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ZomgPonies last won the day on June 30 2020

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About ZomgPonies

  • Birthday 09/04/1982

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  1. The downside of this is anything that detracts from sec arresting and then processing prisoners leads to calls of shitcurity because someone arrested has to spend 20 minutes from getting cuffed to getting sentenced, and then whatever the punishment is. Giving more tools to the detective is a great idea and if their job becomes involved enough maybe even having a 2nd detective on station at 80+ population, but having all of sec play detective, or giving any excuse for the detective to act like security detracts from the uniqueness of the role.
  2. I insulted the thread, not the players. Let me list the way in which this thread is a dumpster fire: - Pretending like you have any significant degree of support for these changes. - Pretending that even if you DID have significant support, that we'd be forced to enact them. - Cherry-picking miniscule parts of replies to try to validate your points while completely ignoring everything else.
  3. This whole thread is a toxic garbage circlejerk between two players who think they know better than everyone else.
  4. We're already looking at a cyberneticist position that would handle bionic and robotic limb / organ upgrade, implants and the like. This idea is redundant in that context.
  5. I've got a fungal infection for you to clean up
  6. I have the weirdest boner right now.
  7. One possibility is to limit the amount of ACTIVE secborgs during a round. So if there's more than X, the option to choose that loadout doesn't appear to a new borg. If individual sec borgs are OP, then we need to concretely identify the ways they are, and find ways to adjust the power level of the specific module. Removing them completely is throwing the baby out with the bathwater and a terrible knee-jerk reaction to a possibly legitimate concern.
  8. I can't say I support the idea of implementing Pokemon into Paradise. Nevermind the copyright issues, it just doesn't fit the theme at all. The only reason we have ponies at all is because the sprites were just handed to me and it made people mad. They are only used to troll and aren't available outside of adminbus, nor do they have any special code associated with them. If you want to take Paracode as a base and make a full on total conversion to some sort of Pokemon game, then more power to you.
  9. Seems to me the problem is with Science, not the AI/borgs. I'll take a look at Science's balance vs the other nations shortly.
  10. I think I saw a 4 color pen PR on vg or tg or some shit recently. Or maybe Hippie. Christ, I forget.
  11. While the ideas posted here are interesting, as people have said this harkens back to the days of CTF, and we know how that went. I -will- be looking at round-end conditions for nations 2.3, but expect those round-end conditions to have more to do with diplomacy and cooperation rather than objective gathering/greentext hunting.
  12. "Draw me like one of your french androids."
  13. My life is now complete. EDIT: It ALMOST fits in the title screen!
  14. I've got sprites for skinning and wall mounting objects. I'll see what I can come up with.
  15. As an event species? Yes. As a station species? No.
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