fix me. Also pretty okay in general
  11. oh. Nevermind then.
  12. Grow a wider variety of plants. Don't just grow one at a time. Try to manage all like 6 of them at once and you'll get a lot more biomass. And some plants give out more mass IIRC. Probably not the machine that's broken, it's the plants that are. I managed to get a nice little wallet just by putting all the different seeds into the dirt and growing them and putting all of the first harvests into there.
  13. You can use it for a fun way to pass time. Remove people's clothes when they come by and act like you literally charmed their pants off
  14. I thought that when the shifts were too unpopulated it'd enter "Ghost crew" mode and give all crew a little more access than normal.
  15. Why not just change the desc?
  16. cHRIST
  17. Let me ash you a question here; Do you enjoy making me feel bad for making a suggestion about ash??
  18. I would be okay with this all if they could order mining hardsuits actually I won't tell you how annoying it is to be left without these things when you're a new miner
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